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Captain Paint

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Everything posted by Captain Paint

  1. Fire arrows were nerfed a while back, still ok in pvp but not great againts wilds. I highly recommend the crossbow for killing animals like lions, tigers etc.
  2. People have to actually take him seriously to cause a panic lol. But yes, it has already been stated its a mod for private servers and the upcoming single player mode that will cost you a whopping $0.00.
  3. And games are "intended" to be played at their highest graphic settings but with option to lower it if you dont have a good PC. By that logic are people that are turning graphics down to get stable frames cheating as well since lower graphics lets them see players much easier? When its an option coded into the game itself that lets you change it on a whim i would say thats within the "default" rule set.
  4. Its not really cheating when its an option for everyone and all you have to do is press tilda and type gamma 3. In pvp its a must and you are a serious disadvantage if you dont use that feature. I would prefer if it was just dark for everyone with no gamma slider without 3rd party software which i would agree that it would be cheating in that case. Dayz did it right in one of the recent patches where the higher your gamma goes by any means of increasing gamma will result in the game making your screen a green buggy mess. When its dark, its dark for eveyone and i love it. Just my $0.02
  5. This. We do ALL maps on tamed bears with no swivels. Maybe the guy that said he couldn't just got a crap stat roll on his?
  6. I think being able to stay in freeports at the cost of gold would be the best solution. Once the gold runs out the ship goes poof. Make it where a docked ship is just stored in the "cloud" until the owner claims it before time runs out to prevent people from blocking freeports with ships loaded with gold and other abuses. Naturally the bigger the ship the higher the fee.
  7. I think free ports should have a docking fee for anything over an hour or two scaled off the type of boat. That way you could even leave a gallion there over night but it will cost you quite a bit of gold each hour its there. Once the gold runs out, ship starts to decay or poofs.
  8. Lol. Not a bad idea. As long as you can stack them high enough.
  9. Unless they plan on realeasing floating foundations or large barges we can build bases on at sea it seems pretty pointless to claim open ocean other than trying to get on the top 10 list.
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