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Everything posted by DarthAsterix

  1. I am so tired of having these shipbuilding problems over and over again. I simply do not have the time to build a gallione in one piece, especially not if it is a gallione made of mystical components. It cannot be that every time I have to log out I can throw my ship to be trashed at the same time because I cannot continue building when I log in again. https://prnt.sc/qkngzy As you can see here, the component requires a foundation in the middle of the ship! It is impossible to continue building, even setting up walls and pillars does not help! https://prnt.sc/qknhd6 As you can see very nicely here. And I'm slowly wondering what this crap is all about! It can't be that I can put walls and pillars, but the game doesn't let me place ceilings. The ship decks should actually act as foundations, but that doesn't work! The laying of foundations on the ship decks does not work because it is forbidden or there are no locking points for it! In addition, you have to place so many components in the whole tinkering that the structure limit is exceeded immediately! And why - quite simply - you try to remove the walls and pillars again, if you have succeeded in placing ceilings, everything collapses again! Honestly - what's the nonsense? Do you want to drive us crazy? Early access game or not, if you already pay for something like that, then you can expect such bugs to be fixed promptly and not after years! You have a lot to do with security, but the construction menus, especially the shipbuilding menu is the central pivot, so you can expect that mistakes will be corrected in a timely manner! As a player, I have no desire to wait months or years to finish building my ship. We already had this number at ARK, we don't need it either! Fix it there, no matter how you do it! From my point of view you can put foundations in the hull or on the ship's decks, or you build the ship's decks in such a way that they count as foundations or whatever - the main thing is that you finally solve this problem and the timeliness! One thing is clear if this problem continues for a longer time you will get a negative review on Steam from me that has washed up! It can't go on like this!
  2. I found a nice blueprint for a large mystical shipyard here. 383% durability. But I can't build it because I don't have the space for the necessary material in the forge. I currently have 141 places out of 150, but I need at least 32 places to build the shipyard. The material for the shipyard needs 177 places in the smithy. See the screenshot. You should either increase the building sites of the forge from 150 to 250, or limit the materials needed for the blueprints so that you do not need more than 150 places in the arena for the production. https://prnt.sc/qhiu7o Lightshot Link
  3. Hello developer, It's Christmas and the frustration in your game continues to grow. Many allegedly resolved bugs are still there. Many problems in the game are constant companions and you really don't react. Why am I writing this to you now? Quite simply it is time that you finally understand that certain problems and mistakes mean that the players do not spend their time on the sea as you wish. 1) The weather, in almost every grid the game is the same. First a heat wave, then a storm, then fog, then a cold front and then everything from the beginning again. And that every day! The wind turns very often - 2 to 3 times a day and in 50% of the cases you have less than 1 cm of wind. Whatever the wind strength is supposed to be, I feel it as a constant calm. If I barely have wind to sail, I don't really want to be at sea. 2) Ships of Demand - dear Devs - if the Ships of Demand appear in front of me, I don't want to live on the sea, I can't be sure that I won't be sunk when I come online. 3) Loading spaces of the ships - I don't know what you were thinking, but a galleon with 74 panks has only one loading space including its own weight of 30,000! The armament alone, and the necessary repair material and crew required a Gallione 20,000 load space. If the galleon then still has standard values, you can forget about sailing, it is simply too slow, then there is some consumables etc., then the gallione quickly consumed up to 25,000 cargo spaces and is then much too slow, especially with the very often occurring wind of 1 cm and less. Who wants to be at sea with 2 to 3 knots so that they are only victims for every group of the Ships of Demend? I don't - that's why I don't want to live at sea. 4) Ship armament - In general, I ask myself why I cannot place the lathe on the ship or rather only with appropriate tricks ?! A lathe was a standard armament of the ship which was mounted on the railing of the ships to fire at the crew of other ships and ships. 5) Ship armament especially for the Gallione - why is the Gallione missing the cannon hatches for the hunters and the anti-hunters cannons? Normally, I should be able to block cannons so that I can shoot cannons in the direction of travel forward (hunter cannon) or backwards (anti-hunter cannon). Even if the number of planks of the Gallione has to be increased, this is definitely a low price for a reasonable ship armament. 