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Everything posted by Teach

  1. You're basing that on the current status of the game. The game is changing and features are being added everyday. Gold has been promised to be the defacto currency exchange above barter- as depicted in their wishes to setup player markets in the freeports (which are run and operated by gold). Gold will become the standard, land ownership 2nd to it as the land is only as good as the profit in gold it will generate. As land is -not- the only way to generate gold, being a huge land owner will not guarantee your state of power in the world, only provide advantage if the land is developed and utilized wholely. Land value has yet to become a statistic people are concerned with; but that will change over the evolution of the game. You can own 10 tiles of desert, but if your desert doesn't produce gold, it's as worthless as the sand that encompasses it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_continents_by_GDP_(nominal) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continent#Area_and_population While Africa and Asia are the largest continents in the world (with the largest populations), on the GDP Africa never breaks the top 3, and Asia which should dominate only holds #1 in one category. TL;DR - If my 1 tile produces more gold value than your 10 tiles, then you are living on and own crap piles. It's like people didn't take their courses in history seriously...
  2. Quite the contrary, an Early Access project is all about re-writing the rules, and the systems, and improving them. In your way of thinking, the world would never propagate change.
  3. And everything you said in this excerpt just proves my point as to why gold should be the determining factor. By your regard, individual and small group wealth should not be accounted for, when in fact it's individual and small group wealth that makes the world go round. In that same instance, where Mega's have the power to flip tiles at their will- how would the chosen metric ever favor a non-mega company? Land claims are not a balanced metric for the demographic of players the developers are trying to cater to; both small group and mega alike. Especially when the majority of those claims go undeveloped for farming resources & earning taxes.
  4. You're stuck/respawning under a floor which had changes made to them that are retroactive. It may or may not apply to already affected structures, but prevents you & structures interacting that way in the future to help avoid the situation. No fix is perfect- there have been clipping issues for years in Ark. The fact is they are making progress. In all the transporting of animals I do as a bear & wolf trader, I have never had a tame completely dissapear. I have had tames fall off my boat- I've had tames get left behind while entering/leaving a laggy grid, to which we went back and retrieved them from the water. If they aren't dead in your game log, they still exist somewhere on the map, you just need to have the brain to retrieve them. See you when the game goes gold. Thanks, @Percieval
  5. Agreed, and I dont argue PvE doesn't have it's place- just the allocation of resources towards developing PvE essentially makes it it's own entity- and forces an already small group of developers to support 2 titles with the same name. PvE should be developed by the unofficial community, that's all. You'd actually get more attention and changes from the community than you would the devs. It would also be 2 less server clusters Grapeshot has to host, which means there is budget to do other things. They are probably in contract though, and even removing PvE official at this time would leave them footing the bill.
  6. Truthfully, the argument to remove PvE in an official capacity is a losing battle- but that doesn't take away the idea I can still drill into carebears about how they essentially ruin & delay development of the game when PvP players can handle the issues PvE players encounter all on their own. Not looking to cause a bigger wave than the one I created here
  7. Then google what I googled and read the opinion of HUNDREDS of PvE Ark players.
  8. Idiot that knows this is exactly what happened in PvE Ark and this is just time repeating itself. PvE has always been the bane of existance to Wildcard games. It's a waste of time and effort to appease a portion of population that would rather scream entitlement at every corner rather than take it upon themselves to develop the experience they are looking for. PvE takes the sand out of the sandbox, and should be relegated to only unofficial capacities.
  9. That's exactly my point...its more than possible to do without sneaking, and even easier to do if you actually apply sneaking to your tame method. The complaints here are mainly people just not understanding the actual process.
  10. Thanks for the montage of crybaby streamers- great entertainment on your way out. Only issue that actually is an issue was the 2nd one with getting stuck in freeport. The rest is mainly player ignorance lmao. That and the majority of the clips are from the first week or two...yeah. Anyway, thanks for the laughs- best of luck on your journey.
  11. I encountered an issue once where the anchor controls were reversed. This only happened one time- but try to go to one of the ship planks, and "lower" the anchor from the radial menu. Even though your ship will come up with the anchored icon, you may be able to move it. This was resolved by re-logging after re-anchoring the vessel at a beach. Hope it applies here.
  12. Forgive us for playing the game how it's actually meant to be played. You don't see PvP'ers making posts about being wiped by a level 2-3 SOD, or asking the devs to deal with a sole griefer when in PvP you handle it yourself by handcuffing them, caging them, and force-feeding them until they uninstall cause they have no friends to come help them.
  13. If they only had a mode where you could deal with this crap yourself... Oh yeah, it's called PvP. Forgive me for not being more sympathetic, but the idea that Grapeshot has to continuously appease carebears and dedicate hours to making essentially 2 games out of one to satiate the pacifists has always been upsetting. Had you just played on PvP and grown accustomed to how PvP works- you wouldn't be making this long winded post crying for outside help to deal with your internal issues. It's not really a downfall of the game, but a failure on the communities end which makes development of this title 2x as long having to account for all these PvE-Unfriendly mishaps. What you are experiencing is daily routine on PvP, but we don't amputate ourselves by playing PvE and do something about it. With that said, dude should be banned.
  14. You're ommitting the variable of concentrated defense vs being spread thinner over 3 grids. Right now as things stand, there are hundreds of undeveloped claims that are owned by megas trying to rent them out for the tax perks. Just because a mega has put their name on said land, doesn't depict if that land has been developed on. In this regard, Land Value for undeveloped land is much lower than fully developed, defended territory. So per my example, Small company with 100k gold, gets hit 1x- there's no guarantee that they sustain 100% loss. Even if they did establish 100% loss, what is the problem? They'd simply no longer be the top company, and the company with the 2nd highest intrinsic value moves to the top (if the company that sacked the #1 doesnt replace them on their own). This would also give incentive for the bounty missions to come (Putting a bounty on the top companies for their gold) TL;DR Claimed land does not always have Land Value beyond the base value that it is land that can be devleoped.
  15. You cannot currently breed bears in Polar: All the test information and proof is provided in this reddit post. Tundra is the closest region for bears, and seemingly any other tame Tundra wants. Tundra: The ideal breeding territory causing disparity with the rest of the world.
  16. Gold sinks will always be a drain on the infinite amount of gold that can be produced. The incentive to attacking a "fat company" that is laden in gold but can't defend it, in my eyes is a seemingly much better metric. Where Company A has 1 land claim decked out to the teeth, and 100k gold to their name- should be higher valued than Company B with 100 loosely defended claims and 100 gold to their name. It may not be now- but gold will become the standard economy and eventually equal if not trump barter. It's all about seeing the big picture of how the Atlas civilization will evolve in parallel to real life. Freeport shops will be the first step in that transition.
  17. And thus, you discovered why currency in real life is what it is today. Gold/treasure was a way to appease raiders from sacking and taking your land. It was a way to invoke trade beyond barter, and in the end- maintain land control. I'm for the top company metric being changed to gold over land ownership.
  18. Teach

