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  1. like most pvp/pve games if they stay in the vacinity for too long, there ships flags too pvp and it can be attacked. if there at a pvp harbour it wouldnt be too hard to do a check distance to pvp structure(this feature is already in the game). say within 20 meters or so. the devs could also create a pve ship dock, so if the ship is at the dock it wont flag pvp, its within its safe zone. but seeing as we already have a structure zone system, ie cant place foundation to close to an enemies, it would be hard to use it as a way to block a pvp harboura a pve structure could have an increased zone size radius vs pvp enemy structure say 1.5x .
  2. i thought of that already, a totem style land system ie 20x20x20 meters. have a non mans land area where pve players cannot build. it wouldnt be hard for the devs to allow certain areas for pve players to build, dont forget at some point we get flying ships so it wouldnt matter at that stage.
  3. the idea is the only way to trade is by using the auction house, with a set price value, so a pve group could trade via auction, but you could set a timer, so it takes time for the traded resources to arrive, no instant resources as your thinking. the pve player would need to sail the resources to a auction house, ie at a freeport, and the same in return for the pvp player. lets say he trades 100 grenades, the auction would have a set value, 50g per item, so it would cost 5000g to purchase the 100 grenades, a pvp player would need to sail and pay for the grenades, the gold would be flagged as pvp as it would need to be gathered by a pvp player, then used to buy from auction house, it would convert to pve via the trade, auction house would take a cut, so creating a sink of gold and time. you could also set a daily trade limit aswell. the great news is the dev already have a store concept, just taking it too a better game mechanic.
  4. globy the important part is where resources gathered are flagged to pvp or pve depending on character selection their non tradeable between, but an auction house with set prices would protect the abuse of pvp using pve as an exploit with trading. and its not different that much, gathering resources is intricate to both styles, but solo and pve group have a non attack so free to enjoy and mix with the rest of the community.
  5. why does the game need a wipe, it has systems in place to remove inactive player stuctures. it would allow solo-small groups to play together without fear of large corps. they could still contribute by living on a pvp corps land paying taxes. the island would have more life as right now its just one corp per island and in some cases one corp per tile.
  6. currently your separating you player base, this is no reason you need to do this and i will explain. player vs player vs environment. at character creation, have a select-able character creation toggle of either pvp or pve. 1. a pve character is invulnerable, can settle on any island, but cannot own an island(which is really a pvp function). any resources gathered by a pve character has the pve toggle added to it, and only pve characters can use the materials, not trad-able to pvp, or a pvp character cannot gather or pick this materials as its flagged to pve. anything built by a pve character is invulnerable, but has decay timers like normal if said pve player is offline longer than normal, ie abandoned. limit the pve players build area with a plot of land system ie 20x20x20 meters(so you cant create and invulnerable island wall) alot of games use a totem to set a place to build around. limit the size of a pve corp to a small number ie 1-5. have an auction house, so pve characters can safely trade for gold or materials/tames, have a price protection so an item has a strict value set by developers. keep the abuse of a pve character minimal. a system like this would allow a single players to get a solo experience or a safer experience suitable to there needs, free of pvp. be able to live in a mmo, part of a community, there gathering would contribute to the island owner, ie 30% tax most islands are set too, the island would be able to host its settlers free from corp pvp. 2. a pvp character is able to own islands, fight and capture or destroy anything pvp, not able to trade with pve unless threw the auction house. a pvp character can harvest and gather with items flagged as pvp, which means non tradable to pve, and up for grabs like normal with spoils of war. an island owner if need can evict a pve player if nessesary but cannot gather the pve players resources. a system like this would allow both worlds to live side by side in the same server.
  7. i completely agree with op, not sure of the direction of this title at the moment.
  8. after fast traveling i rubberband to the point i cant play. the only way to solve this issue is to kill my character. restarting client doesnt work. restarting pc doesnt work.
  9. completly agree, the visor is so large it even blocks 3rd person, i went to the bottom of the ocean a few times, but its barren, nothing but seaweed.
  10. i started on a lawless island due to the congestion, it would be nice to see an icon representing freeports so i could navigate and trade at free ports. it would also be nice to be able to set an icon the whole company could see as its difficult to describe locations of interest to your fellow members.
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