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Captain Jack Shadow

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Everything posted by Captain Jack Shadow

  1. You don't need a taming pen more than a few hours tops, so the code should be written that if the owner wants it gone, it takes 3 hours for the demolish to happen. Otherwise, the taming will need to be reworked such that pens are absolutely not needed. That would be a welcome change by me. How about this...you trap the animal with bola, and load it into a crate. Then take it back to your base for the taming. Could even use the tame crate idea I offered, which is really just borrowed code from ARK's cryopods.
  2. By the way, such magical items could be used for increasing the cargo ability of a ship. I would like to see some sort of cargo crate that can carry more resources at a reduced weight, like x0.1 weight, but cannot be opened on the ship unless anchored. This would allow more resources to be carried on a ship, without unbalancing the repair vs damage in a battle. Now, this could cause a problem in a fight where you pull into somebody's port, and anchor to repair damage while fighting, right? Sure, but the consequence is that you are now a sitting duck to mortars, and cannon bears. If you have removed those threats, I think it hardly matters if you use surplus repair stores you are carrying.
  3. Clearly, there needs to be some mechanic that ties the tame to the ship. I suggested magical crates, that upload the tames for transport, like the Cryopods do in ARK. A simple crate, or cube, that you can set down near a tame, and upload the tame into it. But, remove the thing about tames being sick if you remove too many at once. Just limit the number a ship can carry, For instance, making them still count as crew, except for shoulder tames, so long as there is a live crewman to count as it's owner. In the meantime, if you cross over into a new grid, and your shoulder tame is gone from your shoulder, try logging out, and back in. That sometimes makes them reappear on the deck near where you were standing.
  4. I would rather it not be a part of the game. PvP games don't need many overly complicated things. Things like that reduce PvP skill as the deciding factor in battle. Honestly, there are mechanics in this game that are going to drive new groups away from this game, very quickly. Imagine a few months after it goes live, and most of the megas are running around with no less than Legendary ship parts and cannons...armor and weapons...and all of it nearly maxed out by the crow, dolphin and respec into knowledge. Then some poor souls decide that they would like to come here as a company, and try out the game. So they build a few brigs, and a Galleon, and end up running into one Mythical Battle Brig that sinks their whole fleet. Yeah, that's going to convince them to stick around, right? This game will require a noob server, that teaches and allows companies like that to build up, and then allows them to bring everything they gathered, and built, to the regular server. Otherwise, they won't compete. A matching service will be needed, where companies try to woo them, and allow them to set up on their island, and ally.
  5. If it had been the odd thing, I would believe it was somebody from my company doing it. However, everything was gone, including rotten meat. Now this would happen if somebody not in my company found me, and just took everything quickly, and then later discarded what they didn't want, but the building was secure..doors closed, and no damage, so that rules out theft by the enemy. I suspect that the game somehow saw me as dead and put my stuff into a satchel, and so when I came back in, and woke up right where I had logged off, it was too late to find a satchel on the ground.
  6. Skill? LMFAO. Skill? You did not just say skill. LOL It's broken mechanics. If the feed option is highlighted blue or red, feeding should happen. Skill? Pretty much all animals are the same. Feed from the belly. Some allow feeding from behind the head. There is no indication as to why or when the elephant will strike out. Feed in one spot, and stand there, and suddenly, just as it is about to eat again, it lashes out, for no reason. You stood there and fed three times just fine, but out of nowhere, it suddenly doesn't like you standing there. When you approach again, it continues to lash out. So you feed and move away and wait, then move in again...and randomly, the same thing happens. It lashes out, even though you are moving right back into the spot that worked 5 times before. It's absurd...it's broken...and only a fool defends something it. I don't mind skill based, interactive taming, but how about something that is not absurd. How about something that looks like actual taming, not animal abuse. Immersion works better when it is at least somewhat believable. Yeah, ARK's system wasn't perfect either, and I always thought it was silly, but at least nearly killing the dino, repeatedly, wasn't part of the process.
