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Everything posted by MagicPuncher

  1. Soooooo what happens to my character if I never go to the fountain of youth? I understand that eventually (later in development) my guy will die and pass his stuff on to someone in his will. But as of right now, does he just keep getting older forever? Does the debuff keep getting worse? Will he ever die (permanently) of old age? And if he does, what happens?
  2. I like the concept, it's just way too fast. My guy has aged 80 years in a month. I feel like that's about 10x too fast. If I had to guess I would say that they have sped it up for testing purposes. After all, that's what we are doing-- Testing the game.
  3. It's a shame because sailing is by far my favorite part of the game. They nailed the ocean waves/shaders, the sounds, the FEELING of sailing, much like Elite Dangerous nailed the feeling of flying a spaceship. It's a shame that it's so dangerous. I currently have a huge crew manning 24 cannons on my brig, but I can't sustain the amount they cost. Sooner or later I will run out of money.
  4. Does sneaking actually make you harder to detect by predators? If not, are there any plans to enable this functionality in the future?
  5. Do you have plans for a trading system, where one can stop at a port and buy large sums of cargo, then travel to another and sell it for a profit (not just between players, but via NPC)? Do you have plans for any kind of law and order system? Like if you attack a trading ship or other players you become wanted on that server, and the Royal Navy (or whatever) comes after you, or other players can kill you and claim bounty, etc. Any chance of moving to a 64 bit engine, or at least just a 64 bit positioning system (Like Star Citizen did)? Seems like that's the biggest reason for breaking the world up into so many different servers.
  6. Will we ever see NPC ships besides trading ships? Like NPC Pirates and NPC Navy/Police Ships?
  7. Can we expect in the future to see an increase in the draw distance of ships? Are there any plans to enable us to see across server borders? Or even just some kind of indicator that an SoD is camping on the other side?
  8. I take you you never played Ark? Atlas runs a little BETTER than Ark, if you can imagine that. People complained about optimization in that game for years, assuming that they would optimize it right before full launch. Full launch came and went, still runs like crap. Hate to say it, but get used to it. It won't change. However I will say that playing on official servers takes a big toll. I played on a private server once and my frame rate was almost double what I get on official.
  9. I think the longer timer WOULD help accidental clicks. I can be looking directly at a staircase, see it's name, health, etc, hold E to go to demolish and then actually be demolishing the ship deck. I know it says it in the center of the radial menu, but I think a longer timer would definitely help. The longer timer has stopped me on more than one occasion from accidentally demoing a cliff platform. In Atlas and in Ark. It's just enough to tip me off that something is wrong. Especially when you are demoing lots of pieces in a row. I don't see how this is any different than a cliff platform.
  10. Twice now I have tried to demolish something small like a ceiling tile on the deck of my ship and accidentally demolished the whole deck with everything on it. Today I lost 6 large cannons, helm, 6 water barrels, and my captains quarters with smithy, larder, SRB, perserving bag, etc. in it. Obviously it was my fault, but this could simply be fixed by making the timer (how long it takes the radial menu to "fill up" before you demolish it to be a noticably longer time than any normal building piece. That would be enough to let you know something wasn't right. Would be a very easy fix that could save a lot of headache and kicking oneself. Off to rebuild.
  11. I know fire arrows are effective against human ships (and everything else), but I wonder if they are effective against Ships of the Damned. Can anyone speak to this?
  12. I use a half wall with half stairs and a ceiling tile
  13. Honestly, if I didn't already have a spot (literally ONE claim for our company of 7, that's all we could get), I would be on an unofficial server. I will eventually get my own private server because it's just too crowded. It breaks immersion when every single island is completely ringed by ships and shipyards. Not to mention a 30% tax just about everywhere you go (besides freeport and lawless).
  14. Wondering if there is an easy way, ideally from the helm, to have my NPC crew that on the cannons on, let's say the starboard side, all move across to the opposite cannon on the port side. This way you could hire half the crew, as you rarely need to be firing from both sides at once. Otherwise I am trying to run down there, whistle at them one at a time, trying to get them to move in the middle of battle and it's a big cluster.
  15. I can't connect to official servers today. The list of official servers is empty. On my sons computer it prompted him to install Battle Eye when he launched Atlas today, but mine didn't. I suspect that is my problem. I verified my game files but it didn't do anything. I also tried disabling my antivirus and launching AtlasGame_BE.exe. Any suggestions? Edit: Restarting my computer and running as administrator seemed to do the trick.
  16. It would be nice if it started vibrant and then over time, maybe a few weeks (if your ship even lasts that long hahaha) it could fade to be like this and then you have to repaint it.
  17. I play PvE so I don't think about that kind of thing. All I care about is killing AoD ships.
  18. Was having a lot of fun painting my ship last night, but I was disappointed with how washed out/faded the color is on the hull. I think it looks beautiful on the gun port doors, I wish the whole hull could be just like that.
  19. Was having a lot of fun painting my ship last night, but I was disappointed with how washed out/faded the color is on the hull. I think it looks beautiful on the gun port doors, I wish the whole hull could be just like that.
  20. It's especially hard for solo/ very small groups, because it's nigh impossible to defeat a group of SoD solo. So if you are a solo player thinking you can hire enough crew to help you run your schooner (12+) or Brigantine (15+), let alone a galleon, there is just no way. To hire 12 crew costs 60 gold up front, plus 160 gold per day. That's borderline unsistainable for a small (1-3) player group. I was under the impression initially that anyone you rescued from AoD ships would be yours until they died, just like a tame, without needing to pay them (it's the least they can do for saving they damned souls), and only crew hired from the recruiter cost money. I think that would be a better system. But a full flegged economy where you could do trade runs, something like Elite Dangerous, etc, would add massive depth to this game.
  21. I thought they solved that problem by locking anything with an inventory like smithies and looms. Heck, even campfires are locked. I guess they could still stand on it if they had the numbers.
  22. I used to fear alphas until I found out that 3 or 4 fire arrows will kill any alpha I've ever encountered. But I'm sure they will nerf that any day now and then we'll be screwed.
  23. I have encountered the same bug. Mine started when I switched to a gamepad.
  24. The question was poorly worded. What he is asking is, is there a way to tell what the direction is blowing without standing on a ship (to see the HUD in the top right). My only thought would be to look at a claim flag, but I'm not sure if they actually blow the direction of the wind or not.
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