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Everything posted by Blackthron

  1. So... they decided to keep this shitty system where owner can kick you at any given time and you can not fight back. Any1 planning to play? My morale is so low..trust in devs below 0.. I even dont have the will to login and test it
  2. Well.. cant really argue with that.. but we all know these alpha releases... they hype it like it is official release day. And if everything goes well there will be no wipe. If not... "hey guys, remember it's only an early access". Imho, if it is an early access then there should be a 100% wipe on release day. And that should be mentioned somewhere. If it's not - I assume there will be no wipe. Aaaanyway.. they have sold enough copies to make couple mil. bucks.. so it doesn't matter what I, we, want. Pretty sure they dont want me back after wipe... they got my money already.
  3. Nothing personal man. Im pissed off by devs. And no, I can't see future, but I was following another full loot one-world(server) mmo. And I see ... I saw this before... devs were criticized for some changes but instead of tweaking what already works, they delete/rewrite the whole mechanic/feature and wipe the server. 4 times a year. Its okay if devs said on release something like 'Guys, it is alpha. We plan to do a wipe or two after we see how main mechanics/features work" But they never said that and I think its okay to assume there will be no wipes etc. What they did was a nice cash grab. And now this game is hobby for them, not work.
  4. Dont you understand? Your 'we will see and go from there..' has triggired me. What if everything will go wrong? What you will be saying then? I dont mind changes... but this... this is a waste of everybody's time. Be couse they will have to make another major re-do on main mechanics(claiming) and mb another wipe..
  5. You just proven my point. There are 0 reasons to trust owner of your island. And no limits will help. How 30s destruction timer gonna help? I just dont understand. I am not wasting day/weeks/months of my time building on someone's island. Neither my guild. All they had to do is make a hard cap on claim flags and add upkeep in any form. Thats it!! But no.. lets wipe the server, introduce broken system.. and then wonder why players are not coming back...
  6. I see. I like the idea of settlements and everyone living peacefully and working together. But this not gonna happen. I will not waste my time playing on someone's island(settlement) unless I have a very very strong assurance that I can live on my 2 sq meters as long as I can defend it. And there will be dictators... any big guild won't allow anyone on their island. I see where it is going... no small crews, only big zergs. Sad thing game does not support large scale pvp... patheic player limit + lags for start..
  7. How can I be sure one day you won't get bored from Atlas and you decide to destroy everything. Do you get my point? Imho, new system is a disaster.
  8. Let's say, I want to leave there peacefully. Why would I build there something if I know I can't fight back ?
  9. I was reading and reading... but still can't believe that. Or it's just my English? (it's not my native lang., so mb I missunderstood soemthing?) There will be 1 owner of the island (aka settlement). And you can attack him only in druing 9h window. Owner of the island (settlement) can destroy anything and anytime. How can me and my friends live on this island if owner will destroy everything? Whats the point? Am I missing something or developers are so badly out of touch with their own game?
  10. whats a NUTCUTT3R? can't google translate it!?
  11. That makes sanses, what you say. But, unfortunately, you can't say this about our devs.. I was playing few alpha starts (most recent Albion Online with 50k+ online at start and indie,noobs devs)... and I can say we have a complete amateurs here. It's a shame. Could have a nice game.
  12. So.. we got the alpha nerf patch. We asked for it 2-3 weeks ago? My point is... will we see a stone wall buff patch in a week or 2?
  13. Wipe would make me want to log in again. Right now they just gifted tons of paste and metal to those who had lots of walls. FREE PASTE IN TUNDRA! TONS AND TONS OF IT. Just remove your old and cosmetic buildings. Oh, you didnt have many stone walls? too bad! this game is for megatribes you silly punk. go play minecraft, devs already have you money, they dont need us crying here.. they want us out. This is how I see this change. Or.. they all, devs, got high on acid.
  14. Lost 2 Rhinos and 1 Elephant. Don't you see what's going on? Nobody cares about small people. Unless you have 500 subscribers on twitch dont bother posting here.
  15. Well.. streaming gets attention to the game and that is good, I guess. But devs has to stop watching these streams. And stop reading comments there. I mean, streamers are often noobs and dont know game mechanics. And the viewers are the worst! They would whine and cry.. buff this.. nerf this... BUT THEY DONT EVEN PLAY THE GAME!! These couch specialists... STOP LISTENING TO THEM and listen to your actual playerbase...
  16. HOWWWW??? HOWW DEVS CAN BE SO INCOMPETENT??? WHY DO I FEEL BAD FOR IT? I had such hopes for this game... sadly it's run by kids who snort coke off streamers cocks
  17. Wasn't logging to game after that a i d s stone patch. Do you say they've reduced amount of metal needed for a wall? So, those who destroyed his walls yesterday got tons of metal and paste and today he can make new, reduced in price, walls?
  18. I just refuse to believe Devs can be this stupid, this blind.... they clearly dont play their own game. Half of my company left after a week of playing be cause our ships were destroyed every night while we were sleeping. So we decided we need a harbour with defensive towers. We were farming mats like crazy, not very fun, but it was nice to konw that it will protect our ship, so we can have some fun in this game... Geuss what happened next? We got offlined with no chance to rebuild. We need to travel 4 grid to get mats. In this time our base can be destroyed 10 times... well it's destroyed now. So GG devs. Also, could you make that old walls dont give new mats??? you just gave tons of mats that are not native to their island... I just can't believe that Devs can be this incompetent... such a pity!
  19. They have to realize ppl will build 2-3-4-5 times more wooden walls now. jsut to compensate for stone being complete trash.
  20. Too late. Damage done. Our crew didnt not login evening after this stone patch and our base was destroyed completely. We gonna try private server. But anyway.. gj devs. 5 ppl gone. of wait.. you got our money already. Devs, here is an easy fix for this stone patch disaster. Just produce a statement: This game is for mega guilds only. If you are not 100+ yo uare not welcome!
  21. lol. 10-15 was average before stone patch. right now it's 3, and I guess 3rd guys is me, cos I logged in just to check online. Have no motivation to play anymore. I dont even know what they need to do now to fix this mess...
  22. Check resource cost on stone stairs... 1 metal! I ROFL at this hot fix patch! Can't even do ... right! How much time you guys spent to come up with this brilliant idea...
  23. Im with you. Tbg, I think only rollback or wipe can fix this. Imagine how many mats they just gifted to ppl. Im destroying all stone for free iron. I dont see any point in keeping walls if they can't handle shit. SPAM THATCH WALLS!
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