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Everything posted by Snocrash

  1. Snocrash

    Rename ship

    You can't change a ship's name and never have been able too. It prevents theft.
  2. from our testing it seems that you have to build up time (upkeep). So in other words if you are present in the flag area for 1 hr - you get an hr of protection. You get seconds adding to the timer while you're there - and when you leave the timer starts reversing, if that makes sense. (to a maximum of 259,000 seconds {3 days}). Or I could be completely wrong and the things is broken. totally.
  3. Agreed (with the OP). To have trading and vast numbers of Merchant ships sailing back and forth across the map is completely incompatible with the Ships of the Damned. Not every player wants to have a fully armed ship to take them on. Nor should a player require an armed escort to simply head off for a 3 or 4 hour voyage. I just don't understand why, as a business, Grapeshot don't 'get it'.
  4. That's correct. People from a nameless country have a brute force pin bot - They walk up to a pin coded door or chest and it takes about 30 seconds to try all 9999 pins. You'll know this is happening because you get a savage lag spike while they're doing it. After that they help themselves. I watched a dude literally do it in front of me.
  5. Bring up the consol in game using ~ key t.maxfps X where X is the frames per second you want. You may be able to also set this in the launch options in Steam but I have not tried that. Also for reference this will also lock the game to VSYNC r.vsync 1 0 will turn off vsync
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