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Everything posted by Phantomstrk

  1. Another great idea with piss poor implementation. So magically on the NA PVE server, players can loot your stuff as soon as you die, like instantly. And then not only that, you spawn it on 1 island with a narrow passage way that had companies blocking people from getting back to their stuff so they could loot it for themselves. If you don't want PVE servers then you should just make them PVP and be done with it. The amount of PVP griefing that occurs on PVE servers is amazing, and yet, there is still no ingame admins or seer's to keep an eye and react to this type of greifing. Very very hard to stay on the side of the dev's when everytime we turn around, the PVE server is becoming more and more PVP by the day.
  2. welp...that's been a waste of time then since the server came up trying to sail over there.... thx for the update though, at the rate the slow winds and 1000X cold damage that's occuring, it'll probably be fixed by the time i get there.
  3. It's no time when you consider the fact that you should only of been able to do that if the owner has been away from the claim for 72 hours..atleast that's how it was supposed to work. However the system is broke, it's a joke. Chances are the player just left the claim to explore the world, and won't get back in time and will lose everything...
  4. They have no intention of fixing this. They have 0 idea of how they want to implement it, and their "fix" to date does nothing...they won't respond to posts or tweets about it... So unless you are playing 24/7 or sharing your account so someone is always on your plot, expect to lose it.
  5. yes the actual flag owner has to be there...once the owners flag is gone, then anyone can contest the person trying to claim the land but by that point it's public land
  6. Bottom line, they don't work. Apparently the 72 hour protection is only for the first 72 hours the owner places the flag, after that, unless you camp on the claim, then someone can start contesting it and in 30 mins they will own your claim and whatever was on it. Having structures on the land does nothing to stop someone, only having a person from your company on the claim can stop a steal, but the owner is the only one that can reverse the contest as long as they get there before the owners flag drops completely. So the game of exploration is now all about staying on your plot and not going anywhere, ever, because the moment you do, you will lose your stuff if you can't get back in time, or if you sleep, or log out. Unless you log out on your claim, then that means you are abandoning any other ones you have.
  7. it's because someone has claimed your flags and it is now their's....the pve land claim is broken...if you are offline for 30 mins they can steal your stuff.
  8. 72 Hour countdown in PVE Claim flags are not being refreshed when the owners or company members are visiting the claim areas. Land is becoming contestable, even though owners are visiting the flags and refreshing the timers, which they can't see if they are actually being refreshed. This is leading to players losing land claims as the timer counts down to 0 and the land becomes contestable even though the claims were visited multiple times.
  9. It was a new flag that was placed after the 72 hour patch came in. As i said in my post, that's how we got the land in the first place, another flag decayed out after 72 hours, and we placed ours. So again, the system doesn't work. Also, where was the post from the dev's stating this had to be done ? I've asked numerous times on twitter and gotten 0 response from them.
  10. I'm going to keep your post. Can you tell me where you are in the world, so when you log in tomorrow i can have all your stuff. Since land claim is so broken, even if you are sleeping on your claim it can be stolen out from underneath you. And when i do that to you tonite, like it was done to me last night, i want to have your post as reference to see if you are so understanding then when one of the core design features of the game isn't working and they won't respond to any posts about it.
