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Everything posted by Kyorin

  1. I think most people would be fine without the resource rates if everything was less fragile and griefable. You'll notice most of the forum spouting doesn't happen until after the players 2nd or 3rd wipe from a stupid out of their control reason. Hopefully it's just a temporary fix. I love the current changes though. MMO literally just means there's lots of players online in the same persistent world. Big companies, small groups, none of this has any tie to that term specifically. More players and more people having fun means more shit to steal and you are having real fights instead of unclothed lowbie ganking. Really don't see the problem here.
  2. I just don't want the damn game to revolve and be balanced around tames again like in Ark. The screws players that don't have X animal yet devs need a reason for said animal to be desired conundrum. Hopefully making it easy to get the low level taming resources means tames are meant to be a little extra utility and living stuff and not requirements to play. We have a flock of sheep or X animal making cooking certain vitamin or basic crafting recipes easier. Our wolf or lion makes dealing with pve predator spawns easier. Side content if you will.
  3. Conan Exiles and Ark private servers can already turn on and off pvp at set times of the day, so it's not that crazy to implement. EVE lets companies choose when they are vulnerable. Persistent MMOs by their nature need some sort of rules or structure beyond pure mayhem when it comes to pvp. If they want any sort of economy to function anyways. I think this would be very fair. Just give it a 2 week cool down to be changed or something and the change doesn't take effect for 24 hours. Any company with an unset time block is always open for pvp. Let any player that walks up see the CD left and what your attack window is. During your 3 hour raid window the current pvp rules apply and anyone can attack your structures. Rest of the time it's pve rules for them. Players/Tames/Crew can always be killed at any time like normal. I mean in all honesty, how many actual pvp ship/base battles have there been since launch? Even with these giant mega companies. Sure a few but most times it's just roll up. Wipe the base. Murder sleeping players. Sounds fun and engaging to watch. Food for thought anyways.
  4. You click to mount the wheel and than pressing left or right turns it. One of the few things SoT did 100% right, feels so natural. Wheel sticks where you left it. This current system feels clunky as heck.
  5. Yeah that's a fair tradeoff. As a solo/small grouper I have zero issues grinding for 3 days to build a ship. As long as I know said ship isn't going to be taken from me by exploits, the current screwed up animals, fucking PvO yahoos, or some shit idea of balancing within a day after I launch it. Which are the current issues. So I don't mind the current crafting rates, but wouldn't be sad if they fixed both ships and reverted crafting as long as it's at about the same time. Basically once I spend more time swinging my pick at trees and chopping at stones rebuilding stuff than I do sailing and having fun I'm out. I'll just move to another game and tell like minded friends to wait awhile or not bother buying it.
  6. Here's the thing. A mega tribe would be doing all this anyways. And come mon/wed they're going to be getting 30% materials from people that settle on their neutral territory without even having to lift a finger. So they can murder me with 8 Galleons instead of 2. Or with upper end explosives instead of spending 20 min with picks. Congratulations. As a solo or small group I'd be just as dead either way. How is having more players in ships and on the seas moving about a bad thing? More conflicts, more choices, more loot to steal, more people having fun, more action. Personally I am waiting to play again until they make ships so they aren't a disposable paper cup and fully plan on living off my ship exploring and looking at players bases. Probably as a master chef focused on gathering and cooking food recipes because I think that might be fun. And if it's a fun crowd of pvpers I encounter I might even be able to cook my way out of being sunk. There's plenty of us that want to play and not just murder randomly. Make the early game too much a slog and we're out and you're just stuck with other murderer types feeding off each other.
  7. I've seen others say the numbers thing is an issue inherited from Ark spawns and I suspect the rest is them reusing Ark ai routines combined with a bunch of default code values. I would not be surprised if wolves have the ai and stats of raptors or something. Something I'm not terribly worried about them never fixing, but at the same time I'm waiting for it to be fixed to play again.
  8. I'd Like this 10x if I could. It's like the "join a big group or get out!" people don't realize that if that does happen they will have no one to prey on at all. More players that can build up means more movement on the seas, meaning more freaking piracy. And I'm speaking as one of the people that would be that target. Alternately let players have access to some sort of public crafting stations at the freeports. Put out a bunch of unclaimable islands with plenty of that climates resources. Put out a market feature in the freeports. Let piracy begin on all the small groups traveling to and from the freeports. Also the irony of all pirates being required to join a large group is rather amusing.
