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Everything posted by Dosomething

  1. That is why they have empires, so they can be right next to each other, raid all day 24/7 against each other. Simples. All this outcry over changing/softening the game and they then move in a massive drove to that softened game, says it all really
  2. What you described above is player versus structure. Also mention raid and base far too frequently, your in the wrong game pal. Also it’s the base not the player that is protected right? You can still attack the player.
  3. This seems to be an ark player thing where they regard offline raiding as pvp whereas attacking a structure that does not fight back I.e a wall , is actually worse than pve. Now they have their own server with rules they want you can be guaranteed it will be devoid of life as all the easy targets are elsewhere and they would not want actual pvp, cmon man that’s too hard
  4. No I did not mean only be focused on sea, just more of it pointing to the sea, I don't mind the tames/land etc and i also see the many strains this game can offer, pvp/pve/ trading/survival etc, this game can be an absolute stomper if it is done right as it has little bits of everything in it that appeal to a vast amount of gamers imo. Half the issue i think was the meta of ark was automatically applied by players in this game, this should now change slowly as the meta changes, so thank you devs. You are listening without a doubt.
  5. This discussion is really about maintaining a solid player base with new players having the capability to survive and grow, at present the game lacks on main that and people are expressing this in vast numbers to try to assist. I personally like the game but in its present form i believe the main servers will die a horrible death, everything should be attackable at any time, i do not disagree with that, just some things should have more protection given what is at stake, and what is at stake is not res/ships/bases etc it is the player base that is at stake, making a game a relentless grind/reset/grind/reset at the start appeals to a few but not many. defences are poor and easily overcome. Again, new players go to lawless where someone can park a cannon with great ease at their doorstep and obliterate them. who are on lawless? new players mostly as it is designed that way as the large companies spam flags everywhere else(there should be a cost to this as well to deter it, or something especially if they can then gain tax from those said flags). perhaps it gets collected(tax from flag count) and put into a massive ghost ship on a monthly basis that everyone can hunt or something. would encourage some water activity and a few wars on water, everyone chasing the same thing..oh wait..that happens now in the form of the fountain but not on water eh.. hmmz nevermind.. There is also an unhealthy reference to ARK here in responses, ARK was land based, this should not be that. I think a lot of players still think like that in relation to this game which will doom it. Beat the ARK out of it, not about bases, its about ships first. My last post here for a bit, i do hope you resolve the issues devs, good luck!
  6. In fact according to the theme of the above post, it is a privilege that you paid for this game and you should be grateful for what role you can play as an individual, WTF. I agree with the point of single player restriction in what a single player can achieve in terms of ships but this is about a flawed meta that rewards people for running around claiming anything or a guy in his undies called Rambo killing everything when the owner is not online with ease so the risk/ reward is become a griefer as that is what pays best The time one for change is now, change the game to ensure it’s future devs before its yesterday’s news and just a horde of griefers as that is the meta at present , thAt is the game mode that rewards at present. Again I think the game has bugs etc but it has many great aspects that with careful thoughts and actions can make it a great game.
  7. Lucky the devs have already seen the danger and I hope their actions in March reflect the need to retain new players and help them establish themselves so this game can grow past the griefers, it’s far to easy to offline at the present time, most of it from what I have seen is also for zero benefit. Please also think about kicking large companies with flagged land off of lawless land, they should not be able to establish massive bases with ai that kill any new players (if they have flagged land only) in fact mostly kill new players who are searching the coast for a spot to settle as this is where all new players head to and it is another nail in the coffin of retaining new players thank you
  8. Yep The game has so much potential but it’s Achilles heel is the fact that when you are offline you can be totally destroyed for little cost to attacker leaving the defender wiped, protecting offline players ships when offline and in port and a base buff is a simple fix that will keep people playing, after all its meant to be about fleets/ ships and battles at sea as opposed to let’s target offline players and destroy them because it is fun and not profit driven in any way. what it does is destroy any new population influx into the game as well, base buff and ship buff when offline will help small players and large groups and result in larger at sea battles which surely everyone wants? Also correct me if incorrect but the lawless islands should not be able to be dominated by large companies that hold flagged land elsewhere, they should be the domain of smaller entities, this gives smaller entities I.e newer players an incentive to learn and grow and move forward. Many players do not wish to join a borg like entity.
  9. You need to address this as it is not logical and your player base will shrink quickly if a ship/base can be taken in 60 minutes, use commonsense, people do not play 24/7. You are disabling your own game, no one says don’t attack offline players, just make it harder and more time required to do so, otherwise people will move on to other games very very quickly, or make it real cheap to build ships/ bases or difficult defences, at present it is all one sided.
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