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Everything posted by Aesorn

  1. Nah he's right, you are the one who seems like s sad individual disagreeing with such obvious truth. What's it like to be a ignorant shill like you?
  2. Anyone playing this game who is only in it for the PvE is really funny and also pathetic at the same time. There are so many other games that have 1000x better PvE, this games PvE is some of the worst designed I have ever seen in any game, if you are playing this game only for the PvE then there is a misfire somewhere in your brain honestly. All the likes your response get really shows the kind of gamers these days though...... You're all a laughable sad excuse for gamers. Go play Minecraft anti-grief servers if you want PvE only
  3. If you actually played this game you would know what the icon looks like, get off the forums if you're so ignorant and know nothing about the topic you posting about.
  4. Maybe you kids should read, it says "Hyperthermia" maybe google and you will understand the difference.
  5. Yeah everything is super broken, they don't know what they doing anymore in these patches. It's just getting worse and worse every patch in all aspects.
  6. 98 degree's Fahrenheit with 100% wetness and still getting hyperthermia???? This game needs serious balance changes to temperature this is not realistic at all, the fact we lose hp if overheating makes it so much more obnoxious as well which only started for me on this patch for some reason. Fix this, how much more do I need to do to proof this is crap?
  7. ^This exactly, are the devs just straight up liars or ignorant? It's hard to tell right now, this change favors attackers so heavily its crazy.... This dev team is a joke honestly, I should of known this already by the tweaker they had on stream who seemed to be a very important developer of the features and systems in the game....
  8. Considering It took me 5 mins to spawn on a company bed(im in a pretty small company) and get the FoY then had to do it AGAIN after the huge rollback which also only took another 5 mins then yeah it is..... If you couldn't find the FoY with the tons of other companys then maybe you should consider how incompetent you are as a human before complaining about something kid.
  9. This changes to stone structures and invincible NPC's on puckle are the two worst patch notes I have seen in this entire game so far. This is a disaster and the devs should be embarrassed and ashamed for how ignorant they are by making this change. Are they out of touch this bad?
  10. If you can see even a sliver of the body through the terrain just hit it with a tool and it will create the loot bag above the terrain for you to loot. If it was 100% below the surface though then I think you are screwed yeah.
  11. I gave you a example a long time ago why it just comes with the territory, you're a joke honestly. You don't seem to understand that when you have the freedom of a SANDBOX obviously people will always be able to grief just like in real life. If you build a sand castle on the beach guess what, I could come over and stomp it out with my foot. Stop being a baby about this stuff or you don't belong here.
  12. I listed a bunch of sandbox mmorpg's that you obviously never played that much or at all, because if you did you would know griefing is just part of sandbox mmorpgs. The most popular ones like Eve thrive on lots of griefing so you just sound so ignorant on this genre.
  13. You act like mmoprg's existed before I was alive rofl, you sound very uneducated and ignorant.
  14. Dude im 28, I have been playing sandbox mmorpg's my entire life lol.... Go back to world of warcraft bro, you never played a sandbox mmorpg like Darkfall or Mortal or Ultima or anything cause its very obvious you have not.
  15. All I said is if you can't deal with some forms of griefing I don't think a sandbox game is for you considering that happens in all sandbox games, you must be new to these types of games lol.
  16. Griefing is just something you comes with a sandbox mmorpg...It just comes with the territory my dude.... It's like freedom in real life, if you want to keep being a free person you gotta deal with some other people abusing their freedoms like how alcohol is legal but some people abuse it.... If you want to keep a actual sandbox mmorpg then there are some cons that people need to deal with, you can go grief yourself anyway pal so get over it. Griefing happens in every sandbox game including freaking minecraft so shut your mouth about it or leave because you don't belong in a sandbox mmorpg if you can't handle griefing....
  17. EDIT: All bugs were fixed with V15, thank you!
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