6) Buildable structure doors on the ship and the number of structure structures that can be installed on a ship - There are things that are generally missing, things that you cannot place and far too few structures that you can set, which leads to a gallion that only leads to limitations can build beautiful ships. For example, a cargo hatch is missing in order to be able to close the access to the ship's belly and at the same time to enable access to the ship's belly with appropriate animals. Half vertical walls are missing to close the gaps in the plank area to the set wall. There are no snap-in points on the railing for turning bases, stairs and ramps. Half-height ramps are missing to make it easier to get over the railing. There are no ship decks that offer a wider border. Currently there are only closed ship decks or open ship decks with a narrow 1/2 ceiling width. This cannot be used as a cannon deck because I then have to add many ceilings. A ship cannon deck is missing here, which has a 1.1 / 2 ceiling wide border to be able to set up cannons. It would also be important that the wooden gate 2x2 can be installed on a ship (Gallione). And last but not least, the number of structures that can be installed should be increased. I do not know how other players are doing here, but I am stealing with my Gallione at the construction limit! I cannot secure my walkways on the Gallione because I cannot install enough railings. This means that the height of the rear wall cannot be used sensibly, and no sensible transitions to the railing can be built. Or that you can only build ugly ships that almost only consist of ramps. 7) Eur Islands - At first I always thought that it was the player structures on the islands that were responsible for the loading time breaks, for example when driving over the grid boundary. But that was wrong. The problems are caused by the islands themselves. Even on grids on which no player has built there are increased loading times, even if I walk on an empty island that is in sight, I have these increased loading times. Conclusion - The loading space of the Galleons should be increased by approximately 10,000. The buildable structures on ships should be increased. Missing or non-obstructable wooden structures should be inserted and made obstructable. Missing points for anchoring structures should be retrofitted to the ships. The weather system should be decertified and better adapted to the regions, there should also be days and nights without changing the weather. And so on. Oh yes and swimming in the water especially if you want to climb the rope ladder should finally be improved. It makes no sense that as a swimmer I am not able to swim with a ladder. Or more precisely that when swimming with a swimming train you swim 30 or 40 meters forwards, left, right or backwards. I can no longer count how many times I've been eaten by the shark because I couldn't swim the rope ladder properly.
  4. I think these sails are a good addition to the game. For example, you could add them to the figureheads. So you could buy this for gold (or hope for better blueprints). But that alone is not enough for me. I also think that the masts have really earned shrouds so you can climb into the crow's nest (the lookout) without having to lose valuable ship structures on rope ladders. In addition, we not only need the previous open ship deck, but also a half-open ship deck around a wooden ceiling wider border has. So you can also save shipping structures. It has happened to me several times now that I am pushed to the Struckturlimit and many things had to leave to build weight structures on the ship or could expand. In addition, it would be nice for the Galions if you could get not only the headsail but also the mounted below the figurehead Galionssegel. That would enhance the look of the ships and reinforce the feeling of being on a Galione.
  5. No - no PvP Zones on PvE Server - if you like to play PvP then go on to a PvP Server.
  6. I have the same problem and can explain why it occurs and when it happens. It occurs as soon as you leave the game after setting the open deck, or when you die. As soon as one of them enters the game, the game no longer recognizes the open deck as a foundation, making it impossible to set structures. The fact that the open deck is no longer recognized as a foundation is because the border of the open deck is too narrow. To get around this bug you have to do two things. 1) Tear off all affected structures again. 2) Tear off the affected open deck. Then you reset the deck and builds all structures at once without a break finished. You can not die or leave the server, otherwise the mistake is back. And, if you lose structures on the open deck, you may not be able to reset them. Then you have to proceed as described above. To the developers, this problem could possibly be solved by widening the border of the open deck by a blanket. and the top of the deck closes for a length of 3 to 4 ceiling. In any case, these areas are closed by ceiling used by anyone who uses the open deck.