  9. Is there any sort of Dev tracker? I haven't seen diddly since launch on the forums.
  10. As an opposing viewpoint, most mega companies have enough people to have someone online all the time anyways. So day or night you can't really raid. Meanwhile smaller groups just get annihilated at will because they can't afford to live inside the game or have someone online 24-7. More importantly PvP is fun. PvO is zero skill and boring af. May as well be playing on a PvE server at that point. And "the game's not supposed to be played in a small group or solo" is the entire point people are contending. Why completely shut out and screw a large pool of potential players because you don't want to sink in the resources a real fight would require? One or two mechanics and poof suddenly everyone has a place in the game. Large companies would still have many other advantages and be more powerful regardless.
  11. Most of us are desperate for a good pirate game to play with friends. These devs have a knack for latching onto what will grab an audience (dinos in ark and pirates here). We're kinda just sitting and seeing where they take us these next few years. Although I'm rather annoyed we have no idea what their design philosophy is for Atlas since atm it's just a pirate Ark core. Honestly Ark and Atlas can be truly great with fairly minor changes, hence the sheer number of private servers for Ark. Basically the devs are completely fine with player vs offline being a thing, losing all your progress and starting completely from scratch being the norm, large group play being the focus, huge time dumps, and balancing == a huge grind. Many players are fine with this and enjoy the challenge. Others work and just want a fun experience and are hoping some of these will be changed or softened in the final release. Or that private servers will be just as big of a thing for Atlas. My 2 cents anyways.
  12. Pretty much agree with this entire thread 100%. God I hope they do something anyways and don't just leave it mechanically as ARK!!!, call it good and add on content. About my only suggestion on top of this would be to have players retain their hotbar when they die. Not their entire inventory, just their hotbar. Have to choose what's really important to you, and give up spots of convenience that would be used for food or weapons or tools. I've never understood peoples urge to actively drive others away from a game. There's plenty of stories from Ark of people doing this on a server and than are left alone bored out of their minds as members stop playing. Power plays, intrigue, and politics is much more interesting than hurr hurr I'm going to swarm your bases while you sleep. It's like these people have never played crusader kings 2.
  13. This would cut down on a little of the complaining at least. A lot of it is just because we don't know what your plans for the game are. All we see is Ark but aren't sure where you plan on taking us over the next 2 years. Hence many of the requests and debating. Hell the complaining about the trailer is because it looks way more fun than what you are doing for the bulk of your playtime. Most players won't ever even see a town that vibrant because mechanics don't give players any reason to gather and not murder each other. And yes mechanics are required if you do want this, that's how online works. For example, the hardcore survival crowd (ark vets) and many new players (expecting a better sea of thieves) want very different things. People wanting to play with a few RL friends casually or hate restarting from zero continuously have very different expectations.
  14. Offline protection while anchored (and a corresponding debuff to cannons while anchored) would be my preferred choice. We need some sort of safe places if we want to actually adventure and explore. Honestly I loathe the Ark mindset of you can lose 20 hours of progress in minutes while YOU ARE OFFLINE at work or sleeping. That shit is cancer. By the same token I wouldn't mind if our hotbar stayed with us on death. You have to choose between keeping important items in a hotbar slot, or useful tools/weapons.
  15. Heavily suggest you guys post somewhere what your ideals for the game are. Where you want to move toward and the design philosophies you will embrace. Not specifics but a general direction you plan on patching towards. There's a lot of people unsure just what sort of game you are intending to make and how you plan on balancing things. To say it negatively, is this going to be Ark with pirate gear in one shared world? To say it positively how do you want to move forward from your Ark core? Things like: Solo or small group play viability. Will large company play be the focus of the game? How the claims and taxes systems would work ideally. Should every company have land? Ideally how do you see players flowing over the world? Ocean content vs land content. Where do you see players spending most of their time. Crafting and defending bases or sailing? Would living off your boat as an adventurer with no land be a viable playstyle? Offline protection and it's place in the game. How vulnerable people's work should be while they are sleeping or at work.
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