  7. This. I probably wouldn't mind it so much in PvE, but in PvP, much of this survival nonsense just isn't needed. Once again, I am so happy that Star Citizen, which will require you to eat, drink, sleep and use the restroom, is not going to make it like a survival game. The community was very happy about that. Just stop into a cafeteria once or twice a day, and you are good. More there as added realism, than some mechanic that must be managed frequently.
  8. Kind of helps the immersion when the mechanics at least resemble reality, even if only just slightly. Kind of like why we don't have lasers and photon torpedoes on our 17th Century sailing ships.
  9. I have tamed elephants. That doesn't change the fact that the mechanics are broken. You get the feed notification, you should be able to feed. And once again, the whole system needs to be changed. I know some people defend the current system because they fear the system being changed to something more ARK-like. I prefer the ARK system to this, but I understand what they are worried about, and I agree, and don't want the crazy long time it takes to tame in ARK. That is the ONLY thing that is good about this system...the time is not nearly as long as ARK, which put me off taming on official. Same for breeding on official. It's too long here also. Wouldn't be so bad if you could just feed them and leave them be while they grow up. I am not going to stay up all night to care for a virtual animal. That's beyond absurd. The DEVs need to learn that most people don't game with an international community, and thus don't have people to care for a virtual baby, around the clock. Develop mechanics that aren't absurd.
  10. Sorry, takes a whole lot more than that, if your vitamins get low, which does happen when you are concentrating on other task. I have eaten as many as 60 or 70 berries or more, to get the Vitamin C back up. If using some of the wild greens, it takes nearly as many to get Vitamin A back up. It doesn't enhance my game experience, and you know what...find me one case in real life where somebody died from vitamin poisoning from eating a couple steaks too many, or too many berries/veggies, or too much fish.
  11. You will need to find an unofficial server that has a mod to do this. Was the same on ARK. I enjoyed the unofficial servers because you could get stuff done. You had things that collected eggs, poop, etc.. and things to distribute thatch to compost bins, and collect the fertilizer from them. You had a nanny to take care of the babies so you could go to bed. You had a gun to pick up structures you placed but was too far away to interact with. Like today, making a taming pen 3 walls high for crows. Put a wall on, but it snapped going out away from the structure. No way to interact with it, so I had to make another wall. Total pain in the ass, but that seems to be what the devs of games like this want the game to be. When I played official, I hated the tedious chores, like picking up the poop, and eggs. And stacks are so small, you couldn't walk away from the game for too long, or your dinos would starve and die. Anyway, I can assure you that it is working the way they want it to. You and I want to get to the adventuring stuff, but they want you to waste time filling water skins, picking up poop, shoveling for an hour to get enough worms to tame a crow, etc... These games are a huge time sink. If you want it to play faster, find a good unofficial server.
  12. Know what would stop this? A simple rule that doing things like this, that could be considered PvP tactics...griefing, etc..will get your Company wiped. Then do it with recording on, and post the video for all to see here. Make an announcement in the server that X company was wiped for doing X, in the game for people to see when they log on. When people understand that they will be wiped for such actions, and then banned for repeated offenses, it will stop.
  13. I detest how much time it takes. So you are down on vitamins, and you get those white arrows as you eat, that hide how much the vitamin is rising. So you have to sit there and let it go away, then eat a little more, and wait, and eat a little more, and wait. I very much preferred ARK's eating. Hungry? Just slam some food, and you are good. You can get right back to what you were doing.
  14. This is why survival games are niche games. Everything is a pain in the ass, because what survival games tend to lack, is game content, so they need to slow you down...way down. Keep you running after silly stuff, constantly, so that you don't realize you are playing a game with very little actual game content. 7 days to die, is a perfect example of this. If you didn't have the survival stuff to keep you busy, there would be no game. When you understand that the survival stuff is there to distract you from the fact that there is very little game content, you will understand everything about the game.