  7. hello together, I also came to expand and beautify my new galleon to the limits of Struckturlimits. I built my galleon with 4 full decks and 2 decks as a border. The bottom deck was a full deck, the second from below was a rim for the cannon deck, the third from below was again a full deck (because it is the ship's main deck and deck), the fourth deck from below was the second deck as a border (to get a better access to the lower decks) The fifth and sixth decks from below were again full of decks. For the two decks, which were built in only as a border, you have to build ceilings to build up the cannons, or to cover the cannons and thus have a catwalk. The incorporation of ceilings increases the number of installed structures enormously. If you then want the stairs that are necessary to get into the respective decks, add railing then there are even more built Struckturen. If you then want to add a railing on the edges and the edges of the Struckturlimit is almost used up, a few walls and doors and a few bodies and / or guns more and the Struckturlimit is exceeded even before the ship is finished. A part of this can be avoided by widening the edges of the deck, for example, around the width of a ceiling. Here you should then completely closed the tip of the bow on a length of 3 or 4 blankets. That would save a lot of structures and at the same time improve the individualisation of ships. You should also increase the limit of structures. That would help many players build better and nicer ships.
  8. I do not think it's funny anymore what we're supposed to do with breeding animals. The giraffes and elephants freeze at 22:30 clock in time to at 2:30 clock in the morning. And from 12:30 to 16:00 in the afternoon, it is generally too hot! And all that regardless of the ambient temperature and regardless of the weather. It is as good as meaningless whether the young animals are in the house or on land or in the water. First comes the influence of the time and only then the influence of weather conditions. If I have a heat wave before 16 then this affects the animal, after 16 o'clock it can have 57 ° C that does not matter to the animal! I've lost more than 20 baby animals because it's too cold for them from 11:00 pm in the morning and too hot after 12:00 in the evening. Building with the big walls is just as pointless as building a house around the house, the temperature stays the same inside and out! If it is 18 ° C outside then it has 18 ° C inside! While the player gets a house buff, the baby animals get none of it. It does not isolate the house, nor does it heat the house to a through temperature. You write in your patch notes and announcements that you want to optimize the game for single players and small groups. Then do something for it, the I notice nothing of it! I can not sit down 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, just to keep 1 in 10 or 20 baby animals alive! It should be a game that is fun and not a game that replaces my workplace. Finally do something that you can breed his animals in a reasonable way. Finally do what the animals benefit from the house buff and do not die all the time. I have just lost another giraffe that died despite 700 life within minutes. And that's because the health has fallen extremely fast and I could not save the giraffe despite a water bath because the giraffe does not benefit from the cold of the sea. While I almost froze in the water, the giraffe died because of the heat. This is only the shrine, so you can not play this game with fun anymore. It is OK that the breeding of animals involves difficulties, but they must be solvable and with normal effort be able to handle. Having to be online around the clock, accompanied by enduring ones, does not mean that I can afford to spend a reasonable amount of money on breeding animals. Sincerely, DarthAsterix
  9. Hello, I have a problem here with taming elephants and girrafen. They do not eat, or more precisely, they only eat at a very small point. The elephant could be fed from the front, at the ear or at the elbow. See pictures. But I can only really feed him on the elbow, and only when the elephant inhales. If I'm just a millimeter too close, or a millimeter too far left or right, the elephant immediately strikes after me and kills me. So taming is no fun anymore. Could you please improve that a little bit, so you get the E to feed a little earlier, and really can feed at any position where the E is displayed for feeding. It is a horror if you waste 100 Bola and in the end you still could not tame an elephant or a giraffe. MfG Stefan
  10. DarthAsterix


    I´m to - cant do nothing with the Crew. I cant leveling my Crew, so i cant now not buy new Crewmember. Please fix it asap Thanks
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