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Everything posted by MagicPuncher

  1. It wasn't so bad when you could one shot them with a pistol. Now you can't unless they are really low level. Melee is useless because of their venom. So there's nothing to do but kite them all over the place while trying to reload and not have them catch up to you. And then while you are kiting them around, you run into a few more snakes. It's a mess.
  2. A-frickin-men. Sooooooo annoying. I like the idea of it, pirates that snore, kinda funny I guess. But after a minute or 2 it is grating. There is a reason people don't like it when other people snore. Maybe some kinda thing where right when you come up on a sleeping body you hear the snore but then it fades out after 10 seconds.
  3. Yeah, after more testing I've determined that it can barely one-shot low level snakes, but not enough to get higher level snakes. Not sure what the cutoff is exactly.
  4. In the trailer they show the swivel gun spewing out fire like a flamethrower. I assumed that was what Greek fire was. I would like to know what gun is best against land animals. I mounted a canon on the back of my anchored boat, facing the land, thinking I was going to blow crocs to pieces, but it did about as much damage as a pistol. I was quite disappointed.
  5. I checked out an NPC trader at a freeport last night, and I wasn't sure it was working right. For one, I needed to have the resource I wanted to buy with me in order to buy it. So if I wanted to buy some gems, I had to have a certain quantity of gems in my inventory, etc. I suppose maybe that's by design to force people to explore instead of just buying what they need. However that kind of makes the trader drastically less useful. And then it may have been my imagination, but I thought that when I bought some fiber, it didn't actually give me any, it just took my 6 gold. I had a bunch of fiber on me, and didn't really take note of how much I had, and I didn't have any more gold to try again.
  6. AFAIK, they can man cannons, man sails, and repair the ship. That's it. I've never used the lieutenant podium, but I heard that it's purely cosmetic right now. Don't know if that's true tho.
  7. I was also very surprised when I shot a snake in the head and it didn't die. Then I tried a croc with my blunderbuss at point blank and it didn't die either. Not even close. Didn't take me long to figure out that they nerfed the guns and didn't tell us. Also pretty disappointed.
  8. Crocs are no longer one shot with the blunderbuss, and snakes are no longer one shot with pistols. This blows, honestly. I'm not the type to be inflamitory, but animals were already too much of a pain in the neck. This makes it worse. Not happy about this.
  9. In the trailer/promo screenshots they showed sails with custom images on them. Hearts, kittens, skulls, stripes, etc. Is that functionality in the game yet? Can we/will we be able to upload custom images just like we do with claim flags?
  10. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the cannonballs in this game travel really slowly. From a quick google search it seems cannonballs should travel at about 200 meters per second, or 450 mph. Is it just me, or does it seem like they are nowhere near that fast? And I understand that gameplay trumps realism, and if they want to make them slower for more interesting gameplay, that's fine. I'm just curious.
  11. I've noticed that the cooking pot and the diving platform both only have 100 HP. Compared to something like a smithy that I think has 7500. Is this an oversight or is there some gameplay reason for this? Seems silly. And it's very annoying because I can't keep either for more than one play session because they are constantly being destroyed by crocs. The cooking pot is fairly cheap, but the diving platform isn't.
  12. If I have crew assigned to sail control, is there a way to control them from the helm, or can that only be done from a Lieutenant podium?
  13. I use SuvivalServers.com. they have really good customer support and a hair cheaper than Nitrado. Have used them for Ark for years, now for Atlas
  14. When you say "deal more damage", does that mean that the cannons they man deal more damage, or their hand to hand fighting?
  15. I understand that after destroying an AoD ship, you can recruit the guys that are floating in the water by the wreckage with gold coins. My question is, do you have to keep paying them hourly, like you do with recruits you hire at a free port, or are they then more like tames, they are just with you until they die. If you do have to keep paying them, what would the advantage be, since they cost more to acquire, both in effort and in gold coins?
  16. THAT'S why Moana took the chicken but left the pig. She didn't want to sink her canoe.
  17. With the dev kit dropping any day now, I'm sure someone will be able to find the code in there that controls the wind and find out exactly what it's doing.
  18. From what I can tell, the wind direction just slowly rotates steadily clockwise. Assuming that's true, it should be pretty easy to calculate what direction it will be blowing at what time. It would be really cool to have an online tool where you pick what official server you are on, and then it tells you what direction the wind will be blowing at what time. That way you can plan accordingly. Sucks getting on expecting to sail, only to find the wind is blowing the opposite direction you want to go and it will be hours until it comes around. I'm not nearly smart enough to do such a thing, but maybe someone here is.
  19. Aaaahhhh. That could be it. I am currently in a freeport.
  20. Ships constanlty "take damage", which is to say that they wear out. It happens especially fast in a freeport (my sloop lasts about 12 hours before it will sink if not repaired), but even in your own territory it's health is always slowly going down. I'm in the same situation. Got the resource chest full of resources, I set them to unfollow, not assigned to do anything, and they just stand there waving/cheering over and over.
  21. My ship is anchored, I have a Ship Resource Box full of wood, fiber, thatch, etc, and I have a crew member on board. How do I make him repair my ship?
  22. Maybe the sextant does this, I don't know, never had one, but it would be very nice to see my ship speed. Would be very useful to see which ship is faster, how different sails affect speed, how weight affects speed, etc. Whether by a tool or simply in the ship HUD
  23. Do we even know what the rules are right now? I heard it was 3 days, but on 3 separate occasions I've had my claim stolen over night. Getting REALLY tired of this. I keep hearing it's 3 days, but I'm not sure if that has been implemented yet or not. I this "Chinese Hackers" at work, or is this intended gameplay?
  24. So digging into some of the example files that Grapeshot provided to help people get their own dedicated servers up and running, there are ship paths made for ghost ships that look like this: "PathName": "GhostShip", "AutoSpawnShipClass": "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/ShipPaths/PathFollowingGhostShip_BP.PathFollowingGhostShip_BP'", "AutoSpawnEveryUTCInterval": 21600, Then there are paths made for NPC Trader ships, but the code is left blank and the spawn rate is 0. It looks like this: "PathName": "NPCTrader1", "AutoSpawnShipClass": "", "AutoSpawnEveryUTCInterval": 0, So I am thinking that they are not in the game yet.
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