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Mr. Sleepyhead

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Everything posted by Mr. Sleepyhead

  1. Then they would have to make this a regular thing. Like a lot of people already said, there are many MMORPG's that have regular x2 XP weekends and stuff
  2. Personally i think the base amount of resources you get could increase just a little. like 50% extra. 2,5 times resources is a lot and definately shouldn't stay but i will enjoy gathering and stocking up on everything while it lasts. so my point being, enjoy easy mode now and complain about balance where it actually matters
  3. Then you should know that right now (with or without event) the game is really unbalanced in a lot of areas. Armor, damage, food, vitamins, ...
  4. Great suggestion, i hate having to look for the Island me and my mates are on by counting tiles
  5. Looks like you've put some thought into this. But good luck changing the mindset of the players and how they approach the game. That's the devs job. Forming big companies is a good idea, but everyone wants their own company and their own land. So wishing upon a star for people to be better than they are is a horrible solution. The devs should encourage cooperation more. How? no clue.
  6. Let's face it. Servers are overcrowded. The freeports and starting areas are overpopulated, causing lag and the Chinese playerbase has to play on NA servers resulting in a bad experience for a lot of players. Just add more localised servers and more servers (both PvP and Pve) per Region (EU, NA, China, Australia,.... whatever) I also have complaints about the vitamin system but other threads are covering that already. This game has Potential. It's just not there yet... at all...
  7. Just flipping the vitamin system from punishing for bad vitamins to rewarding for good vitamins would be huge. You don't even need to overhaul the mechanic. Just flip it.
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