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    Community Poll: Should we merge the PVP servers?

    Ahoy Pathfinders!

    In the continuing effort to communicate and listen to our community,  we'll be posting questions intermittently to get the pulse of the community and integrate their feedback into our future development of Atlas. This week's question is below: 

    Do you want EU PVP and NA PVP realms to be combined into Global PVP? Vote by using the reactions on this post :classic_laugh: (haha)  for yes, 😕(confused ) for no. This new Global PVP will be pc/xbox crossplay.

    This poll will run until December 14th. Thank you for your responses and support!

         :anchor: Final Note :anchor:

    Again, we would like to emphasize that ATLAS is still in Early Access, meaning many things can and will likely continue to drastically change - even in the middle of development. Anything discussed is only up to date as of the moment it is posted. Features and changes that ultimately make it to the next patch, as well as timing, may be different from what was previously discussed. 
    As always, we appreciate the suggestions and feedback from the community. Please keep them coming! Thank you for all of your support! 🙂



    Happy Sailing,

    - ATLAS Crew

    :skull: For the latest dispatch on #playATLAS keep yer one good eye trained on this here information :skull:

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    Edited by ATLAS

    • Like 1
    • Haha 26
    • Confused 5

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    What is the point of a second extended vote? Was the very overwhelming vote on the official discord not enough?

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    Wow this is the first time the Dev Team ask about feedback in this forum in more than 2 years i follow this game. This is amazing and very positive. Unfortunately there will not be much feedback anymore because most players left this forum because they felt like it's useless to participate here. I myself refuse to participate in the Discord Spam channels because that is complete unorganized feedback - spam - trolling etc.

    My opinion is no - because i would expect to have very laggy connections on both sides. I heard about Players in Season 5 joining the NA from Europe and it was quite ok. But with the lags the game has even without the connection lag... Depends on where the servers will be located, or if the Devs can manage to improve the connection for both sides.

    For the amount of Players left it will be good though to migrate the servers. But this is fighting the symptom instead of the real illness.

    Does this question bring me back to Atlas? Most likely not. Even with new Corona lock downs i will most likely not reinstall this game duing this winter. The new updates don't look promissing for me. Yeah it's great to get new stuff(corrugated meat that can be eaten)... but my feedback of the past year here was to improve the added stuff, fix bugs(of this new stuff) and make balance changes in the first place.

    A new map with portals - well no idea about this, i don't know ark... but so far players loosing tames and ships in the portals... map gets smaller in total. It's still all the same islands just placed another way again. What about reducing the mountain heigths of those islands to avoid abuses and silly mechanics like building restrictions for defenses and glider nerf(which i think is a good mechanic). Players need islands with natural bays that can be a good basis for a protected harbor without massive structure spam.

    What about BP changes to avoid balance issues with level 60 ships and cannons with 350% damage, useless mid tier BPs(grey or mystical only) etc. (drop rate/reduced crafts)... land defenses are pretty useless against ships. What about changing the repair kit costs and the stupid usage mechanic of those. If you play a brig you only need to repair the upper planks, in the new ships you have to run through this small decks and search the damaged planks... risking to sink in 1 minute when 2-3 on different decks are leaking or destroyed. What about barrels on ships? Made so many Players quit the game and no fun to fight on the sea. What about Player customization of the new ships - structur limits everywhere, not allowed to place cannons on front or rear etc.? What about the nerfed farmhouse every player(group) now needs 4-5 diverse farms for less output(Most likely PVE issue only, PvP it would be better QoL so). Gold costs for ships, especially the Shooner still no like from my side. Lot's of bugs around trades(routes unfinished), farmhouse, warehouse etc. Can you now cancel a trade and reactivate later without the need of destoying the market? Building restirction radius instead of working on the basis of an overall island counter. There are so many issues around this game and all the new stuff added from Season 4 starting like Claim Towers that still offer no protection in lawless but allow others to steal your base etc. The trade islands and the buff structures that caused massive issues and got removed because of all those bugs again. This list could go on for a while but i think i have written about all this here already.

    So please Devs. If you want to make this game a Success aiming for a realease in maybe 2023 you should keep up with asking the community for feedback and checking this forums for lot of great ideas or even small but good suggestions.

    Edit: Quite funny to have a look into the steam forum too. There are still many new Players and all they ask there is questions about bugs and issues with the game that exist since beginning, got never adressed and cause very much players to leave because they can't play. Still selling the game with tag Single Player and unfinished Blackwood DLC.

    Edited by Nacona

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    You can't  keep the server's  from lagging  out and you want to cause more lag not trying  to run people  off are you. To be honest  you  only had a totally  of 800 players I'm  sure it will be way less now just sell the game rights to a real  gaming  company 

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    I once played on the official servers myself and, given the small number of players, I think the merging is very good. But because the small company hardly had a chance, I prefer to use the unofficial server. Well why are you putting so much effort into the official server. I think there is more power in the dedicated server, e.g. improve the grid editor, create better wiki. Create a server manager tool and many other things.



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    how do you feel about making chat global (all zones) or zone specific (expl. africa/africa, north pole/north pole, rookie cove/rookie cove) so people can talk over more grids with eachother


    how would it fit?, i would say the communication would be better

    i am sure it has some downsides aswell, but we will never see them without testing it


    and yes i know there is discord and others, not everyone is using it tho.

    i like to do stuff ingame, like trading in ark, i've never bought smth on discord or traded anything there, its not organic enough for me xd

    Edited by photek

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    Would love to give feed back but i can't play on official server i appreciate you fixing that problem first then i can give good info it just feels like Xbox is being ignored


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    Game is still unplayable on Xbox 

    Can't stay logged into the game



    Can not log in. Stuck in c2 top right island been over 12 hiurs

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    I Would love to give feed back but i can't play on official server i appreciate you fixing that problem first then i can give good info it just feels like Xbox is being ignored


    This is last chance people are leaving for good 

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    I don't care what you add i am ready to call it quits nothing works yet you add broken ships, but still no map now you add new dessert still game crashes. Fix before you add more what is wrong with you people you ask what we want most of the player you haven't run off tell you fix the  game that's what we want

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    Just because we are about to get next wipe arrival, just wanna do small request. Hey, DEVs, please-please-please announce wipe time and most important - aprox time when new servers are UP! Don't make us stay awake for whole night, waiting for the information! Thanx!!!

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    On 12/10/2021 at 9:12 AM, Nacona said:

    Wow this is the first time the Dev Team ask about feedback in this forum in more than 2 years i follow this game. This is amazing and very positive.

    let me rephrase that, after 2 years of ignoring TONS of feedback, this is the first time they come up with the idea of pretending to care about player's feedback at all.

    this is, in the end, just the perfect way to excuse the deletion of 1 of the 2 pvp servers to lower the game's maintenance costs, however what i find incredible is that people has the lack of diginity needed to keep playing this game in its current state even after its continuos wipes, but i guess thats just people being people.

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