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Everything posted by Wushi

  1. Would love to see that oil lamps that are on boats would be fueled by the oil that is in the resource box, it's very tedious to run around and gather all lamps once they break and refill them and also remember which lamp goes where.
  2. Tried now to change my DNS to cloudflare but didn't resolve my problem unfortunately, thx for the video anyway!
  3. Interessting idea, how would you deal with PVE ships parking at harbour entrances and blocking pvp ships from driving out in order to sink attacking compamies ships so they cant respawn with gear when they are besieging a island?
  4. ok so how does one go about using it?
  5. How long does it take for you BOOMERVONCANNO before your ping goes down to playable ping? For me it's between 10-15min until it's down to 40 where I normally lies.
  6. I posted before about this and might as well share the info in this thread too in hope that the devs see's it. At the start was this not an issue for me until one patch around end of may start of june came and then everything got majorly screwed for me. It cant be server related the 255 ping problem. When traveling to a new server, my partner who sits on a different computer right next to me (using same internet) doesn't have this issue at all but i have 255 in ping for about 10 min before my ping goes down to 30-40. I tried to make a clean installation of Atlas on the SSD I use for games and that didn't help neither, have also tried validating my files and that is also ineffective. When I try to log in or travel to a different server is it just a Russian Roulette game for me if I crash getting "FATAL UE4 ERROR" or if I actually manage to travel/log in and can play. So frustrating to not be able to trust the game, im basiclly stuck on the same server all the time and can not go anywhere and dont know if I can log in or not.
  7. Im having the same issue since June, can't travel to different grids because each time I cross the border I first crash (Fatal error) and then after validating files I can spawn back in and have 255 in ping for 15min before it goes down to 30.
  8. You need to learn to be more adaptive, just because something is meta doesn't mean that it suits in all situations. Just Like Kilonkasio has done you have to adapt the "Meta" so it suits your situation better - if enemies are far away you just simply have to spec your ship different and all of the sudden you can reach them and guess what!? You will actually be faster than your opponents and can all of the sudden intercept them and you can dictate the pace of the fight since they are heavier than you. The claim you can't even place a FOB just simply is a sign of that the way you are doing it is wrong and you have to do it different, read more on guerilla warfare - you might find some good tips and ideas from that kind of fighting so you know how to successfully install a FOB.
  9. They are actually not speaking about removing it - just simply reducing the duration of slack/bad wind. Would really like a reduction of that duration or increased minimum speed during these weather phases.
  10. So wierd this 255 ping when traveling to a new server, my partner who sits on a different computer right next to me (using same internet) doesn't have this issue at all. I tried to make a clean installation of Atlas on the SSD I use for games and that didn't help neither. When I try to log in or travel to a different server is it just a Russian Roulette game for me if I crash getting "FATAL UE4 ERROR" or if I actually manage to travel/log in and can play. So frustrating to not be able to trust the game, im basiclly stuck on the same server all the time and can not go anywhere and dont know if I can log in or not.
  11. I have never had this problem before, but today after the patch they brought out during the night between 27th & 28th of may I got this issue. I have 255 in ping for about 5minutes meanwhile my co-sailer who sits on a different PC on the same network is having no problems at all. If I restart the game then the moment my char is loaded and I start hearing sound I crash and cant log back in untill I have verified my steam files: funnily enough each time is 1 file that failed and will have to be reacquired.
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