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Everything posted by Lobotechx

  1. me and my friend got wiped lvl 20+ by crossing a blue wall. THere is no point to play the game right now ask for refund.
  2. No your character is lose, the Dev said they don't give a fuk about such bug, level 8 is the max level for now they don't want us to see futur content. SInce all the close island is already claim there is no way to enjoy the beta. If you cross a blue wall your character is deleted. Only a few can enjoy the game on thier close island.
  3. THe dev don't know hwo to fix this they probly wait for one of us to find the solution since nobody care about this huge bug which affect 90% of the population lvl 8+
  4. TELFIRE if you can't resolve the bug or have any solution please stop comment in bug section, Comment like get over it is for toxic moron so don't be a moron please.
  5. Yes the game force you to visite new region to unlock lvl 8 but surprise if you cross a border your character is erased welcome to beta test.
  6. Hope you get wiped and lose all your progression, we will see how cocky you are.
  7. Just happend to me i tryed every casual method before recreating a new toon, Restarted the game tryed different region but the game always ask to remake a character, me and my friend are completly bug. Some of us are lvl 20+ its not like nothing and can't get over it. Dying is fine but reset ur toon to lvl 0 after pend 40+ hrs ? i mean fuk off, How we can get refund ?
  8. E10 is not in the map as a region how you can get back your toon ? Me and my friend just lose all our character and we can't figure out how to fix it. We are stuck in e10 and the game ask us to remake a character. We are from G7
  9. How i can get a refund ??? It's not possible to contact the game itself or getting help me and my friend want to stop we lose all progression
  10. Bump now i have moved from G7 to E10 and the game erased my character .... this is so nice, i only wnated to remove max lvl glitch trying to move away as far as possible and my character is gone for moving to E10
  11. Bump this is annoying please fix this i need help
  12. Hello i have a Max level glitch i visited 6 island moved from 2 Region ( suqare ) discovered new place and i still have the max lvl glitch. Is it possible to contact a Dev to remove the max lvl glitch it's really annoying i can't progress anymore. I know it's not a big deal for the game itself but its really annoying for me. Thank you.
  13. Lady and gent, after 20+ hours here what i did, I reach lvl 8 then force to move with a rafl for 12 hours to unluck my lvl 9. And i could'nt find any place yet here what i did so far. or hrs and hrs and hrs following the wind which never change.
  14. 2019 game guys, using 1999 server host
  15. G7 is dead, you guys shut down the server to improve performance for the last 5 hours now we want to play because we are late on our progression but unfortunatly all you guys did is reduce perfomance by 80% so we can't move. Well done Golden Buzzer 2019. So hard to buy decent server.
  16. Please bring back the patch 4.1 or 4.2 it was Lag Free, why you guys screw up with the server now we are doom for the week end.
  17. Hello lady and gent, my server g7 was down for about 4-5 hrs, before the shut down my region was lag free and really fun. After the patch fix 5.2 my Server is Broken the patch decreased the performences of G7 by 80%. I don't understand i never seen such thing in 20 years of gaming.
  18. Yes it<s the fix they made after shut down half server for 5 hours they decide to fix it. Solution is bring down the game itself.
  19. Well that's unfortunate 99% of the game is ocean.
  20. Server is down for the whole week end until furtur notice.
  21. They decided to bring down a few random server for the whole week end. You must restart a new character in a different region. Oh wait i forgot you can't delete your character so just watch people progression on twitch and enjoy your week end.
  22. My server is down for 4hrs + i wish i could play.
  23. So guys once you reach lvl 8 the game will force you to visit at least 2 other region to remove the max lvl lock. Once it's done you will be able to continue lvling but if you do one mistake you are fuk top for hours, let me explaim. If you unluck lvl 8 after spending hours sailing ( the wind never change so you have no choise to sail at the same place ) and you return to a starter zone the game will auto lock your level again so you have to go back sail and visit 2 more region to unluck ur lvl again and if you go on a starter island ( which u have no idea ) you level get lock again. At first it hoguht it was a prank but then i realize they really did that on purpose but i report it as a bug because it's completetly retarded to force people to sail for hours on water which is annoying. 99.9% of the world map is water and all the same animals.
  24. So g7 DOwn for 5 hrs + Is it possible to bring down another server so we can play on G7 ? Make it a bit fair ? Why bring down G7 for the whole day ????
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