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Everything posted by Adfax

  1. 1. Fountain of youth -You constantly have to visit it to remain young. Nobody who wants a character looking young wants to constantly sail to the fountain of youth. The fountain of youth is supposed to make you ageless. It will appear on ONE golden age ruin, meaning the server will be overcrowded. They put it in the game right as we're reaching 100, meaning there is a good chance people will lose their characters completely.. Assuming death is in the game; if it isn't, ignore this one. Can we access the fountain below age 90? Who knows.. If not, it means we're still forced to look old and ugly up till 90 before the quest pops. On PVP servers people can grief others who just want to not lose their character.. I'm sure being killed at the fountain of youth won't be the most frustrating thing ever... So stupid.. Seriously guys.. Using the fountain provides stacking perma stat bonuses... I assume this is to match those who breed?... Who knows. Just stick the damn thing in a freeport, and let people who want to use it, use it. People are already pissed you put an age mechanic in to begin with, let alone making us search for a damn random spawn. 2. Kraken -"defeating the kraken now gives you 33% feat cooldown reduction" Will you stop screwing over the smaller companies who'll never get this passive? Just let it drop mythical weapons or something. People who have the companies to take out the kraken ALREADY HAVE A HUGE ADVANTAGE. Why? Because they're ALREADY HUGE COMPANIES.
  2. I can't believe I have to waste time repeatedly going to the fountain of youth just to remain young.. Is this a joke? Also.. Did they seriously just add it when the majority of us are 90 years old? So now I have to panic and rush around to every golden ruin.. Great design.. I can hardly wait... Not.
  3. If it isn't something I just access from a freeport, i'll be annoyed. Also, I really hope it isn't on one server tile.. Otherwise it'll instantly be full..
  4. Right, except it would be a pretty bad pirate game if you couldn't steal people's ships. If you remove land claims, all you'll get is pillar spam everywhere. The claim mechanic counters pillar spam, however, it is poorly implemented so that they actually get alerted to the claim.
  5. You can see the claim flag. Duhh. Honestly, I despise it when people think things should just be handed to them on a plate because they don't want to have to be near their claims to defend the. It is ridiculous. This is a good change for small tribes, because it allows them to steal from big tribes. "But what if people steal from small tribes!" Nothing has changed in that regard. If a small tribe was to lose their land to a big tribe, that would've happened anyway with the current system. So that is just a none argument. Small tribes are already beholden to big tribes if they want to take the land. The problem with the current system is that they can't hit back. Small tribes work with stealth to make up for their lack of numbers, and numbers work through strength. Telling someone their land is being claimed just puts all of the power into those with more numbers. I'd like that for one simple reason : I could do it to someone else. The part you're not taking into consideration. Easy come easy go. Also, it takes hours... If you don't look at your ship for hours, then it is your own fault. This burglar alarm system just makes no sense, and favours those who already play the game on the easiest difficulty : the "alpha" companies.
  6. Ah, so you should just be able to go wherever you want, and always have your claim? Don't be so ridiculous. You leave your stuff undefended, then it is your own fault it gets stolen. It is a risk you have to take. No, you can sail, just make sure you get back before your time is up. Also, it means it is easier for you to take land too. I just can't believe how ridiculous some people's thinking is.. If you leave your stuff undefended, then of course it is going to get stolen. It is like saying people shouldn't be able to raid a base when people are offline. No.
  7. Then they shouldn't leave their stuff? Are you dumb? Duhh. That is the whole point. You leave your stuff, people can steal it. Or they should remember they're on a timer to protect their stuff.
