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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Wouldn't it be great to be able to draw a course for your ship on a map and send it to some island on autopilot and fast travel when it gets there? maybe a feature that allows you to snap to the ship if its being fired upon? i spend lots of time travelling to various islands where nothings happening at sea or i'm carrying a lot of cargo and i'm slow and its just not exciting, i'd much rather be gathering stuff for my next build or doing other things during that time. i'd love to just send my ship to somewhere and fast travel when it arrives. i know there's a risk but it can be mitigated my some magical amulet or something that tells you when your ship is taking damage and prompts you to fast travel or redirect course or something, there's lots of things you could do. i play in PvE-NA so obviously could be different in PvP but even then you could have a 2 ship where you could run your own escort mission.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Looks sooooo piracy! It's like I've watcher Pirates of Caribbean!!! (sarcasm) I mean... we still in the game of sailing, open seas romance, great battles, and adventures, right? Not in "happy farm", "sims" or some king of breeding simulator? Or... devs actually planned so we will play this way - spend 200h. of breeding and then bring army of bears and dinos so they will kill damned magical army for us? (I mean - well done for TS, he did gr8 job, but... the game itself...)
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    This will kill the spirit of the game.
  6. 1 point
    Sort of a good idea, but i'd prob fall asleep though, and find myself sunk when I woke up.
  7. 1 point
    I believe in developers.) I think they will make a game a masterpiece. After all, the potential of the game is huge. The developers are ahead.) You will have a second chance when the game leaves early access. If by this moment you really create an optimized masterpiece - a huge part of the audience will return, taking with them new players.
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