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Taxation is fine there is counter measure I think

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If you don't like the tax just pillar all the land owners resources so nothing spawns he will have to turn it back so no one can build and wait awhile to demolish.  If he turns it back pillar resources again.  Both players lose but eventually they may get the hint.

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9 minutes ago, MrHeid said:

If you don't like the tax just pillar all the land owners resources so nothing spawns he will have to turn it back so no one can build and wait awhile to demolish.  If he turns it back pillar resources again.  Both players lose but eventually they may get the hint.

Or, you know, don't be a dick.

If you don't like living on land that's taxed, you can find somewhere else. We're at 17,5% and have a couple of tribes living on our land. Nobody's complaining. That said, we'll turn the tax rate down/off for certain tribes when we get a chance to do it at a per-tribe basis. I'd never open all our flags to "allow everyone to build". 

Edited by henrik

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I agree.  I wouldn't do it but all these people are complaining when there is an easy retal6for over priced taxis.  17 percent seems fine to me.  Heck 30 percent seems fine as well I'm just telling all the cry babies they have options.

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8 minutes ago, MrHeid said:

If you don't like the tax just pillar all the land owners resources so nothing spawns he will have to turn it back so no one can build and wait awhile to demolish.  If he turns it back pillar resources again.  Both players lose but eventually they may get the hint.

Normally I would say don't be a dick in game but since the land grab system is complete bullshit... BRING FORTH THE ASSHATTERY!

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What people seem to forget is ARK. Don't even have to go that far. Go to a lawless zone! Foundation spam everywhere. And that blocks resources. I'd rather have 70% of something, than 0% of nothing.

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Foundations don't block resources in lawless anymore. I have a rock that constantly re-spawns in the corner of my house that I farm from inside.

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I haven't looked more closely at the tax system/flag system since the update, but didn't I read there was a way to grant/deny access to land?

Seems like if you try pillaring someone's land they can just deny you the right to build there and go demolish your pillars, getting back half the resources in the process (GG giving him free resources). If there are other, happy residents, you're also going to be making collateral damage out of them by blocking THEM accessing resources, which makes this less the Boston Tea Party, and more the equivalent of torching all the shops on the high street to stick it to capitalism... you're not really hurting 'the man', so much as everyone else.


Edited by RyuujinZERO

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3 hours ago, MrHeid said:

If you don't like the tax just pillar all the land owners resources so nothing spawns he will have to turn it back so no one can build and wait awhile to demolish.  If he turns it back pillar resources again.  Both players lose but eventually they may get the hint.

so he removes the option for anyone to build 7 days later he get the land back and all pillars decay , no biggie ......

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The fact that the land is being taxed means that they have claim flags down.  Unless they specifically allow you to build in that area, you can't lay down pillars or foundations.  If they do allow you to build there and you fuck over their resources, than you're a cunt, and they can just revoke your ability to build. Your plan is flawed and wouldn't work, get back on your boat and find your own land.

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