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Captain Kuro

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Everything posted by Captain Kuro

  1. Dont aggro it then. I was literally just within a grappling hook throw of 3 SotDs and they didnt aggro.
  2. And also build a tall tower near your base, preferably that you can climb from inside. Then you just climb up and rain down fire arrows with no way to get attacked.
  3. Im just telling you what I have read here on the forums. And also from personal experience. Just trying to give you some advice so you dont lose another ship in the same way but w/e.
  4. Feel free to doubt, but thats most likely what happened. Do a search on the forums and you will see
  5. Ships degrade way faster in the freeport zones to stop people spawning 100s of rafts and stopping people getting out. I would imagine this is probably what happened.
  6. ^ this is 100% correct. Yes there are people who cant get on, however, there are ones who have also put 100s of hours in and its just as unfair on them to have it wiped.
  7. You are just bad at the game. Face it. Learn to sail. Learn mechanics. Or do us all a favour and uninstall the game. We dont need shitbags like you here. That base is me putting "no hours" into this game. Where is your base? Oh yeah, you dont have one because you keep sinking your ships like a retard.
  8. Im guessing then if this is "not playing the game", that you own 100 ships, along with 15 islands and are a revered pirate god? Pull your head out your arse and get better at the game. SoDs dont spawn in aggro range, that is a fact. You sailed into their aggro range. You seem like the kind of person who would decide to stop breathing someday, and despite people telling you otherwise, you will carry on thinking its a good idea
  9. You dont need to do that as far as im aware. We have been using ingots as alloy to make cannons.
  10. No I have just actually played the game how its meant to be played and learn from my mistakes. Im literally telling you how to avoid this problems, yet you keep ignoring them. Carry on overloading your ships and sinking to SoDs and crying salty ignorant tears.
  11. All metal ingots are alloy. Some recipes require specific ingots, but it will tell you which one. You need to put wood in it and light it.
  12. Literally every time you post, you are saying your problem, yet you are blaming it on something else. Level up your ships weight, use speed sails, dont put too much on your ship. Yes you cant bring back much metal, but thats how the game is. Play the game how it is, not how you want to play it.
  13. No it hasnt, people are just that stupid
  14. Are you literally stupid? DONT FUCKING OVER-WEIGH YOUR SHIP! Yes go collect resources, but dont collect so much that is over encumbers the ship and slows it down. Fuck me is it really so hard?
  15. I have literally avoided them every single time I have played. People need to learn to sail better and not get in aggro range. It really not hard.
  16. You literally stated what you did wrong in your post.
  17. It can. I have done it every single time I have used a raft. Stop making excuses for your mistakes. Stop Over-weighing your Rafts, and sail them correctly.
  18. You can easily outrun a SoD on a Raft and even a Sloop. The problem is people are over-weighing their ships. Rafts are not cargo ships. They are designed to carry around a single person. You shouldnt be farming up on the starter islands, you need to do that once you get out to another island. SoDs arent scary enough. Yes you see loads, but they barely ever aggro if you actually navigate correctly. Out of all the ones I have seen since day one, I have been targeted by one. My advice for people struggling with SoDs: Dont over-weigh your ship. Dont AFK sail. Watch and learn their sailing patterns.
  19. 1. Not 1, but it needs limiting imo. Maybe have it as a skill which can increase the number of claims up to a certain number 2. There needs to be contesting. I think thats a great mechanic for the game. Causes people to fight. Make a good base in your area and you wont need to be on 24/7 as your sleeping body will contest it
  20. My group of 4 was involved in a PvP sea battle, we sunk as it was us in a Schooner vs a Brig. We managed to wash ashore, and stole a piece of land straight away. We now own 20% of the island. It is definitely possible, you just need to be in the right place at the right time.
  21. SoD are easy to avoid on Sloops if you sail them correctly. I have been sailing around for 3 days, and not lost a ship to a SoD. Stay with the wind, and dodge about. Most of the time they will turn around. Thats your chance to move past them.
  22. Did you not read what I said? From the moment you click play, you are testing. That includes all the stuff in the background and while loading in. You not being able to connect, is you testing and giving information to the devs which they can use to resolve issues.
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