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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    ....you took the gliders away? Who in the fuck ever even complained about them? No one! Grats you fixed the barrels after months. This is the same thing. I'd rather see you introduce airships than take away the gliders. Common guys! You've ruined the fact that you increased reverse speeds on boats. Not that I can afford a real boat anymore. But hey, at least I can fly either. Why are you consistently locking out content and shutting down options. No I get to play a poor castaway who is limited to land movement only. Restore this change or you can GFYS for Christmas.
  2. 1 point
    You made it so we can't glide from the tops of mountains? Really? Why? Seriously the stuff you do makes absolutely no sense! Gliding is one of my favorite parts of Atlas and to do some of the maps and gather resources on tops of the pillars on islands sometimes a very NECESSARY part. Why on earth would you make it that we can only glide the height of a lighthouse? It is absurd I will ask nicely that you please change it back and ASAP. Of all the things to nerf... What is the point of a glider if you can't glide from the tops of pillars and mountains? Do any of you actually PLAY Atlas? Because it sure doesn't seem like it to me.
  3. 1 point
    I hate it. The glider should have just been left alone. You say no weapons during gliding but I’m sure you play on pve and not on pvp. Sniping and gliding is not as easy as people who play on pve would think it is. Just leave the damn gliders alone now traveling from our main base to our border towers to defend will be that much harder, I never heard anyone complaining about gliders to begin with. we would be so much happier to see less new content and just fix and work on the things already in game. They add hats yet Christmas trees still don’t work, they nerf gliders yet cross grid trading still isn’t working, they add lumber yards but control points still don’t collect taxes. stop just adding stuff for the sake of adding stuff that doesn’t really effect the overall gameplay and focus on current in game mechanics that do so you don’t keep creating a longer list of crap to fix later. Tranq arrows.... what were you thinking they are useless and whoever tested and decided it was useful should be looking for a new job.
  4. 1 point
    Not the glider My favourite part of the game will be gone
  5. 1 point
    Dont remove the glider suit, it is fun.
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