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Everything posted by labatts

  1. Personally i prefer explosive barrels over oil jars and flame arrows its faster in my experience.
  2. Hmmm nope just funny how people cry about PVP in an open world PVP game.
  3. I was using the pirate kos as an example, but you took it literally lol.
  4. Facts ?? So people that role play pirates and just kill on sight are griefing hmmm. So you are like the people that i kill and all sudden just starts raging then lol. That explains a bunch after the past couple days of chatting.
  5. Well I kinda feel bad for you since everyone that kills you must be griefing then in you'r eyes. Now I know why people are constantly calling people griefers, they truly have no idea what open world PVP is.
  6. thats not griefing thats call open world PVP lol. You have no clue. You are so butt hurt because the game is not what you thought or want it to be. Clearly this game is not for you maybe you should go back to EVE.. Griefing would be where you kill the people and then sit there and repeatedly kill them over and over with no point intended but just to make them mad.
  7. Well then You and I have different play styles because I play the game for fun, This is a proper PVP game You know you can just roam around and fight people without having to raid them right ??? You keep thinking that you have to raid people to get PVP which is not true. I think you are confused about what PVP truly is. raiding is meant for a few things. 1 you want resources / items they have. 2 To set a company behind to make them weaker. 3 to Gain territory that they.
  8. Fun sure. Have I offline raided of course I have for 1 reason or another. I am sure probably most people have at one point or another. Why are you to judge tho how someone plays the game and has fun doing so? They payed the same amount of money you did to play it the way they want. If people want to offline raid me then so be it just means i need to build a better base and out smart them, doesn't mean I come here and cry on the forums and demand a change to the game because of it. How about you adapt and overcome it instead of getting butt hurt and complaining about how people are playing the game the way they want. Well you played Ark. Which this game is literally designed from so what made you think it was going to be any different lol ? Maybe you should have read some reviews before you spent your money ?
  9. I dont have an issue with people having a 2nd account. But I agree with OP that puckles seem to be weak at times. I don't know if its the lag or something else. But what OP had mentioned I to have ran past npc on pukles and blown them up while only being shot at 1 time, i do believe they should get a buff in terms of damage or fire rate.
  10. So what if people offline raid why are you here to determine how other people play and have fun in this game? Yes i have experienced awesome PVP and it had nothing to do with raiding. To me it sounds like you are mad that people are not coming to raid you when you are online. So why don't you go raid them when they are online, then you get your PVP and maybe prevent them from raiding you after you log.
  11. I raid whenever i feel like it. That is why I love this game there is no limitation as to when or why i can raid. You guys are the ones trying to ruin that by demanding that they add offline immunity. And FYI I work at night so no i do not raid at night.
  12. Well I guess they should have raided them to prevent that from happening when they were fighting versus. To be mad that people not PVPing when you want though is just foolish and selfish. I dont see those people on these forums crying about fighting NPC. All I see are the few that cant handle being raided 24/7 here crying about being offlined. Like i said if you cant handle that this is not the game for you.
  13. So once again YOU are mad because they did not raid you when you wanted. Man get out of here if you cant handle it or go play PVE. clearly from other post in this topic people do not want offline immunity. And for the ones that do this is not the game for you or you should try PVE.
  14. So like people in the US that work different shifts, that is not allowed in France or Russia etc ?? Maybe the hardcore PVP players in that company play at different times, there could be many reasons why they choose to do that. As for the naked fighting I have also fought against people that do that because why not there really is no penalty for not wearing gear. On top of that 10 nakeds with pikes versus 3 geared guys can usually zerg down the geared people and take their armor at little to no cost. You also say they planned their raid at night how do you know this do you have spies in their company ?? Maybe they did not have the resources or ppl on at the time to raid you so they waited for more numbers.
  15. So your mad that people did not PVP at your time. Seems very selfish kinda like how you want raid protection. If they were only nakeds kill them and and raid their base thats what you want right people to be online ? Which also means just because people are online doesnt mean they are going to PVP the way YOU want. You have this hole idea that this game needs to be like EVE just because developers got there insight from that game.
  16. I agree it is to easy to offline. And hopefully they dont take the extreme measure and make bases immune to damage when companies go offline, but rather make them more resistant. As for retaining new players there are many other major issues at play that need to be fixed for this to happen. I would like to see more done with either adding more lawless zones and keeping companies that have land claims from building there and give possible solo players and small companies a chance to build up a little bit more.
  17. Just think people are already doing this now just imagine if they added offline raid protection so bases were immune to damage when companies went offline. You would litterally have bases built by alt accounts that couldn't be raided at all but yet people could still use those bases and store their loot.
  18. NO. I love how the people that dont want PVP to change are automatically called griefers or trolls. Offline immunity is game breaking and ruins the entire point of this hardcore survival game. There are other options they could take on this issue that would make both sides happy we will just have to wait and see. But the notion of people raiding offline bases mean there will be no PVP is false. today alone i was chilling in my base and some randoms where trying to offline a base near me. So i geared up ran over and had some PVP defending some random persons base just for fun. After i stopped the attackers I ended up raiding the people trying to raid the base i defended.
  19. Yes there will be people that leave that is a given over time. But there is still a ton of people that like to play the game as the PVP structure is setup now. There are loads of people still playing on official ark servers and the same will happen here. As long as the devs keep fixing and bringing new things to the game.
  20. I still do play ark. I was just curious if you quit that game for a certain reason or not. Just because the devs say they are inspired by a game doesnt mean that they have to add those aspects from the game into Atlas w hich i hope they do not. But anyways works over time for Atlas thanks.
  21. Atlas is a large scale survival game. Did you play ark at all ? Well that is why you need to setup defenses to help protect your base. Or even ally up other companies for protection.
  22. But that is what makes this game so great is being able to lose everything and starting over again. It worked for ark and official servers are still populated. How will this be any different ?? Why does it need to have any protection at all ?
  23. NOOO please do not add any siege mechanic where you have to declare war on someone to raid lol. That use to be in darkfall and absolutely hated that aspect of it.
  24. It was abused in Ark. People are wanting the same thing in terms of being offline you cant be raided. So why would it be any different if put in Altas ? Minus the whole base building aspect along with few other things.
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