  8. "This is a game, not real life" Obviously. However you'd be a liar or a fool to think the game doesn't heavily take from it. It has gravity, humans, oceans, boats, clouds, food, hunger, thirst, death, life, weapons, physics that attempt to emulate real world physics ("attempt" being the keyword here). And of course, the arguably the main theme of the game : pirates.. Also inspired by real life. I often see this ridiculous argument, and what you're failing to understand is this : the things that aren't realistic are a sacrifice to make the game more enjoyable, sacrificing realism for fun. HOWEVER, there is a thing called "suspension of disbelief"; and when you break that, it can completely ruin something. Psychic powers that allow people to know when you're robbing them is too much of a break of that suspension of disbelief for my tastes.. But more importantly, it actually strips important elements from the game for being that way. Stealth. Stealth is something this game seems to have forgotten about; with it's poorly thought out lock on mechanics, allowing you to track people wherever they run, and the log that tells you precisely who broke your stuff, or the damage numbers you can see from miles away through objects.. A smart and immersive way to handle logs would be this : have a crew member be present to spot whoever attacks your base.. As in, a hired crewmember, maybe they etch who it was somewhere you can check.. Or write a letter.. You could even make little spotting towers for them. Thus making even the log more immersive. Even ark should've thought of this by allowing players to make cameras... A missed opportunity if you ask me. Building huge structures in a couple of days works the way it works because the game would be more boring if it emulated real life.. Too boring; or maybe not boring; but simply not feasible with the software/tech we have today. There are many reasons devs rely on your suspension of disbelief, but it should be avoided where it can be; and I believe this particular instance to be one of them.
  9. WRONG! It is thought out. It means you have to actually be in the area to physically see your stuff being taken. Meaning alpha tribes can't just hog everything by sailing their ship place to place. They have to actually be on, and use the land they claim. On a game with such limited space, that only seems fair. The thing you're saying is the problem, is the exact thing i'm trying to achieve.
  10. The more I think about it.. The more I realize how the vitamin, food, water element of the game just gets in the way of the part people actually enjoy. It is just an annoyance, a detractor from the experience. You could take the whole food/water/vitamin part out of the game, and you'd probably have a better product overall. HOWEVER I think the real problem is obvious : you have to manage this stuff far too regularly. If I eat 28 potatoes, my hunger gauge should be full. But it isn't. it has just barely moved infact. This isn't fun. This isn't immersive. This is just an unfun unending obstacle. Make food less common, and make it fill you more; and most importantly, actually have it behave more realistically. If I have to eat 28 potatoes every 5 mins, you're seriously ruining the game for people who just want to get on to the good part. You could probably live on four potatoes a day. So why do you have us eating 28 every 2 mins? Who balanced this trash? Wake up stupid!
  11. You've never heard of telekinetic carrier pigeons?
  12. The problem with the current land system? lots of greedy people land hogging. In real life you don't just get a telekinetic signal that tells you your claim is being taken, so that you can go and defend. No. You'd have to actually go there and check if it was being taken. .AKA : patrol. Could you imagine in real life, a burglar announcing to everyone they were going to steal all of your possessions? No. It just wouldn't happen; it is extremely poorly thought out; and is one of the main reasons a lot of people can't even get a foothold in this game. You wonder why there is such a problem with land? This is it. Smaller crews can't outgun big crews, so they must opt for stealth. This idiotic claim announcement takes that element away entirely. Make them work for the land they hog. Don't let them just hold it all easymode without having to stand on it, or patrol it. One island is enough for an "alpha company"; not entire chunks of the map.. That is just boring for everyone who doesn't want to be a part of that utter tragedy.
  13. He is saying "that won't work" in defense of the devs making the game the way they did though. I make this assumption based on the various other posts they've made. Always defending the game as is, and by extension, the devs.
  14. Off topic from the thread, but every time I read one of your posts, you're always defending the devs. You need to take a step back and stop ass kissing them, because it doesn't do them any good to constantly say everything is fine with the game when it isn't. You're actually doing a disservice to them by being like that, since it doesn't help their game become any better when the popular opinion opposes a bad mechanic. Also, what the game really needs are continents. That is what the game lacks right now. The entire game is just an archipelago, where most of the space per server is infact ocean.. What they need is a gigantic landmass that spans many server blocks, but has a coast.
  15. The problem isn't that death isn't a downside, the problem is that death is more appealing than gaming all of the vitamins. I don't want to die, it is annoying, but i'd take it over wasting time farming vitamins. The vitamin system needs a rework. As I saw someone mention in another thread : Break the food system into 3 parts : 1. Protein -Eating meat restores this bar 2.Vitamins -Eating fruit and veg restores the vitamin bar 3.Hydration -drinking water restores this bar Must easier, and much more intuitive, and I can stand to actually use it.. What I don't want is to waste precious time gaming some convoluted set of colour bars. Steamline and keep it simple. The OP points this problem out perfectly with the title of the thread. It completely exposes the fault with the vitamin mechanic as is. Make no mistake, this isn't about death, this is about vitamins.
