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Everything posted by globytheoldpirate

  1. I don't think you need a calculator for this ^^' It will be "nb of food in the highest stack" * "time spoil of this item" As they will all spoil at the same time
  2. With have very fiew info about the WPE, but worth trying to give suggestion/idea, hope they get in the game soon or later
  3. I really like the idea of WPE, that is something I was hoping since almost the beginning of the game, awesome it will be added. Though, I came with an idea : Make different kind of WPE, make a "company like" Here is the idea, instead of having everytime the same WPE but with different difficulty/size, make different WPE Company, with each their own skins/flags/constructions type. Here are some fast exemples : Blackbeard company : Pirate theme, pirate skins (Cloth and Hide armors), weapon : pistol/saber/throwing knives, special tactics : like to board, use Harpoon, mainly alone at sea, very aggressive. Royal Navy company : Marine theme, officer skin, weapon : pistol/saber (or special skin ?)/carabin, special tactics : mainly in groups, defensive. Asian company : Asian theme (japanese ?), Hydra Heavy skin, the new sail skin, weapon : sword (katana skin?)/pike/bow/crossbow/fire arrow, special tactics : like to use fire a lot (...) WPE Company would fight eachothers at sea, some kind of special event. Make the WPE Company live in their own region, so you need/want to travel a lot to discover every of theses WPE Company. All thoses region would become even more unique. Having to fight the same type of WPE everytime will become veryyyy boring. If their is many WPE Company, it will become unique everytime (I'm not saying that it needs 1 company per island, hell no, but 1 company per region would be very awesome) (edit : By region I mean "Tropics", "Desert", "Tundra"). Let us participate to create/image thoses WPE Company As we all know, some of Atlas players are very talented to create/imagine, just look at the Show 'N' Tell and see how awesome things emerge from it. Make a contest like the Show 'N' Tell, where people would give : Company name Theme Flag (with image) Construction design exemple (with image) Ship design exemple (with image) Lore/story behind the company For the more talented one, draw all the concept art if it doesn't already exist in the game, and if it's really awesome, implement it in the game with Atlas Team (dunno how hard it could be ?) The contest would work as a Show 'N' Tell, people send their proposition, and as for Show 'N' Tell, that's the Atlas Team that choose the winners. (so no troll as "Area 51 with Naruto Runners flags, even if it's funny, that's not the point here. It also let the Atlas Team choose to not break the actual lore of the game or everything) FURTHER Make quest through WPE Company If you completly wipe a WPE Company, you win something (dunno what, it could be a skin ? a skill ? else ?). All WPE Company have one main base with their captain (a mini-boss ?) Each outpost you destroy/claim, the more the main base become vulnerable ? Be able to interact with company ? Buy things ?
  4. Does this mean we'll be able to claim IA ship if we aboard and kill his crews ? .-.
  5. Hi, I'm looking to set animal to be as they were at launch, for a private server. Where a level 1 wolf tamed will be as strong as a wild one. (so no dmg resistance as there is now). Do anyone has any advice ? Does the settings from Ark work in Atlas too ? Like ->
  6. Does the .ini settings from Ark work in Atlas too* ? Like -> EDIT : Moved the question in the correct section
  7. Does setting in Ark works in Atlas aswell ?
  8. Hi, I'm looking to set animal to be as they were at launch, for a private server. Where a level 1 wolf tamed will be as strong as a wild one. (so no dmg resistance as there is now). Do anyone has any advice ?
  9. Here is some change : I merged with ExploreAtlas Team, so the URL changed -> https://exploreatlas.co.uk/calculators/animals
  10. The hardest part will be to kill squid though
  11. Animal are just on wandering and aggressive. Not a cheat at all
  12. Kind of rare, looks like there is only one per island
  13. I tried chilli, I don't think it's his favorite
  14. To give more info about food taming. Crab meat > crop vege > prime meat > wild vege > meat > berries.
  15. The price is really really big, not really a problem imo
  16. Mortgul won the first price ! But you can still participate to the lottery !
  17. I always kite the razor near my boat (naked), and kill/put everything near far way. So the slow problem isn't a problem then ^^ Rhino/Elephant is safer as the razor really can't fear them (need too much cry). But bear should do the work aswell
  18. Oh, and the first guy who found all the code will have to assemble them in the right order. Only 1 try
  19. Use a rhino or elephant, you can keep it at distance, and will be feared less easy (3 to 5 cry). Way better than using a bear
  20. Hi everyone, the 3rd mini-game started ! (France Time) This time there will be some change, instead of having 1 big prices, there will be many prices. 7 codes will appear on https://globy.dev/animals. Each codes gives you some points (according to the difficulty). The first one to get all codes will have the choice to get the price he wants through all. After that, it'll work as a lottery. Let's do an example : The mini-game will stand for 2 days. So everyone can play, and have a chance to win After Sunday 17h the minigame will be closed, and I won't accept any codes after. (you must be on Official : Eu - PvE to win the prices ) Prices I'll had image later but there will be : Crow- Level 75 neutered (a big thanks to Fairytail !) Crab - Level 35 Full imprinted horse (thanks to ostjaevel !) Shieldhorn White Lion Brigantine in a box Schooner in a box Sloop in a box 500 mythos Olfend (you will receive it after the patch) and more to come How to find the codes ? With the clues down below ! Each code has his own clue/enigma, you don't need to find the first code to find the others, they are not related Here is the 2nd minigame, you can check what was the enigma, and test it How to send me codes ? Send me theses on Discord, you can find me on the official Discord, with the name Globy. Or here through a private message. I'm also on exploreatlas Discord, link top-right on the site Clues / Enigmas She protec, she attac, but most importantly, she lays eggs ! - 1 pts You hate taming me, as I am quite buggy, but all you need is all bonus and a bit of magic, now see, how it becomes easy. - 2 pts A lot I produce, but even if you like those, don’t put them in your mouth or your life you will loose. - 1 pts I’m quite massive, but only very few saw me, or even know where I live. - 1.5 pts I used to be overpowered, but now if my weight get to that percent, I become useless. - 3 pts I am Fluffy, and perfectly balanced, as all things should be. - 2 pts Just fill me ! - 1 pts HAPPY HUNT !
  21. As the mini-game is now over. Here was how to find the codes Clues : 1) At midnight, the pack attack. 2) No matter heat, through the seas, songs and whales I fly. 3) My eyes bright at night, my only weakness is my energy, when the empty point is reach, I perish. 4) The smarter I am, the more you love me. Every stage I pass, the smarter I become. I achieved a stage where I know the answer to life, univers and everything. 1) pack was for Wolf, midnight for 24h You had to put 24 points into attack stats in the wolf page. 2) heat was for Parrot, Sea - Songs and Whales for the different bonus, you had to put something else than none/no into them at the parrot page. 3) eyes bright at night, my only weakness is my energy was for the razortooth, when the empty point is reach, I perish you needed to put 0 in the input for stamina, in the razortooth page. 4) The smarter I am, the more you love me was for the crow. Every stage I pass, the smarter I become was refering for his levels. I achieved a stage where I know the answer to life, ... refer to the level he has answer to life, univers and everything refer to 42, from the famous book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. You had to put 42 level in the page of the crow. You can still try theses, it may helps for the next mini-game
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