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Everything posted by Pant

  1. He tagged me in this post and this have been his sole argument the whole "discussion".
  2. I am just listening to the arguments. You tagged me to your post, basically asking for my input and then you throw a tantrum when theres one argument i can't get behind.. Again, I am not against the current ship building system needs rework. I just don't think "Theres to much to repair so we need a new system" is the right argument.
  3. Yes I am sure there are multiple reasons, but you are just forwarding this one argument over and over. Who else is complaining about it? Its just you...
  4. The problem is your argument. That theres to much to repair, when you break it down its not that much to repair. I have never heard anyone complain about it, had any issues getting people to repair my ship or had issues repairing other peoples ships. When i ask you simple questions about your argument, instead of elaborating on it you are just giving me none answers like i quoted above. Your sidenote is touching more on the question then your actual answer.
  5. No, I am asking you why you think the damage profile would be different from a skirmish to a battle? Because I say 60 of the 80 pieces on a ship most likely won't take damage due to them being underwater or under a massive hp pool deck, I am against a modular system and i am underminig the development? Maybe you shouldn't make comments like this if you are going to keep bringing up ad nauseam and I how i "buried your post". Might seem hypocritical to some people.
  6. I've described the damage you are likely to take from another ship. I am not sure what your point is? Are you saying because if it was a big battle you would sail down the middle of a bunch of enemy ships and then take damage from all sides?
  7. Why dont you just turn it off in the settings? If you remove bar shots, sailing would basically become 100% safe. Ship gold cost is the only reason I would ever even bother to capture a ship in the first place and i+f you remove gold cost every company would hit ship cap on day 3. This i can agree with. Would also like 100% headshot damage back. Most of the other stuff you suggest would just turn the game back to season 1 offline raiding again and shooting\baby sitting structures 4am in the morning is not something i miss.
  8. The bottom planks will not take damage, neither will anything under the top deck and the broadside not facing your opponent will not take damage either. On a brig the only thing you have to worry about is the sails, the 10 planks facing your opponent, swivels, the catapult ramp and the steering wheel. Its like 20 pieces. The pieces filling the holes in the top deck is not a priority. Don't know anything about burying your post.
  9. Fallout 76 was a buggy mess hence i know nothing about programming? Some factual on point logic there.
  10. You think they would roll us back 3 times last season if they understood how the Yeti and kraken worked? Do you think they understood the consequences of the barrel patch when they released that? Do you think we needed a dolphin or a seahorse at this stage? I don't even understand what you are trying to argue about when theres 40 pages of evidence that shows they don't understand how the game works at the top of the page labled as "Patch notes".
  11. Understanding a programming language and understanding how something is programmed is the same thing? Anyone who can read numbers would understand any equatian?
  12. But now we are going circles. Your original argument was to keep people off the bench. You sitting at home making grog while your company is pvping is basically the definition of being on the bench.
  13. If you are in your companies base making grog or some other mundane task and your friend runs into another ship. You and everyone who is not (a couple, sibling or close friend) would prefer to put waterskins into a barrel then to spawn over and join the fight?
  14. I don't really see what other alternatives you have. If you don't let people fast travel to your boat you are denying them content and that is certainly more boring then repairing a ship Other alternative is to sail out with 5 to 15 ships, but you say you don't want to deal with that much personel.
  15. I agree with you 100%, sadly the devs don't seem to care or understand. We have asked for changes like this for 2+ years, either we get nothing or we get some bullshit poorly thought out last second change that breaks more shit then it fixes and they never clean up their mess afterwards.
  16. You don't sail around with the repair crew. You sail out like you normally would and if you get into trouble you have the option to ask if someone can spawn on your boat and repair it.
  17. Sounds about right Pull down your pants and hope they go away or stop playing on pve and just kill the fuckers.
  18. Sandybridge! That cpu is 100% bottlenecking the shit out of your gfx card. I don't think i would consider keeping anything but the gfx card and window 10 on that list.
