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Everything posted by Fieldsweeper

  1. lands worth more than that. lol its pretty limited.
  2. technically as fun as it may be to raid people (only by pin codes or they left unlock) you really shouldn't be able to do anything negative to another player. in PVE.
  3. best way is to make companies have to level to place claims, and more of them, and or larger areas of the particular claim. ALSO an upkeep the more you ahve the more it costs, larger comps should have to invest more time to keep their shit. will slow them on pvp side a bit too. then hard cap how many you can have and even more skills and leveling /maint needed for alliances and multiples etc.
  4. +its a good thing. it does not need to be tedious and super slow. you still have to tack to get faster speeds. so rest assured skilled people will still be able to out maneuver and escape or catch less skilled sailors.
  5. 6 years in the Navy and brings back memories haha. I was using a fee of that simply out of habit and my friends would never know what I meant and I was like. Really dude. Haha. It was so second nature after being in the Navy for so long LMAO. I'm loving the game. Wish ship scales were larger Tho. The largest ship isn't all that impressive compared to a rafts size.
  6. How did you get it and where?
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