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Everything posted by Xzyzz

  1. Isnt this just while its updating ? Edit : Oh nvm. It was your entire steamfolder
  2. Nitrado is a terrible host for games like this
  3. Well said. Its weird to me that they release the game in early access, and then dont talk to players about upcomming changes . That is kinda the whole point of it. Not just getting money early to help further development.
  4. Yup same for me. Was crossing, got DC´ed, now it says pending connection failed everytime i try to login. Am on unofficial server btw.
  5. Xzyzz

    Fps Issues,

    Im having the same issue. max 30 frames, and mostly around 20, with severe drops to around 0. Completely unplayable sadly. i5 6600K OC´ed to 4400, 970 GTX. Runs Ark fine (finally, at around 50 ish, with everything on high and all bells and whistles enabled.)
  6. First off, I have an older rig, an i5 6600K and a GTX 970. Ark used to run bad on this system, but recently it has been ok, 1080p, High settings with all the extras enabled, and I get around 50 FPS with a drop here and there to to low 40s. Its entirely acceptable and playable. This game though, after the servers finally run fine for me at least, gives me 30 FPS with drops to around 5 all the time. Which is funny since the high settings, as in ark, says eg. 970, I was kind of expecting to run it a bit better than this, especially seing as I saw early reviews that sad it ran pretty well even on older systems. Is this connected to bad server performance, is there something wrong on my system (shouldnt be, I keep a tidy ship... sorry), or is just so badly optimized , maybe built on an older version of ARK and this is why it feels like being back in early ARK. Funny thing, the system before the one I have now, ran ARK much better with an I5 2500K and a GTK560Ti, but when i changed to this it all went to shit, up until a recent patch. Maybe my card is just not happy with EU4. How is it running for you guys, especially those of you with similar systems to mine, after the servers arent shitting themselves as muh anymore ? EDIT: It seems they might be running some sort of adaptive sync, at times it seems like i get capped at 30.
  7. Could not agree more. Oh man they must be insanely busy atm. I cant imagine the amount of issues that needs solving , on many fronts. Ill just be patient. If the game plays just half as good as I saw in streams, when it works, I cant freakin wai to have some fun.
  8. ShooterGame is from the Unreal Engine, has nothing to do with the games they have made. Any game using that engine uses this filename. Try to inform yourself of things before talking about them .
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