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Everything posted by Cpt.Yarrr

  1. Really? After almost 6 months this game is running AND STILL JUMPING GIRAFFES WHILE THEY ARE KNOCKED DOWN? LMAO with you guys in Seattle. You guys are not fixing ANYTHING of the old problems. Whatever hundreds of people say, you guys do nothing. You don't care a single bit bout real game issues. We cant even opt in normal tickets.
  2. Lol, the hits keeps on coming. No matter what people loose, 1 single sorry from the team is never EVER going to happen as long as the ARKlogic will stay in their minds. I feel a deep pity for them to run a business like this with no back-up whatsoever for the shrinking playerbase as it allready is. Their loss, not mine. Keep in mind people want to be heard when having a serious issue like this. But hey, old fart here with maybe these ancient principles to live by. My businesses in RL florish on these rules.
  3. " WELCOME TO THE ATLAS SUPPORT TICKET SYSTEM. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU SELECT THE APPROPRIATE CATEGORY FOR YOUR TICKET AS DEFINED BELOW: Live Game Support should be used when you require GM assistance in game. Please note we are currently only addressing issues related to company ownership and mergers. Report Players should be used if you wish to report a player for breaking the Code Of Conduct. This includes aimbot/hacking/exploit reports as well as harassment reports. The full CoC can be found here. Please be sure to submit as much information as possible. Evidence included should be in the form of clear screenshots and/or video. Server Outage/Issue Report should be used for reporting server outages and connectivity issues. Please fill out all relevant fields in the ticket to the best of your ability to ensure a timely resolution of your issue. Our GM’s may contact you for additional information if necessary. Also, please read this post describing how to use the CCC command to add valuable information to your ticket. Please note that during Early Access, we are providing limited in-game support and utilizing this ticketing system as a way to identify game issues and trends for problems we need to address and fix with our technical/development resources. At this phase in our development cycle, we will not be providing restoration for items, creatures, ships or other in-game assets." It's ARK allover again.
  4. Not true, the bank takes in gold. I put it in there on a daily base, not in the flag. Also, no warning whatsoever it gets munched up while destroying it.
  5. Ye, I can understand. But I cant send any tickets because it's no longer allowed for these kind f things.
  6. So why is all stuff out of the bank when I demolish the flag? It cant be accesed when there is no flag. And you know why I know that? It happened to me today. And believe me, I tried. Not once or twice. There is no headsup the game eats all of the mats and gold. What the game does have? New islands and a giant turtle. @JatheishGot any ideas?
  7. CLEAN OUT BANK BEFORE DROPPING YOUR CLAIMFLAG!!!! NO WARNING WHATSOEVER!!! YOU LOOSE ALL INVENTORY!!!! THANKS FOR THIS WONDERFULL NO HEADSUP WHEN DOING SO!!!! BYE BYE 50K GOLD AND ALL MATS!!! Sigh... what is up with you devteam? Not even a single : "warning, we take all your mats if you don't clean it out of the bank first"?
  8. Can someone tell me why there is no warning when declaiming that the game eats all your gold and mats? Also, why can I not put in a ticket for these bugs? @Jatheish Any suggestions?
  9. DO NOT DROP FLAG WITHOUT EMPTYING THE BANK FIRST. YOU LOOSE ALL!!!! NO TICKETS ARE POSSIBLE!!!! We lost 50K gold and all mats due to this wonderfull mechanic.
  10. And that didnt worked, its all gone. Wonderfull.
  11. DO NOT UNCLAIM FLAG WITHOUT EMPTYING BANK!! We just lost everything. Reclaiming our "old" island now, hoping it appears back. I sincerely do not understand how this possible? 2 Months of saving up gold No sachet on the spot where the flag was, nothing.... @JatheishI guess sending a ticket is not gonna work either?
  12. So, we go sail and then what? Someone is gonna be funny again and spawns V2?
  13. Can we get 2 seperate grids for Kraken V1 and V2? Or a timer of some sort? There are still jokers/funny people/little pathetic kiddies wich have had imprintproblems by their parents who like to spawn in V2 while others are there for V1. Real mature.
  14. Screw this. STILL NOT FIXED!!! What's up with you guys?? Break down 2 walls, loose 40 ceilings. Really awesome 3x, lost 30% of all I build. Again.
  15. Not even 15 responses in almost a week. Looks like the entire community also left the forum. I've heard people are fed up with all the decisions and progress from the team. "First its a fun game, now its nothing more then an ARK skin". I sure hope you guys know where you are going with this course you're sailing.
  16. Well, if you can show me that I instantly apologize. Cause we looked at all the notes and only found the notes AFTER they updated the game.
  17. Screw this, I just logged in to see my legendary brig sink as well. BIG THANKS TO THIS TEAM!!
  18. "Hang tight" Sigh. Time to do some serious making up for the "hanging tight" days the last few weeks. Lost a couple of tames today and just sailed into Golden age Ruins. Can't relog grrr.... Needed to replace 300 large MW/LEG canons this weekend after the joke from last week without any notifications they where going to dissapear, wich only is done after 3 days of 2x. Not even a 3x of 4x for all the losses everyone had to cover. I wonder if you guys gonna tell us in time if you gonna screw the small ones over as well. Probably gonna have to rebuild this legendary brig now as well. Real awesome job you guys doing. Keep it up.
  19. Or admins can just come and take a look and see if it's against the rules and deal with it.
  20. You should ve called yourself Cpt. Obvious Maybe that's the reason I asked?
  21. So we can do all these harvesting for replacing 300 canons. Pretty please. With sugar on top.
  22. To be completely honest, I was wondering what it took them so long. I mentioned it on our group last week this wasnt been implemented yet. Now we are all hoping, the buff from sightingspeed (skill) works properly. I don't mind it in the end. The game evolves, we need to evolve as it goes. I hope the majority in PvE can coop with this as well. Too bad we cant pick them up or get all mats we used to get the legendary large ones. That kinda sucks big time.
  23. "Ye, lets let the players on PvE get heard." "Oh no, something is wrong with PvP." "Let's not listen to PvE, just make them ready to get over to PvP and close those servers too..." "Wait, DO NOT FORGET THE LASERS!"
  24. Nop, you cant pick m up either for re using them. They must be destroyed on deck. The creativity of the devteam has no limits for PvE. Utterly limitless. Sigh.
  25. Playing the game from the beginning on PvE, I based my ships on placing large canons everywhere I wanted. The fantasyfactor. RIP PvE. Wow.
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