  11. So to start, I’ve played Ark for a long long time and I am a big fan of this developer. But right now the PVE Claim system just like the rest of Atlas is broken, and that is a serious problem for anyone who is trying this game out, as Land Claim and the system is at the heart of how you get started in this game. The first problem Is that players and Companies have an unlimited supply of claim flags, which is beyond understanding. There should be a cap on the number of claim flags a player can place without having a previous land claim becoming unclaimed and open if they want to place it. There are a couple of ways you can cap this, either by limiting the amount of flags a player can place per grid coordinate, or by a total cap for the world. Right now you have solo players capping islands totally for themselves. The biggest issue, however, is the claim flag system and the supposed “72 hour timer”. I say supposed because it does not work or is so unreliable that you are better off assuming that it doesn’t work at all. This means if you want to keep the progress you have made, you will have to stay online 24/7 as you must be the one to refresh your claim flag, a company member’s presence won’t refresh your claim flag…we’ve tested it…. has to be the flag owner. Here is an example. We had flags placed since the 72-hour window came into effect. Owners visit all their flags when they log in for the day and before we log out for the night we revisit all the flags. However, when I woke up this morning, I found that 2 of my flags that I had placed and visited last night before I logged off (approx. 8 hours before) the land had been stolen. How is that possible, given that the 2 flags I’m talking about here were placed after the 72-hour window came into effect. That’s how we got them in the first place. As a result, we have lost an amazing amount of progress because we had a lot of assets in that area that are now gone. Land Claim and the decay system are at the core of the game. It’s a pillar of the progression system that sets you up to be able to explore the world, test the systems, see the environment, etc. When this system is fundamentally broken / not working, then really they might as well just wipe the servers every night, because that’s the risk you run when you log out for the day now, you run the risk that your stuff can be stolen in 30 mins, even though the “72 hour system” is supposed to be in effect. The rest of atlas has a lot of issues and while it’s early access, if the development team can’t fundamentally and properly put in place the system which makes up one of the core pillars of the game, then the game should be taken back down, and they should ensure that this get’s fixed before they have had players waste time and effort playing their game. This isn’t an example of a bug where a ghost ship couldn’t be damaged, or they weren’t spawning, this is a massive issue where your progress in the game is wiped out and can be wiped out in 30 minutes, because they can’t implement a claim system properly. I’ve been a huge supporter of this developer since Ark. Bought ark when it first came out, and while there were bugs with that on launch, there was nothing about the core of the game that was at issue. In Atlas, the biggest challenge I’ve had is rolling the dice every morning and logging in to see if we still have our progress from the day before or have the players managed to steal and grief on a PVE server. It’s amazing that the Dev’s are so quiet on this issue, you can hear a pin drop. They won’t respond because they know the system is busted, they have 0 idea how to fix it, so they would rather ignore it. For a moment I thought they were owned by Activision Blizzard, as they do the same thing. Claim system should be as follows: Players get 2-3 Claim flags per zone or total overall. Companies get a max claim flag per zone overall or a tiered system depending on how many persons in the company, but even then so many flags per zone. Because the point of the game is exploring so you want to build outposts, and need some flags to do that. Land Claim area should not allow another flag to be placed down if the circumference of the land claim would intersect or overlap with an existing land claim of another tribe. This might mean there would be “unclaimed” gaps between land claims but so be it. That would be “tax free” areas in a sense. Upkeep of land claims should require resources which can be paid to the claim and the resources required would increase based on the required upkeep depending on how many flags you have placed. Any company member should be allowed to pay this upkeep. Reason for this, if you go on vacation for 2 weeks, you don’t want to come back and see all your stuff gone. Unless Atlas is saying they want people sharing their account info with others in order for friends to keep their claim flags refreshed. Claim flags should not be allowed to be placed in floating barrels in the water beyond a certain range from shore. While deep water is required for the construction of some vessels, having land claim flags out in the middle of the ocean is silly at best. Need to re-adjust this. Allow Alliance members to build on land claims that can be designated as Alliance build friendly, and allow the option if you are in multiple alliances to set which alliance you want to allow to build in there. This would promote making land available to newer players who may come in once a lot of land is taken, and players could “tax” those new players for living on their land. Companies could create “new player” alliances that allow members to build on claims they authorize. Without some immediate and serious corrections to both the Land Claim decay rate issue and Land Claims overall, the amount of negative press because of core issues like this in this game will override any hopes of positive PR they hope to get going forward. I really hope they turn it around, but evidence has shown they aren’t really interested in getting to the heart of this issue….
  12. Yes it can still happen. If the person isn't there or they don't have a body there, you plant the claim flag and it will begin contesting their claim. Sometimes it takes 10 mins, sometimes it take 1.5 hours. As long as they don't have a body there or come back in range, you will be able to steal the land on PVE server.....because it was done to us... Your test had you contesting i suspect when the land owner you were trying to steal was close or had logged out on the claim. Try this, have a friend of yours log in and come to your claim and wait for you to leave and have no one else from your company on your claim, then have them place the flag, i bet you it will count down and take your land...because that's the test we did earlier, and we took land from someone who had a claim...but we gave it back because it was a test and they were kind enough to help us out.
  13. So wanted to respond here as we just tamed our first wolf. Firstly, you can create a taming pet with gates and walls. That is what we did. we built 2 stone gates with doors on them, ran a wolf in there and had walls with windows in them. For the windows you press T as you are placing a wall and you can cycle through different wall types. Then we built a stair on the outside of the taming pet and a ceiling out over the side of it so we could stand on it. So not sure why you can't protect yourself. Make out of stone and you'll be fine. The way bola taming works is you have to get the create down health wise to a low level so you can tame it. Then once you bola it at low health it "knocks out" and a bola timer starts which shows you how long it will be before it wakes up. So what you do is you feed it until you get close to the bola timer ending, then go back on the ramp and you have to work it down to low health again and then re-bola it. Work it down to low health with bow and arrow taking non head shots. I will agree that Ark had a way better taming system then what i see here. I do see what they are trying to accomplish but there should be a way to "tie down" the tame or something like that instead of having to chase it all over hells half acre to bola it if you don't have a taming pen or are somewhere that you can not build one.