  15. My time is valuable to me. I don't like it to be wasted. I spent the last few hours getting things done. Made 5 shovels, some metal tools, farmed some stuff, and repaired many shovels because I had dug up several hundred potatoes, and 100 worms, so I could tame a crow or two. Suddenly, while in the building, my controls became glitched. Couldn't turn my character or move. Could punch. So I logged out to reset. Took a very short break, and then logged back in. Nobody is at our island, and the building was secure...doors closed, and no damage. All of my stuff is gone. Every last bit of everything that was on my body. Gone...all of it. No desire to play, so I shut the game down. Almost uninstalled it.
  16. How about no. If you get the blue feed notification, you should be able to feed, period. This process is broken, period. It must be fixed. Stop defending broken game mechanics. The entire system is lazy programming. It looks nothing at all like taming. You don't repeatedly, nearly kill something and force feed it, to tame it. Never in the history of mankind taming creatures, has this ever been employed as a method of taming. And something trapped, doesn't automatically escape every two minutes. This system is absurd, and MUST be replaced with something that makes sense.
  17. No, would like to just be able to log into the game, and filter for what you want in the server search.
  18. I don't know if I will ever play PvE, but in the event that I did, I would likely play unofficial for the cool mods, especially building mods. Not sure why anyone would want to play PvE in the toxic cesspool that is Official PvE. What would drive me insane is the pillar and foundation spam, and all the other antisocial BS that goes on. Who wants to go to islands that are covered in foundations and pillars? It would look absurd. Not that the ridiculous walled ports on official are any better.
  19. And the whole system is still an abomination.
  20. I think most people like most of the new Colonies system, but would like to see it made such that no company, or alliance, or several unofficial alliance partners, can control the whole map. People want to own islands, not rent from Megas.
  21. Have seen islands with no metal nodes to be found, no crystal, no gems, no salt, no natural port, and terrain that is difficult to defend, and the island's points are way too high with these things in mind. Makes no sense at all. One island is 150 points, and it appears nobody wants it, as a result. Not because it is 150 points, but because the cost isn't justified. We looked at it...walked around it...and said, "nope."
  22. When I want to play some steam games, I can set many different filters for the search, such as when I play Team Fortress 2, occasionally. I had looked for an unofficial, but there just isn't enough info provided. Why not an advanced search function? One that allows you to set different parameters, such as Mods or no mods Number of grids Filters for the different rates. I don't think it would be feasible to filter for specific mods, so just a toggle between vanilla, and modded, would be good. Number of grids could allow you to choose a greater than or less than option, and then the number, so that people can find what they are looking for. Some people want a big map, while others want a smaller map. With the rates, some people like rates that are vanilla, and some like a slight boost, and some like a huge boost. Feedback can be given to server owners, so that they can see what is popular. Would help owners with unpopular servers, better understand why their server is unpopular.
  23. Too early. Bigger fish to fry. I suspect they will do these things when the game is more stable.
  24. Lost a bunch of our players. Worked hard to get an island. The one we wanted. What we didn't anticipate was that it was to be in the heart of a Mega's territory. So after taking it, we reach out for an unofficial alliance. Knew this is what it had to be because they have the official alliance full...can see their company names in chat. Too many to even have in one alliance for all of their companies. So one of their leaders talks to us, and gives us a list of who is in the alliance, and who are enemies. 12 hours later, they wiped us. We we weren't quite to 20 people, but were slowly getting our friends to join. and about about 6 were online when it happened. 5 are gone for sure...forever. They want no part of this system. Others are contemplating leaving for good. Some had stayed up for 36 hours trying to get that island, and get somewhere, only to believe they could get some sleep now that we had "protection." Then they come on to find everything gone. The game needs to make factions official. It basically has this anyway, but not everyone gets to participate in that, and you can't trust them.
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