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About Taraky

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  1. no bed in spawn map for choice.? (after clicking join new atlas and same server) edit.: char is saved on server via your steamID, but recent server is probably cache
  2. Swich off and do (play) something else..? Clear head... Im not "the devils advocate"... //lock
  3. This screen is pointless... they are still ppl, they need rest and do something else than programing, etc... or u think they have 24/7 worktime..? ...
  4. Its nearlz impossible.... one big Co. camp there and wipe everyone there... so low ppl Co are F*Up
  5. U can fight damed ships or try declare war to another co.
  6. on pve are 90% blueprints useless... if u have +2%-4% dmg or durability on structure... for twice of mats...
  7. Its same "engine" like ark, there u can lock all of structures, where u can store items... why u cant here, who knows...
  8. I didnt know if there is option to dock your ship back in shipyard. We lost our ship before a try it. Anyway it will be nice possibility....
  9. u need to buy 2nd copy of atlas and make one sleeper character in your base
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