  14. Not at all. If the ship is out in open waters and after an applicable timer for the claim then yes it should if you have specialized I. Piracy. But if the ship is manned or at your base or within your claim area then no, it can’t be. And again maybe not not an option for PVE but again the real issue is the land claim problem.
  15. But i do think there should be something to lay claim to a ship at sea, like a ship claim flag, that does have a good contest feature in it. I've heard there is something down in the piracy tree and if it does that then that makes sense on PVE, unless your boat is inside your claim area "safe at your dock" then it can't be stolen, but otherwise if you are out exploring and someone sneaks up on it and tries to pirate it and take it, then yes that should be a thing...very sea of thieves like.. But as to my initial post, in no way should what is occurring with land claim contesting continue...because you will never get to a galleon now that everyone is going out contesting with unlimited land claim flags.
  16. So I’ve been a fan of this company going back to ARK early access. They had a lot of issues then as well, but I stayed with them, and enjoyed ARK a great deal. Even ran my own server for awhile for my guild. The game right now has a some very serious flaws regarding land claim and ownership. Currently, atleast on PVE anyway, there is no limit on how many flag claims you can place. One person can claim most of an island themselves if not all of it, just as long as they can place claim flags and have it claim faster then the next person. The biggest issue is that on a PVE server you can steal someone’s claim and all their progress in 10 minutes. Our company spent several hours last night getting to an island, getting setup. We had a small little house going, had the forge and the smithy, and just placed a dock and started a sloop building before we called it a night. A little while later one of our company members logged back on to find he was dead and that he couldn’t re-spawn at our base location. This was because someone else had claimed the base and in doing some testing, it was discovered that you can claim someones progress on a PVE server in 10 minutes just by placing a flag there and contesting the claim. If no one is online from that company to come to the flag and reverse the contest, then you can take all of their land, their progress, etc and make it your own. I have to wonder after seeing this happen to us, why the dev’s thought an Atari like experience when it came to land placement was the way to go. In Atari, there was no save game, so once you shut off the console you were done. This is exactly what is occurring here now, you log off and if no one is on, then you can steal their stuff if you place a claim in 10 minutes. The game is supposed to be played by companies that never sleep ? That never go explore, as someone always has to be standing on the claim flags to stop contesting from happening ? They need to fix this ASAP. This is a bad design implementation if intentional, or a serious bug if not. I would propose: PVE: · Limit claim flags to 2-3 total. When you try and place 4th you get warning that your first flag will unclaim and that the land around it will be claimable or no longer yours. · Land Claims should have a 7 or 14 day decay timer set on them. Decay timers starts once the company member who placed it logs off and continues until they log on again where it would refresh at that point and not start again until they log off. Once the decay timer completes, you can place a claim flag and after the 10 minutes, even if the owner logs back on. PVP: · Limit claim flags to 2-3 total. When you try and place 4th you get warning that your first flag will unclaim and that the land around it will be claimable or no longer yours. · Land Claims should have a 7 or 14 day decay timer set on them. Decay timers starts once the company member who placed it logs off and continues until they log on again where it would refresh at that point and not start again until they log off. Once the decay timer completes, you can place a claim flag and after the 10 minutes, even if the owner logs back on. · A players structures or base gains a “timeout” shield for an hour after they log off preventing structure damage. After that structures are able to be damaged or destroyed, but the land can’t be claimed (see land decay point above). If the player logs in during the “timeout” period the shield immediately drops. I am extremely disappointed to wake up this morning and find all of our progress from yesterday wiped out, in 10 minutes. The fact that someone can do this on a PVE server is beyond imagination. There is in essence no way to establish or save your progress unless you have a company of hundreds who are always on and can instantly respond to every claim flag if it’s contested and get there in 10 minutes. It would be my hope that a dev can respond and comment on this issue and advise if it is intended design. Do they dev’s really want players waking up each day starting back at square one ? Do they really want us gaining progress by stealing someone elses on PVE Server. Boats should be sunk, I think players when they die if they don’t get back to their loot (pvp or pve) then after a corpse timer that bag should be lootable by any player, not just the owner as a way to take what you have on your back, but to be allowed to completely steal someone’s progress because they have to sleep and do so in 10 minutes, is very very bad design.
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