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Everything posted by Illythid

  1. yeah this is K11 Zestay Taco of Dead Men Floating causing this. Griefers! woot!
  2. And now Buoys https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1640417630 Makes it look like a city. Lag-a-licious. I am amazed he is playing in this zone and making it so HE cannot even play. <slow clap>
  3. and not my first loss either. First Elephant I tamed I put on the boat and watched it float into the air then glitch through the earth and die. I have logged out with tames secure and come back to multiple tames missing. They have nerfed weapons so damn bad and made us so squishy that the only way to survive is with tames and yet I cannot keep my tames for the life of me. Same thing happens with Crewman. I start sailing to see them bouncing off the left or right of the ship in the water and air only to just disappear in thin air. I have anchored and unseated them to find them sweeping the bottom of the ocean and not die from drowning but a random manta ray or shark. So they are not really there and glitched out but are there enough to get attacked. So far I have lost so many tames/crew members/and gear to glitches is makes my head implode. Now we are dealing with griefers and exploiters in our zone. Why is there not an active team of GM's IN GAME to be Sheriff's and take care of as many of these issues as possible?!?! EQ managed it.....WOW managed it....several games have taken the time and pride in their product and customer base to make sure they were taken care of. Why does this company not? My company is a huge presence in the gaming community and we started out several strong on this game. It has so much potential but all these issues has made many rage quit not because of the bug but more the lack of regard for the customer. We are trying to help you make a better game and you are messing it up worse and worse every day.
  4. this happened last night while I was riding a bear. Started bouncing like it was stuck with me on it and then poofed from right under me! Took me forever to find and tame this one to lose it in the same night. Seems like it is getting worse with bugs not better. Stop putting out new content and fix the game as is first. This is ridiculous.
  5. yeah we started taming every tiger he trains over to our base and naming them "NOT YOUR TIGER" I now have sloops surrounding every ship in my port. The lag is ridiculous. 40,000 players and huge ship battles my ass. Cannot even handle someone griefing with unmanned raft and sloop spam.
  6. Well it seems they were not clear that spiking/pillaring the waters is not allowed because he did it to the waters outside our base and has threatened to do it more severely. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997037739/screenshot/940591965603832810 I don't do well has a hostage. I feel like a hostage in a damn game. Not good. He is spending hours of time, of which I do not have the luxury do to Real Life commitments like work, to implement this plan. My only guess is this is how he gets his thrills. My surprise is the amount of people and companies like the Free Few that have joined in just on his word. At that even over petty crap. Speaking of work I need to go take care of that and deal with this later. May calm seas and fair winds be with you all!
  7. So here is the waves it has created. I have come back to K11 on a PVE server to us raft blockaded. Then this person proceeds to train tigers and lions to my base and making threats in game to me and my wife and my company. I have not had ANY interaction with this individual up to now. Zestay Taco of Dead Men Floating and Allies should be banned. Bullying, Blackmail, Griefing, and threatening my wife in a game is un-acceptable. When I asked him to stop he stated that the devs have deemed this as acceptable behavior and when I come to check online the validity of his claims I find this. Unanswered from Devs and lack of response is giving them permission to act this way. Guess we move on to a new game. We will not tolerate this.
  8. I have had an open ticket for almost 10 days. 5 Days ago I got a response asking if there was still an issue. I have posted a million things that have gone wrong in the last 5 days from crashing, logging back in dead and in the middle of the sea then losing everything on me when I respawn, Stuck in between zones and getting host connection time outs, SoTD overspawned and sunk my Schooner ( I had @ 25 SoTD on screen and agro from 5 or more it was like an Armada blockade of SoTD), getting stuck in foundations, getting stuck in the structure of my boat and cannot get out, placed a brand new Elephant on my boat to watch it bounce up the mast then drop through the ship and earth and die (no corpse just disappeared and died), VULTURENADO so many vultures that when someone or something got agro it was like a tornado of vultures with at least 3-5 Alphas in the mix so it was instant death for you or anyone/anything you own including ships/crew/tames. I have not gotten any help. I came here looking for answers again only to see patch notes that makes me sick just thinking about trying to log on ( if only I could without Host Connection Time outs). I have had a ton of technical issues and several game breaking issues that I have been patient and tried to overcome but the lack of response to my tickets, the fact that I started with several people in the beginning and now none of them play anymore because they have given up makes a MMO hard to play solo. I had peeps, the game has potential, but now I am on the frustration train with everyone else here. I am not progressing in the game because all I do is spend time overcoming bullshit and broken game mechanics. Going to see a lot of land available because I think you are going to see a lot more player base leaving this week. (steps off the soapbox)
  9. Illythid


    I have been plagued with issues as a lot have. I am usually patient with the little shit but when I get zone stuck and host connection time outs, or log in and am randomly dead or teleported to the middle of the ocean or missing a bunch of random stuff and tames then one has to ask WTF?!?!! The latest!?!? My wife logged on to the official NA PVE server and random dead, missing 2 tames, and general chat alive with people complaining about all the issues. Server announcement stating servers coming down for patch. Figures log out and wait and see what the patch fixes. She logs and goes to another server, unofficial, to play for a bit and see if private servers are better to deal with. Then when I am ready to log on and patch is done she goes to change back to our server and BAM only create a new character in Freeport areas are available. Her character selection is not even an option!! I have had a running ticket in since Thursday with no reply from customer service. Constant stuck in the floors, stuck in the hull of my ship, stuck with Host connection time out at the zone, Random deaths and zone bouncing, and when I contact support to get someone to help I get absolutely zero response. When they do eventually respond I get the automated response every time. " AMBERENIX 63 Posted Wednesday at 12:07 PM Hey there Pathfinder, I’m sorry to hear you experienced this issue in game. Please know that I’m letting our teams know in case the are unaware of it already. I appreciate the time you’ve taken in letting us know about this and also for your patience during this stage of development. Let me know in the future if you have any other reports, questions or concerns. Take care and happy sailing!" So yeah. I AM STUCK. or HELP my game and all my shipmates game has crashed when we zoned. It has crashed over and over and over again. This doesn't warrant some help from a GM to get our stuff and tames and boat unstuck?! But hey we got Fountain of Youth and patch 15 tweaks and nerfs! sigh
  10. Here here! I cannot agree more. To add: Alpha's are worthless. They serve no other purpose than to kill you over and over. How about prime meat or resources off of Primes. Tame Primes. SOMETHING that makes it worth the effort. Geezus the game feels like how many times can you kill me for no reason. Cold Fronts, Food, Alpha's, SoTD, Packs of wolves/vultures/tigers/lions/snakes, group agro from all of them plus everything else. Just saying.....
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