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Everything posted by Remo

  1. While its not explicitly stated i think they are making the first crack at kracken much easier, so that a small company can do it, maybe even solo it with a gal or brig. Thats why they made a new set of underwater power stones, that kracken will probably be as hard as the present one is. The first one will probably just be a grind for the surface powers stones with an easyish kacken fight.
  3. Getting rid of the mountain peaks would definitely increase the amount of useful land to build on, some tiles are islands that are 50 90 % not buildable on. Given that land is such in demand, this would solve a big chunk of this problem. (and yes i know you can build there its just not really feasible, who wants to start transporting 10k mats up and down 50 ladders and then the pets etc)
  4. well so far player numbers are the same as yesterday, before the announcement , 9000 ish peak yesterday same today. I get some people are going to rage quit because of this. I just wish people who do would stop stating that everyones gonna quit because you want to quit.
  5. Dont know if u can before you place it down , but i do know that if you place a pillar under an existing one , the shipyard wont allow you to build a ship in it. it says something like shipyard obstructed cannot build boat.
  6. While i agree refilling is a small pita, i think devs want it this way, they dont want every ship lit up like a xmas tree, why? Because light is very render intensive. Imagine the lag in golden ruins if every ship abandoned there glowed until inventory ran out with 10 or more lights each, then add the griefers that would add a couple hundred+ on just one galleon ....
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