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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Wow life or death huh? and no I don’t care if it is late or not. Not in the slightest. I care they released too early, not too late. This game is broken not in early access. There is a difference even though some white knights don’t want to see it. these are just bad devs in general
  2. Not a bad idea but even then, that hurts medium sized companies ones more than anyone. increase cost wouldn’t hurt the Megas, especially the Megas that dupe. pretty much in any scenario the Megas come out on top and eventually control all of the land. Actually it will get even worse once you can tax other companies. Then the Megas can just tax people for their claim cost and not even have to work to pay it. Leaving the little guy grinding so he can have a 1x1 hut
  3. Not old news to the masses. A lot of players just play the game and don’t come here. Just wanted something to inform them if they do come here
  4. Respect comes with results not “trying”. When actual improvement show up the respect can be given. try to remember it was their own fault for releasing it too early. They are to blame for that and don’t get a pat on the back for making a bad decision
  5. Not really, people still can’t get on, they still get stuck evidently, lag is still bad, and people are still complaining about FPS. so what exactly did they fix, the skill tree?
  6. Don’t worry, the Chinese will ruin it way before the devs do(which they still would) the Chinese have already begun mass duping so there won’t be a company on the globe that can stop them. good thing about duping is it doesn’t matter if you lose anything because you can just dupe it again. Other companies have to take the time to make the defense. That is if they don’t start duping as well
  7. There is no way to fix it. Not making a bigger radius, not making a smaller one, and not making a limit to them. they were simply the wrong decision and a very bad one. with ark you could build anywhere. If someone wanted to play solo and understood they had no chance, at least they could find a little hidden enclave and live for that brief moment. some people will surely give excuses, but a game where there is no place to even put a foundation is a game that is fundamentally unplayable. i am really disappointed in the poor choices made by this development company and it is time that we stop making excuses for poor choices and start holding them accountable. No wonder the gaming industry is going down hill. The white knights are the ones killing it.
  8. Is that why they haven’t been fixing the game? God they are the worst dev company in history
  9. They are so far away from in game support right now. Even with ark it was a rare occurrence but they have so many other problems that affect 100’s of people, they won’t be able to fix something that affects 1. Yoy are probably a cool guy but they just released this game wayyyyyy too early
  10. They are so far away from in game support right now. Even with ark it was a rare occurrence but they have so many other problems that affect 100’s of people, they won’t be able to fix something that affects 1. Yoy are probably a cool guy but they just released this game wayyyyyy too early
  11. Well I was waiting for this to happen. The Chinese have arrived. The number isn’t confirmed but it is said to be 1400 players strong. Even if that is an exaggeration, it won’t be by much. even if the numbers don’t scare or nauseate people, the fact that they are now starting to dupe definitely should. the real problem of this is that it took years for them to stop duping on ark. Wishing a week of duping they could already have an arsenal to wipe the globe. and if you think wildcard will come to the rescue, they already said their main priority is making it to where all players can get on the server so fixing duping isn’t even on their radar. That is if they even know it is happening yet. good luck to all the pirates, the Chinese have arrived.
  12. If you lost your land you won’t be getting another plot. Game has been out long enough that every place has been captured already. btw quick note. The Chinese have come and they have around 1400 players. They also found a way to dupe. Won’t be long before they take over the globe
  13. You are the definition of going off topic. Please stay on topic
  14. It is going to get a lot worse as well. This game will be 90% grind just like ark was. And actually prepare yourself for them to make it even harder. the fact that a stream got max level in one day makes the game look very shallow. Once they do add add levels be prepared for it to take a huge amount of xp. If you aren’t willing to donate your life to the game you will never level up far
  15. Since their sales were very bad and a lot of people got refunds I wouldn’t expect more official servers any time soon. They will he running out of money pretty quick.
  16. Yeah it is really sad what this company did. But then again it is wildcard. Be careful though, there are a lot of white knights here that will tell you that a lot of pirates became nutritionists later on
  17. Basically wildcard just made it to where the pillar spam from pve is now on pvp as well good ole wildcard. Bringing over a copying the worst of ark
  18. Oh yeah. Don’t worry the Megas will destroy the game very fast. Once more people keep leaving you will end up being able to find a very small latch of land. Ark players will easily destroy this. That is what they do
  19. They won’t actually fix anything. They will try, but they won’t really
  20. Realist


    He asked if you died of old age do you lose everything. How can a dead person use a fountain of youth? Yeah good job dude
  21. Realist


    No, that is why i recommend to make a new breeding post. Your problem won’t get the attention it needs here since the title is wrong now
  22. Realist


    You have to get married with the opposite sex and then breed the humans. I was letting you k ow that yes you lose everything from dying of old age. Not a master on breeding but I do know you lose your progress if you don’t breed Now it is probably time to start another thread on how to breed because most people will just tell you that yes you will lose everything. Maybe someone knows something on breeding so I suggest making a thread about breeding edit: the good thing is this question was answered
  23. Realist


    Read up on the issue. I don’t get paid to spend my time posting proof. They added age for a reason. If you don’t breed you lose everything. You can use google
  24. Realist


    Yes you lose everything if you die of old age Yes if you die of old age you lose everything.
  25. Yeah they leave a lot to the imagination here
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