  19. What are you saying? Let Atlas be Atlas? Sounds like you are saying I am not allowed to give feedback. Asking the devs to revert the headshot change and do something about shield stun is a farcry from asking them to focus solely on PvP. Preaching about diverse audiences in one post and telling an audience to play a different game in the next is a bit contradicting don't you think?
  20. We've had 4 wipes and theres not been one single wipe where there was less players after a wipe then it was before. The lowest player numbers we have had was at the end of season 1. Without wipes this game would 100% be dead. The most content and fun this game have to offer is in the first couple of weeks, after that its just down hill. A few months into every season the players numbers start to dwindle, PvE players run out of shit to do. PvP players get wiped and quit, or wear out on the endless structure grind and braindead end game pvp. Not to mention all the game breaking bugs and poorly thought out patches that can ruin a whole season *cough* barrels *cough*. Even the economy in this game is just a hyperinflation in the making. I don't even know what they were thinking, magically generating gold just by moving goods between two companies. The game simply isn't sustainable without the wipes.
  21. The 2/3rds of the player base that play on the pvp servers should go play Hunt: Showdown? Because you want sea horses? Yea thanks for clearing that up.
  22. Third time you change balistas, the balista is probably the second most patched weapon in this game at this point next to the barrels. I don't understand why its receiving any attention at all. I feel like you are only changing it to give the squirt camel some purpose, which just brings me back to WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SPENDING TIME DEVELOPING SHIT LIKE THIS? Dolphins? Sea Horses? You are like Melania Trump rebuilding a tennis court while the country is on fire. I would like to know why you felt headshots needed to be nerfed aswell. Ranged weapons are by far some of the weakest weapons in the game, you can afk tank a carbine for a minute straight come back, use a medkit and live. In contrast a Mace can knock you out in ONE SWING! A swivel can kill you in ONE SHOT! Crabs, lions and tigers kills you in seconds.... But somehow 1 minute TTK on a carbine thats to low. It would take so little effort to alter stats on melee weapons and get some data on pvp... Fuck how about removing shield the stun attack for a week and see what pvp is like? Its been two years and we've been stuck in the same bullshit braindead shieldstun meta.
  23. If you removed companies and made 3 factions and thats all you did. You wouldn't even be able to build a boat, the whole time you are gathering resources people will fuck with you, as soon as you start crafting anything people will steal your resources, when you put down a ship in the shipyard they will build a wall infront of it so you can't get the ship out. This type of griefing is not an issue in the current system but it 100% will be in what you are proposing. Do you have a solution?
  24. If someone is griefing their own company the company have the option to remove that person. If you inside a company, your reputation will be tarnished and you will struggle to find someone else that is willing to take you in. Right now, the community is the dynamic karma system that prevents griefing. If you take that away, you need to replace it with something else. You can already do this in the current system by simply talking to people, find out who is at war and aid whoever you feel is the underdog. Faction system or not you still have to reach out to the other companies if you want them to help you and they will still have the option to not do anything about it. If you want to make a case for factions, you need to come up with a system or set of rules that stop griefing and give an incentive to aid your faction.
  25. A faction system is not going to level the playing field. The big alliances that are already established will just join a faction with the alliance they are already in, continue the same war, sit on the same discord and they won't give two shits about the random bobs in the faction for the same reason they don't care about random bobs now. Defending people is time and effort. Preparing kits, food, tames for pvp takes a lot of hours, doing all that for some random bob that sits on a mountain and breed cows all day just isn't worth the time. All you accomplish with a faction system is add a metric shit ton of ways to grief. People willmake alts and join the other factions to grief them. If you have friendly fire off they will build shit around your boats, tames, fence spam islands etc. If you leave friendly fire on they will just kill tames, raid bases, sink ships and you basically don't have a faction system at all. You can't have factions without completly revamping the build system or removing it.
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