  16. No, because this removes a stealth tactic from the game.. You don't know for sure who to trust.
  17. That is what I was thinking also, still a stupid mechanic though.
  18. Agree completely.. The devs just don't understand that people care about what they're playing as.. I'm actually shocked they overlooked this. For me, I really enjoy the game as is, and I see great potential, but if they leave this mechanic in i'll probably quit soon.
  19. 1. I'm saying that people get attached to their characters, it doesn't matter about the stats, just the idea that the character is gone forever. Like, If my pet dies, and I buy a new one that looks the same, it isn't the same as the original pet. Same applies to character death. 2. Most games are moving in the direction of giving more players control over their character's appearance. Like wow, how once you couldn't change your appearance, and then they added the highly popular transmog. Or how the vast majority of recent MMOs allow you to add cosmetics in it's very own tab, that overlays what you're wearing. Most games are expanding on character creation in general. Even in the FPS genre this is happening. This means it is obviously important to people. So from there, you weigh whether it is worth giving up a game mechanic, that will basically attempt to emulate real life, but with the passing on of your exp. Or would you rather be forced to play as some fugly old person 90% of the time?.. And let me stress, this isn't a CORE game mechanic; ark is proof of that. It is side fluff, nothing major. Stuff the game could live without.. Would do better without i'd argue. This whole point is regarding to the fact that : people don't like playing as characters they do not like; whether they want them ugly, young, beautiful, old, whatever. Forcing people to play something they don't want to play is worse than crowbarring in a mechanic the game can do without, as proven by Ark. Your character IS paramount to a lot of people because it is the vessel through which everything happens; it is the centre point by which you'll experience everything in the game, and is always present throughout. Saying people don't care what their characters look like is the same as saying people don't care what they look like in real life, as it is a representation of themselves ingame. Not everyone cares what their characters look like in game, but i'll bet you MOST do; otherwise why did they expand on the character creator mechanic from ark? Why is the cosmetic side of gaming becoming more and more popular as games come out? Why do some games make their entire income from cosmetics? It is because people care much more about cosmetics than you realize. Atlas is trying to have everything, it thinks it can crowbar in gimmick mechanics, AND have cosmetic freedom, but they've actually sacrificed one for the other. If you think people are going to settle for playing ugly old people most of the time, then you're mistaken. If you're going to get cosmetics right on anything; your character, who you are in the gaming world, is the MOST important I would argue.
  20. Just push for them to scrap the age mechanic, it only detracts from the game. 1. Most people don't want their characters to die, and lose them forever. 2. Most people don't want their character to look a way they don't want them to look. These two important things are just ruined by this poorly thought out mechanic. It isn't worth having it in if we have to give up the two things above.
  21. When you see how many dislike it, I think you'll realize there is a good chance they will.
  22. You're not understanding. I'm explaining that if all characters looked like piles of mud, you'd lose a lot of players. Why? Because cosmetics matter. What if all the ships looked like textureless cubes? All of these things are cosmetic. I'm not accepting any "fact". This "entire game mechanic" is literally a tiny piece of code in the game that causes your age to go up, and with it, alter your appearance. "no real gamer"? Wtf are you talking about. You're telling me gamers don't care about visuals?? Why aren't we all just sitting around playing pong then? Think about it. There are numbers backing the popularity of cosmetics, they're important to better the success of the game. The age mechanic basically destroys the cosmetics by forcing the main part of your character, the character itself, to look a way you do not want it to look. Add to that it kills off your character, and you have a mechanic that isn't worth having. The tradeoff is too great for what you get. .Something near utterly pointless.
  23. Can't load presets in the character creator. I click on it and it does nothing. I recall a similar bug in ark that persisted for ages too.. I hope the same doesn't happen here.
  24. How exactly do you report bugs on this game? You'd think a game this laced with bugs would have a very clear way to report them. How are we even supposed to know they're aware of a bug if they don't have a bug report function?
  25. I suspect snoring is so loud so that raiders know If people are offline or not.. Maybe.
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