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Everything posted by Phoenix125

  1. Thanks for the suggestion. I am currently working on the Discord message when servers are online feature...my test version polls the servers and once they are all online, makes the announcement, but I am having difficulty with RCON reliability. When I get it to be reliable, I'll post it here.
  2. Again, another hotfix released. v1.4.7 (2019-03-12) - Fixed: Server updates were being identified but SteamCMD never executed. (Thanks @Action for reporting!) - I should not work and fix programs; the two don't mix. Thanks for your patience again and I will offer a full refund to anyone lol
  3. New update released to address the above issue: v1.4.6. Steamcmd boot loop when first grid was disabled. http://www.phoenix125.com/share/atlas/AtlasServerUpdateUtility.zip Thank you for your patience... and thanks Patcher for making me aware of the problem!
  4. Hotfix!!! Some servers weren't restarting. (2019-03-11) v1.4.4 No config changes.. just click update util within program or rerun util to install update. (Thanks to GooberGrape for reporting!) - Fixed: Instanced where some grid servers wouldn't start after a server restart. (Windows, by chance, could assign the same PID to conhost.exe as a previously existing Shooter.exe during server reboots) (Thanks to GooberGrape [Discord] for reporting) - Fixed: Wrong mod name announced after first announcement - Fixed: A "Line x error" could occur if number of mod minutes exceeded the number of update minutes.
  5. Yet another update just released..(2019-03-10) v1.4.3 http://www.phoenix125.com/share/atlas/AtlasServerUpdateUtility.zip - Changed: Changed the default folder naming scheme. Removed the preceding letter "a". [I don't know why I put it there to begin with]. Also added a util to convert existing servers to new naming scheme. NOTICE!!! IF YOU USED THE DEFAULT AltSaveDIR settings !!! Run AtlasServerUpdateUtil REMOVE LETTER A FROM FOLDER NAMES.exe (in the .zip file) to automatically rename your folders from a00 a01 a11 a12 etc to 00 01 11 12 - Added: On server shutdown, if server(s) fail to shutdown using "DoExit" command, then CTRL-C is also sent to running server(s) with each countdown. - Added: Optionally send KillWildDinos command on day and hour schedule. - Fixed: Corrected the wording of the "Initiate Remote Restart" in tray icon. - Fixed: Adding mod names to mod update announcements is now working. - Added: Util updater can now automatically download, install, and run updated version without affecting running Atlas servers or redis. - Added: Util update checks every 8 hours. Update checks can be disabled in the .ini file or by selecting (no) in the update check popup screen.
  6. Updated... (2019-03-08) v1.4.1. Hotfix with bonus. If you are running v1.3.6 or newer, simply close and rerun the utility to update... no config change! - Added: You can now reboot the utility without shutting down your Atlas servers. The util now checks for existing servers and redis using last PID. - Fixed: Line 10622 Error. Occurred when SteamCMD failed to DL an update. I had two "& &" signs next to each other. I will add more features and improve on the autoupdater in the near future.. I just wanted to get the Line 10622 error fix out as soon as possible. FYI: I monitor this board, but the most active discussion is on the Discord channel: http://discord.gg/EU7pzPs
  7. New update to my AtlasServerUpdateUtility! I think you'll like this one... If you are running v1.3.5 or newer, simply restart the util and let it download the new version for you! (2019-03-06) v1.4.0 http://www.phoenix125.com/share/atlas/AtlasServerUpdateUtility.zip - Added icon tray commands! Now easily send RCON messages, Remote Restart, and more with just a click or two! - Adds mod number & name in customizable update announcements & many more improvements.
