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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    When professionals of any profession reach a level in anything they are deemed qualified up to a certain standard. I do not believe that the people originally working on Atlas were the pinnacle of the programming world (that's not meant as a slur on them in any way either). For one it is a breakaway from an ark dlc, and for two if there was such a uniquely skilled programmer, they would probably still be working on Ark. Meaning they would probably still be available in some way. I have a relative who is at the top level in programming, when they applied for the job they have now, there were over 3000 other applicants with almost the same credentials.
  2. 1 point
    Understanding a programming language and understanding how something is programmed is the same thing? Anyone who can read numbers would understand any equatian?
  3. 1 point
    You have to be under 25% weight for full speed I think, or around there. A PvP ship will certainly be top speed with nothing on it but a catapult and some cannons. Very boring meta but speed is key. Yet another reason I dont care if the new boats are less customizable, as the top players dont customize anyways.
  4. 1 point
    Still for some reason you cant give us our boss EXP back but you can give us these fucking stupid ships
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