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Everything posted by bezzy

  1. The funeral has already happened. She now has a ship named after her.
  2. they don't even go per server because if you try and escape through the region border they can follow you. Plus, they should just make the really rare no one wants to really fight them yet anyway, or just make them into a quest to fight it instead of having them spawn randomly to delete your ship.
  3. So, they patched to 7.0 and increased ghost ship spawn rates, I didn't know they had fucked it up this bad to the point where the ship of damned kill my fucking monkey. You guys owe me a new level 40 monkey named linda
  4. The ghost ships don't focus on rafts, they just high speed on ships and fuck them up, and then if you manage to outrun it dw theres another one that spawns.
  5. Legit have to be a sweaty try-hard to tame a level 1 wolf like wtf.
  6. its the same with eu all freeports are down and people can barely connect to lawless
  7. the server is in maintenance some servers will not let people connect and some will.
  8. Yeah unofficial servers will work fine because they aren't on their actual servers, they are hosted by other networks.
  9. No problem, I guess we will have to see if this current fix will let us connect after or either just wait until after christmas for them to actually do something.
  10. They are undergoing server maintenance they said we should be able to join but all freeports are down and we can barely connect to lawless regions.
  11. I mean people are constantly shit talking how bad it is. "early access" and lack of communication between the team for you.
  12. I don't know what people were expecting tbh they delayed it for how long and people sat on the game giving it hours so they can't refund it.
  13. I mean, at least we found out that the rubber band and lag is just in spawn regions. Once you sail out the servers are perfectly fine out of them.
  14. bezzy


    Especially with the 255ms, you hit them once they literally tp behind you and wack you around.
  15. bezzy


    dw we already in 4.0
  16. If they don't step up anytime soon, shit is gonna go really bad.
  17. Ive managed to sail like 3-4km away from spawn before i logged off for the night.
  18. Probably best just to sleep it off tbh.
  19. All I do is i'm getting spears and just keep swimming down and killing fish.
  20. The way they are presenting all this to us is just stupid. Give us a time and then delay it after and then delay again, then when an update comes it literally fixes nothing.
  21. Even if this a reskin of ark, who the fuck cares we all here to sail boats anyway.
  22. Tbh, that is really true I just want to be a fucking pirate. no all official servers are dead
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