  8. If you don't mind helping, I have 3 questions: What program reported that? What version of my util did were you using? And finally, where did you download my utility from.. my direct link (my website) or Github? Thanks! -Phoenix125
  9. FYI: If anyone is having issues with downloading and/or checking for mod updates, McK1llen posted a possible fix on my Discord channel:
  10. @UDO and @Buccaneers I understand the concern, but my utilities do not contain any trojans, miner code, etc. People are reporting much LESS CPU use with my util... the opposite would be true if there was a bitcoin miner in it. My utils originated from Dateranoth's ConanExilesServerUtility (an older, but awesome util), but have been revamped and compiled 100% by me and me alone. They are all written in AutoIT: https://www.autoitscript.com/site/ My source files are available for anyone at: https://github.com/phoenix125/AtlasServerUpdateUtility Anyone is welcome to download my latest source, take a look, and compile it for themselves. As long as you are downloading my utility from either the github site or my website link, http://www.phoenix125.com/share/atlas/AtlasServerUpdateUtility.zip, you are good. My Atlas utility does download two other files, in addition to SteamCMD, if it does not exist. They are listed below: AtlasModDownloader.exe (a util compiled by me in Python: no rouge code there.) https://github.com/phoenix125/Atlas-Mod-Downloader MCRCON https://github.com/Tiiffi/mcrcon/releases/download/v0.0.5/mcrcon-0.0.5-windows.zip (used by hundreds of people) I take pride in what the utility has become, with lots of help from users... I would NEVER jeopardize that trust nor ruin my reputation by taking advantage of users. Thank you, Phoenix125
  11. I apologize for not getting back sooner. The mod updater in my util downloads and installs the mods one-at-a-time prior to starting the Atlas servers. When a mod update is detected, it will send In-Game/Discord/Twitch messages notifying which mod needs updating, then reboot the server(s) and start the process all over again. I hope this answered your question!
  12. I apologize for not getting back sooner. The latest update v1.3.6 addresses this issue although does not necessarily fix the cause. SteamCMD has occasionally failed during update checks for the Atlas server and the mod checks.. especially when Atlas is on `C:` partition and running Windows Server. If Steamcmd fails, my util will continue to check for updates without restarting the servers until steamcmd returns a valid response indicating an update is needed... It will NOT restart the servers for invalid steamcmd responses anymore. Another option is to use SteamDB.com for update checks (bottom section of the .ini), but they can ban your IP if you make too many update Inquiries. It also requires that you go through SteamDB.com' s Capcha in Internet Explorer (must be IE) on the same PC prior to using my util on their website.
  13. Updated today. (2019-03-05) v1.3.6 Only minor tweaks and additions. http://www.phoenix125.com/share/atlas/AtlasServerUpdateUtility.zip - Added: User defined delay between grid server shutdowns on first shutdown attempt. Sends shutdown command to all grids every second afterward if servers fail to shutdown. - Added: User defined "redis" folder. - Added: User defined "FINAL WARNING! Rebooting server in 10 seconds... " message. - Added: Option to add mod number in mod update announcements. - Added: Creates "_INI_FAILVARIABLES.txt" file when .INI MISMATCH occurs to indicate which parameter(s) need(s) to be edited. - Added: Creates "_SERVERSUMMARY.txt" file containing all server summary information. - Fixed: Line 10250 Error! [AltSaveDir ($tFilePath[$i] = $zServerDirLocal & "\ShooterGame\Saved" & $zServerAltSaveDir[$i - 1] & "\Config\WindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini)] - Changed: Now checks for grid servers running when sending the shutdown command for first run. - Fixed: Does not send RCON commands to disabled servers anymore. - Changed: The .ini now correctly states that RCON Ports are to be in ServerGrid,json order. - Changed: debug = yes by default. - Removed: "Mods are up to date" log entry unless mods are truly up-to-date. - Removed: "[Mod] Something went wrong downloading update..." log entry when "use mods = no". - Added: Show AtlasModupdater commands in log. - Added: If SteamCMD and/or first grid server fails three times in a row, the utility displays warning message and stops to prevent steamcmd update loops. - Fixed: When update check fails to get latest version, a warning message is displayed but the utility continues to function and check for updates. Previously it would run close servers and perform SteamCMD update loops. - Fixed: If update needed at utility start, utility immediately begins update. Previously, it would wait until next update check. - Fixed: If SteamCMD or SteamDB detected server out of date, it waited until next update check. - Changed: Improved wording for SteamDB update check to make the "Must use Internet Explorer" requirement more prominent. - Fixed: SteamCMD extra command line parameters were not being used correctly.
