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About antartis

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  1. strong arm skill tree doesn't work. it won't add the %bonus damage. I tested with some mates, we both hit exactly the same but I was the one with the skill tree = NO difference.
  2. *vitamin system: limit it to meats and veggies, 4 types and sudden death is too much, instead two types and a debuff when u are low on one of the two. *claim system: 1 per person, and reduce the claim area, island are too small for the size. Ark u were able to build anywhere, even if u was solo player, here no way. *point skill: already addressed here, way too much point per skills now. *Animals balance: balance the speed of the animals, they are too fast, and in some places the respawn is way to high.
  3. on ARk you can made a base, small, big, smart, stupid. Here the claim system is totally stupid. Limit it to 1 person, and reduce the area. Also the island are not that flat, more like rocks and some land, making it even less terrain, so is more limited that one might think. The map feels smaller than ark just because is ocean and ocean and ocean, and thats it, the smalls island are taken and are really small.
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