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Masood Voon

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Everything posted by Masood Voon

  1. When there is a server rollback it place characters within the floor, unable to die until they starve (sometimes). Perhaps they could code for the floor level?
  2. Same can't play. Same people are logging in without problems but patches aren't helping.
  3. Yeah I wandered around one island and couldn't find anything except berries and then found one plant of cotton after 3 deaths to packs of wolves. Hopefully fixes will be in for spawns soon.
  4. You don't really have a choice if the random server location places you in the ocean too far to swim to shore.
  5. Unfortunately I can't rescue you. You will have to saw your arm off to escape.
  6. Hey we know they have plenty of things to fix etc. but I'm wondering what the technical reason is for: Some players being kicked semi-regularly once they get in and others never getting kicked since launch. I have a great comp w/ a great connection so I wish I knew the technical reason --- where the fault lies.
  7. Don't worry this doesn't work. Don't waste your time. Steam isn't showing real#'s who is on servers either.
  8. Yeah I added up all the spawn #'s for NA PVP and it was around 150 w/ several having 0 people which could mean one (or more) of many problems.
  9. Well they could take the logo/sign when you login that says welcome to Atlas, at last! It seems like they could have done better than the 150 people they had in the PVP server before they started "throttling for better experience". Just seems like a small number.
  10. Do we know how long you get dragons for? I know it is only temporary from an article. And stop using meta improperly.
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