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Everything posted by peter

  1. 51 seems to be the cap for now... there has been no report that enough discover actually unlocks more levels for now... so without communication most of us think 51 is cap until more content... and no reskill sucks hard for people SOLO or in smaller groups
  2. you first competitive online game you played? sorry but i am sick of this shit... do not infest my last escape of real world where people do whatever fucked up shit they want to do.... i do not agree with a lot of them... but that is not the point... the point is that we all free here... and i believe steam made their choice some time ago and decided to go for freedom.... if you can not deal with retarded shitheads do not play games please...or maybe dont even go onto the internet.... humans are fucked up... just look at our society in real world.. dominated by greed and money.... let us escape this shit without being confronted with other RL shit!
  3. so for now ill get a raft to get some float... farm parts for brigante, hopefully get some gold.. maybe some treasures... and eventually get a brigante with cannons and crew to get some more fun out of this game
  4. i went out on my schooner navigating through all the scary ghostships (no cannons/crew) to another island to make treasure hunt... that time i did not have good melee weapon and after killing all skeletons i was left with the big one just going into earth and regenerating (killed the rest with bow and terrain), it was late and i had to go sleep/work family dinner... i came back online dead by a player on PVE... luckily my schooner still ok... lost my treasure map for that island.. but still skilled some points into mace for next one and also plate armor (skill points are fucking annoying but still doable, as long as you have respec)... going back to my island with my little corner of claim, freaking ghostships everywhere... almost heart attack... got there now going to farm for brigantene + cannons (hope i dont get max lvl in meantime and still can respec when i am ready for next adventure)... all i want is some gold + ship + crew + gear + maybe some captain skills and in perfect world also some pirate skills (on top of some combat skills which i have to ignore for now).... this game in this state is not fun at all, it might be for some people... but i would rather go solo with permanent 3x and full skill points... i could look for a company but once im 51 i am stuck with certain skills and will get bored very soon, not to mention that depending on ill just be a farm grunt for others to have fun or its a small company that eventually gets eaten (even on PVE)... i do not even try to make a base because i can so easy loose it anyways (even on PVE) the sad the sad thing is you cant even get a super cheap private server because how this game is build... only hope is single player!
  5. so bad.... i might as well just ignore its notifications... now granted it might be so fucked up because as much as i know myself i probably never allowed notifications... but i still get this annoying beeps just without any info.... i mean not just no notification like info... even on website UI after reloading it does not show up...
  6. i just cant get myself to press the button... because whats there to do in this current state yeah i know just another rant... but just realised i got home and are on joining screen for quite some time just going through forums because no motivation left to actually play the game
  7. from my understanding they prevent them from spawning... in my zone i have not many SotD and they easy to navigate around (in my zone with buoys)
  8. its not you to judge peoples threads and rages... some people have it not easy to stay calm and are very upset... and they will let it out in form of rage... some topics could be navigated to be more constructive some can not and should just be ignored (you dont put more tinder into the fire to stop the fire) people being upset with this mess is completely granted... would be awesome if we could get to more constructive feedback... but currently the game is so frustrating for many they dont even get to the point to be able to give actual good feedback... which is feedback by itself, fucking core of this game is broken for a lot of people!
  9. well if nobody bitches about it they will continue what they have done since ark you might think there is no point about bitching, but for a lot of us thats the only thing we can do... its sad, i do not like it, but its how it is do better dev and people will less complain and give more feedback.
  10. thats the state of the game yes... i am in a zone with a lot of buoys so i can go from island to island... but i do not dare to go to another zone because of fear to spawn into ghost ships... you are not alone
  11. sorry... but this is just another example of the engineering quality of this company i am getting notifications and dont see anything... it does beep but nothing is there....
  12. well if i as a consumer get abused by a corp... it a bit different.. welcome to capitalism! consumer votes is what makes capitalism work i am sorry my wording is not perfect.. i am not native english as you might have noticed... i do like open and free internet... but i also think consumers have to stand up against money greed abuse of corps!
  13. yes please get abused and then let others tell you you not allowed to say anything!
  14. half the number of the supposed playing people (people get counted if they can not login... and i even got counted with not having running the game running at all just being on discussion) gave negative review, quite a few of us still playing and hoping for better times... the game is a shitshow right now and you can try to defend all you like... just hope devs get their shit together, but i am afraid not and all i can do is wait for unofficial and mods
  15. well you do not have majority negative reviews on steam because majority likes the game how it is
  16. the skill points are complete BS for this state of the game.... its impossible to easy try out different things to give feedback on it... you can just respec once per level (and the respecs per level do not stack).. when you reach about 51 you get fucking scared that once 51 its the last time you can respec and than be stuck with this for now....
  17. the game sucks balls... like all games on official did from this company.... still waiting and eventually switching to unofficial current issues on official PVE for me: * land claim (not sure how to fix - the tax version sound cool if you get the tax... but starting and having just 70% progress sucks) * sinking ships with either weight or kiting * skill points * ghostships (current region people placed buoys all over the map so not many ghostships, but i am afraid to switch zones and spawn into ghostships) * harvest rates once they remove 2.5x * some resources missing in zones (together with afraid to go to other zone because of ghostships) * no real insights in what devs are working on (trello or so?) * balance (some skill trees are complete useless)
  18. i dont know i have all 3 ship maintenance skills (total of -50% decay) and anchored outside of freeport and after 24 hours a hull went from almost 5100 to 5077
  19. this game is labeled "mature content"... if you have issues you might as well forbid your daughters visit internet at all... its not an ok behaviour and its not nice... but the real issue here is that there is mechanic stoping people from playing for more than an hour for a game they payed for... all these moral issues... well humanity is fucked up especially if people are anonymous and if your kids are on the internet, you would be naive to think they did not have gotten a glimpse into the rotten humanity already PS: i have voice chat disabled to not have my family listen to the BS in these games
  20. well it gets difficult inside of the game because of missing context... on forum you have all the context... ingame you might have seen a tribe of africans doing stupid jokes about africans and think its racist... now yes this case here about holding someone and asking for virtual sex is not that great, but how much evidence do we really have? anyways i am not a fan of racism or other BS, i just think its not as easy as you might think it is... and even if you the producer of the game, you probably do not want to censor things that easy... its a can of worms to go down that road
  21. the game states "MATURE CONTENT".... so yes if its just chat or voice or imaginary game mechanics you have to able to deal with it or not play a "MATURE CONTENT" game... what is not ok is that you can be restricted of playing the game for more than an hour! you have "MATURE CONTENT" all over the internet... get over it and i know of firends experience restaurant with the chef doing kinda "MATURE CONTENT".. its his restaurant and you can choose to go there or not the bigger issue is when you start censoring crap, where is the line? what can be censored and what can not be censored? its a very difficult topic... and i prefer open internet with BS that i can just ignore over being censored just for my opinion!
  22. It's the internet, you should have learned to ignore these things... But I guess and obsenity filter like in steam ( ) would make sense, so people don't have to active ignore this crap Not saying it's good to have people do this, but I do not think it's ok to censor in any way that you can not opt-out
  23. Just ignore them? At most have heart filter like in steam
  24. That might work in bigger company... I can not defend a base from being taken while sailing (maybe with bed port and logout in base and have ship anchored somewhere) and I do not have the skill points to do that
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