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Everything posted by Ravenguard

  1. You must be in one of the mega companies that never has the same issues the smaller/solo players have.
  2. Not just OP look around the forum, lots of people are coming up with new problems, steam reviews, even big named Youtubers give this game bad rep. When people are saying a lot of bad stuff then you need to sort out that bad stuff asap?
  3. Because there is a section for it? But some of this stuff looks like concerns of a good few players, most of it is the player made problems and bugs.
  4. Just don't know how someone can act like a sheep, We the paying customer paid for the game, they want out help so we suggest stuff but it seems largely ignored. Also with all the money they got surely better servers can be bought cause right now they suck. Just seems they got half the game right with the ships and ship building but half the game wrong with the land system and issues.
  5. Nothing on steam states its an Alpha, only early access and lots companies use those for pre launch like DAYS before a FINISHED product comes out, saying this game is not quite even Early access standards. And seems just to be getting worse not better which is the most annoying part.
  6. I paid money for something that should be still behind closed betas and small select test groups for another year in production, yea im the delusional one for buying this game in the first place. Also bought EA titles before that had way more polish then this game. So hiding behind a EA tag is unacceptable when other games can do a much better job.
  7. No excuse for the whole EA bs cant hide behind it...game is on steam and being sold for real money its not longer a Beta or any of the BS its a sold product which is not meeting quality standards.
  8. what they need is timers like in eve where you can set a pos to different stages final one being hull timer to blow it up makes more sense and gives for more offline protection given you wont be instant wiped but given a time to defend your base.
  9. Then everyone does it and no land would be claimable then.
  10. You need like 100+ claims personally to have any real threat, people with like 10 claims still can sit and contest for like 5-6 hour timers.
  11. If you change claim lenght then you need to limit people from having more then like 5 claims for small companies and so on cause people with 30+ claims is silly. Also clean all the dam sea claims in the middle of the sea...
  12. I dont think ladder or Ziplines block anything so those would count under campfires, i mean things that have blocking like gates foundations and chests.
  13. I dont get why PvE cant have a different system. Have marked build zones on islands, have Limited amounts of marked zones claimed by a company unless they spend and maintain skill points in a skill tree for it. Limited zones so people dont build on things like iron mines and stuff.
  14. Why dont you let them have that bit of worthless land? Its just a Beach with nothing on it? How valuable could it be? Surely you would use ur brain cells let them build their castle and take the free tax from them making it. These Greedy mega companies need to really learn to work with others.
  15. They should of just stuck with the original idea and make it a ark dlc and used the ark engine that we have now would be much more stable with small single servers off 100+ people then all these multiservers which on avg have pop of 20.
  16. Honestly idk why they didnt use the current ark code. Current server code pretty much solves 90% of the issues.
  17. Or the better solution is make more servers? Ark had like what 500 official servers or some crazy amount.
  18. Idk why they dont make the fountain just show up on the map to those who need it.
  19. They should just put them on all powerstone islands no sense in making people rush around only to clog up servers.
  20. So has this bug been fixed with the new patch? Im online but im unsure for how long. 30 mins of play so far, only lag spikes.
  21. Lot of us are getting this issue, only thing left to do is pray they fix it with the patch later on today, nothing you can do about it its server sided as it effects all players on that Grid.
  22. I shall hope my friend can come on soon just hoping he does not get stuck in the same loop. Edit: Did not work i did the steps delete the battle eye folder, verify and so on, also my friend he got stuck in the loop now so he can not get my stuff if I was to kill my Character, in fact i think this is just a server issue going to have to wait till its fixed later on.
  23. OK so how can i do this when my inventory is full valuable stuff?
  24. So basically i cant use any of my stuff or play the game... Its stupid i cant use anything so i cant even leave, if i die i lose my stuff...why SHOULD i lose my stuff cause of a stupid issue the Devs could of fixed in this patch instead of taking all that time to nerf elephants...Seriously prioritize fixes.
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