  14. Another update released: (2019-02-26) v1.3.5 - Added: Ability to send RCON commands via web browser (a crude version, but works!) - Added: AtlasServerUpdateUtility update check and downloader. http://www.phoenix125.com/share/atlas/AtlasServerUpdateUtility.zip
  15. New version released..mostly just bug fixes: http://www.phoenix125.com/share/atlas/AtlasServerUpdateUtility.zip HOTFIX: (2019-02-26) v1.3.4 - Fixed: Delay between grid server starts is now working after updates/restarts. - Fixed: Redis no longer reboots during server reboots - Fixed: "Line xxx variable not assigned" error when installing new server. - Fixed: Now downloads AtlasModDownloader.exe before checking for mods, if necessary. - Changed: "Delay in seconds between grid server starts (0-600)" from (1-60) to (0-600).
  16. @ManaloOK. I added your request! Thanks for the suggestion. FYI: While your servers are being started, the utility does not perform any other duties... it will not check for updates, restarts, Remote Restart, etc. Once your servers are all started, though, it will resume. This should not affect you, just letting you know!
  17. I finally got it done.. v1.3.0 released. Now with MOD SUPPORT!!! (ModIDs are pulled from the ServerGrid.json file - they must be listed in there). http://www.phoenix125.com/share/atlas/AtlasServerUpdateUtility.zip - Optionally automatically check for mod updates, install them, announce the update, and restart the server. - Also added some external script options.
  18. I think there's still a mismatch between the number of servers in your ServerGrid.json and the number of folders listed... or you have something diff in your .json than I am unfamiliar with that's causing probs. If you want, send me the ServerGrid.json and AtlasServerUpdateUtility.ini, I'll try to get to the root of it. kim@kim125.com (Don't worry.. I'll delete the files as soon as we're done) We can figure this out!
  19. v1.2.4 Released! - Fixed: The utility no longer checks for GameUserSettings.ini on disabled grid servers (Thanks UPPERKING [PlayAtlas.com] for reporting) http://www.phoenix125.com/share/atlas/AtlasServerUpdateUtility.zip This version was only lightly tested. Sometimes a simple change can cause new problems. Please report any problems... (FYI: There still has to be a folder entry in the .ini file for each server listed in the .json file.. regardless of whether the server is used or not... unless you use the default folder naming scheme.. a00 a01 a02 a03 a10 a11 a12 a13 a20 a21 a22 a23 a30 a31 a32 a33 ) Thank you, Phoenix125
  20. I think you found a "glitch" that I need to fix... I need to have it skip searching for the Gameusersettings.ini on unused/disabled servers... good catch. Sorry... I'll work on that and have a patch released hopefully by late tonight (I've been working on the mod updater.. a lot more work than I previously thought). A temporary workaround would be to create a folder and gameuser file for every server.. even the ones not being used. Sorry for the trouble! I decided to work on that now and put the mod updater on hold for an hour or two... I'll have the patch released within an hour hopefully and post it here.
  21. If your grid is 4x4 (36 grids) and that's all you have listed in your ServerGrid.json, then you should only need 36 folders listed. If it's asking for more, then there's a problem somewhere. You could PM, email (kim@kim125.com), or Discord me your .ini and ServerGrid if you want and I'll figure it out.
  22. Here's a quick description of how the util gets its server data: Here's how the utility assigns folders, ports, grids, etc.: - It opens the ServerGrid.json file and uses the "totalGridsX" and "totalGridsY" to calculate the total number of servers. - Next, it skips to "servers": [ " - Then reads the first "gridX" , "gridY" , "ip" , "port" , "gamePort". - It then assigns the first folder listed under "Server AltSaveDirectoryName(s)" in AtlasServerUpdateUtility.ini to that server. The first server's information is now complete. It then repeats this process for the remainder of the servers listed in the ServerGrid.json file. - The utility continues to import the data for each server, even if the servers aren't used.
  23. Yeah, you'll need all of them in there if you have 225 grids in your ServerGid.json. (SORRY!) Another option would be to rename your existing save folders to match my util's naming scheme.. a00 a01 a02 a03 a10 a11 a12 etc... and then leave the Server AltSaveDirectoryName(s) (comma separated. Leave blank for default a00,a01,a10, etc) ###= blank. If you use the a00 a01 naming scheme, it'll automatically put placeholders in for all servers (whether used or not).
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