    Ram Sloop

    Yes, but you get no materials back for demolishing Ramshackle parts. We've dubbed Ramshackles that have gotten an overhaul Pimpshackles
  19. People that worry about population in an Early Access title, simply do. not. understand. what Early Access is. The truth of the matter is, Atlas took on a ton more "water" than it was originally intended at the launch of the project ( I dont say game or product for many reasons, mainly because it was not either at its launch, nor intended to be a complete product- quite the opposite). If that extra baggage is finally parting ways, so be it. Anyone believing otherwise was subject to the hype of an item they really had no information about. Tired of seeing all the doom and gloom over an EA title that's no where near being complete. No one cares about the population.
  20. Everybody ignores sneaking like it's not a skill... If the animal is attacking you, you've scared it with your presence. Reset your sneak approach and come at it again.
  21. The main difference is the usage of additional parameters, and not applying DOS args in the JSON file- as well as the exclusion of SeamlessIP, which was formerly a requirement. I've updated the guide with @Firedragon's command line (as a starting point for new owners) and accredited him. Thanks dude for helping people out!
  22. As it stands, you currently cannot breed bears in the polar regions, and wolves at all; which frankly seems absurd as they abundantly spawn here more than anywhere. Please allow breeding of bears in the north/south- it adds to the continuity that you would be able to breed where they naturally exist. Are spawns with sexual properties born from asexual creatures? or do the bears migrate multiple tiles, have their young, and bring them back with none of us seeing? I don't think breeding in general should be limited to biome at all- you've already given the players the tools and tames to manipulate temperature- if we can already simulate and manipulate the temperatures they would be comfortable in, that's all the animal/s should be concerned with. This suggestion is being up'voted on reddit:
  23. Build a couple of layers of stone walls around your shipyard.
  24. You need to level once passed the level you were prior to the patch to resume respecs.
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