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Everything posted by pfg

  1. 50% is ridiculous - its just incentivizing people to run out and claim stuff they are never going to actually use. 10% to 15% max is reasonable and should in theory be tied to providing some service - no idea how that could be programmed but the idea of a tax without some return should be discouraged. 10% max base rate and then if service's are provided it can go up to 15%, something like that would encourage claim owners to be involved and not just be absentee landlords. Also you could tie the taxation rate to the number of points a settlement costs a company - you can have your 50% tax but then the settlement costs double the points so there is a consequence to doing that. We all want the world to encourage people to play and do stuff - program it so it does that rather than leave obvious mechanics to abuse.
  2. ok so did a quick test on a private server and something came to light 1) the system works fine if you place the cannon on a ship deck or a ceiling tile directly connected to a ship deck. 2) it does NOT work in any other case - ie place a wall on the deck, fill around it with ceiling tiles and then place cannon on that and pick it back up and you have a left over in the group. 3) My idea of removing from the group and then adding it back in does NOT work, if you pick it back up even after removing and then adding back into group manually STILL results in the left over in the group. pretty please just give us a way to clear group members.
  3. There are a bunch of bugs in placing structures on ships, the most annoying is "needs nearby foundation support" for something that's going to land on a deck....... but works for an adjacent square. PLEASE fix these by just removing this check on boats - I'd love it to be accurate and go by some reasonable build rules but if the choice is the current buggy system that is wrong a large percentage of the time or free build and we accept the consequences lets pick the no rules option. I have even tried building from the bottom deck up but to no avail it still gives silly errors. Also I can't help but think much of the problem is caused by what is shown in the screen shot below, a wall placed on a wall that is somehow offset. This should never ever be a thing and shows a fatal flaw in how structures connect. Every structure (wall / ceiling / roof etc) needs to have exactly one, and only one, connection line on each edge. This needs to be separate from whatever is displayed / rendered for that structure so there is no temptation to make exceptions for what it is that results in things like left and right sloped walls.
  4. Sadly I don't think so without making a new ship that's "clean" - I can take some screen shots showing the effect - I have a galleon with 14 members in group 1 front but not a single actual member and another with 3 extra's in the front group that the bug showed up in before the ship was even launched. When it was being built I was placing a cannon to check spacing and then picking it back up and didn't notice till later that there were 3 members in front group with not a single weapon on board. The screenshots below show the 12 large cannon that actually are in front group and the view showing 15 members in front group. All the other weapons you see are in other groups - I double checked everything while taking these. I have now taken to placing weapons and then removing them from the auto-assign group and then adding them back and hopefully that works but doesn't help with a group that's already messed up hens the suggestion give us a way to clear a group.
  5. We need a way to clear the group member from ship groups. When the system auto assigns a weapon to a group and the weapon is then picked up or otherwise destroyed the count does not go down so you end up with unusable groups to control. Please just give us a key combination that clears a given group back to zero so we can then re-assign the correct weapons to the groups we want them to be in.
  6. 1. Permission To Come Aboard Excess crew / tames / players become freight - the crew count is just that, crew i.e. NPC's that can be controlled to do something. If that's not the case they don't count and if there are too many of them it doesn't matter they just cant be ordered to do something. 2. Assign To Repairs / Unseat All I would like the ability to unseat them selectively but really hate their behavior gets changed to aggressive - if I want them on aggressive I'll put them on aggressive before I put them on the weapon, no really I will - promise. PLEASE DON'T change the behavior setting when unseating. 3. Handling Sail; Reverse Be really really nice if all the masts could be configured with more than one sail type sort of on the fly - be really cool if you could go to a mast and change the sail type and would be realistic if that then took some different time base on if the ship is anchored (2h game time) / stopped at sea (6h game time) / moving (12h game time). 4. Flags We should be flying a flag - with an option for the jolly roger 5. Send - To / Send - Off PLEASE implement this - the points they move onto or off the ship don't have to be free form it would be fine if they were totally fixed by the dev's - be so nice to have a predictable spot they will go to rather than being hung up on some part of the ship. 6. Captain's Deck This would be nice - also would be awesome if there were more options on the deck "T" menu - and more spots were decks could be placed - the one standard height deck separation is understandable but running down the deck having your camera bump unless horizontal isn't immersive or fun it's just annoying. 7. Improved Respawning @mKHammerBro These would be so nice but it is much better than it used to be. Also should mention the dropping through the ship when loading in even on an anchored ship. 8. Anchoring @mKHammerBro Move the anchor depth check point to.... wait for it..... were the anchor IS on the ship and ONLY there - simple. 9. Careening @mKHammerBro Meh... lots of other much more important things need coding time - sorry I'd put this waaaaay down on the list. 10. Mooring @ikarirain This could be neat but see point 8. 11. Select All or Individual Sail Controls @Shakarian I would really like to see the ability to change the sail rotation separately from the rudder, and while were at it does it really need to take 3.5 minutes of real time to turn a galleon 360 degrees..... really..... 3.5 MINUTES. 12. More Structures on Galleons @Vostik This would be nice but what would be nicer is if the "no foundation nearby" error was just removed from ships. Were way beyond being able to check if something could be built or not so lets not pretend we can check that. Its just annoying and rarely accurate even according to the game build rules. I'll do a separate post on this because some of your current problems can be permanently fixed by doing it better (left / right slopped walls don't actually need to be a thing.) 13. Knots @mKHammerBro This would be so nice - also if you have the navigation buff there should be a separate marker for the ship's actual heading - would be so nice. 14. Look-Out / Telescope @Aristocrates Meh.... can't hurt. 15. Additional Sails @Grodgen Be nice to have as add on's to make the ship look and perform better. 16. Collidable Bowsprits / Figureheads @Grodgen DAMN THE TORPEDOES... RAMMING SPEED..... no wait here is not that..... but yeah could do many things with this including being able to buy different ones for different achievements like killing the kraken you can now buy this figurehead etc.
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