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Sir Burass

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Everything posted by Sir Burass

  1. Then you're not in a good area, usually you want to focus on the shore, right where it starts to turn to grass. If you move you camera to look straight down on the bear youll see more. Often there are tons in thick grass you can just barely see. i JUST farmed almost 400k thatch in 2.5 hours on 2x (around 371k) while also gathering fiber (271k at the same time)
  2. ok well im sick of players complaining about leaves not being close, thats the whole game only some resources in some areas
  3. Bear gathers thatch from brown leaves on the ground. i can easily farm 300k in a couple hours on 2x, which will also net me around 250k fiber at the same time.
  4. seems like a single dragon wrecks the EU servers and are doing the same to NA now
  5. What the current counter to the dragon at this point? watching streams of a single dragon basically wiping multiple grids over night its crazy!
  6. yup total scan, you're right, you cracked the case! Contact the FBI asap
  7. you should have refunded after 1.5 hrs in menu....we all know steams rules EDIT: And we all read that thing about early access being full of bugs and issues right? still bought it? yeah i dont see why you should get a refund.
  8. it should be the original date
  9. It's literally not a possible thing to release atlas as dlc. Not compatible. Its the same company and they are using stuff from ark to to make the game, thats been known for a long time. how the heck is that corruption? The toyota supra has the steering wheel from a camry, doesnt make it a camry.
  10. Worst graphics? Have you stared into the water bruv, its amazing. I'm pissed over the delay but this is why its not a finished game.
  11. Is's built on a completely new engine, they literally could not release it as dlc.
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