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  1. There is only one way to breed bears now and its then pretty easy, gather a few k wood berries and patience and a friend to give you a bit sleep, have a boat cubs and place yourself in a cross sone, you want two 11s and two 12s in temperate zone, i live in n11 and tried many tactics this was the by far easiest, use about 15 campfires 1 story under the cubs, and all you have to do is feed them until 10%, then have 2-3 tragus with berries for them to feed on. now light the fires to rid them of cold buff, for heat try the other sones, remember they lose health in % so more and more in the tick the more hp it gets, so they die as fast as baby as mature, don't ever leave it in stasis, then feeding troughs don't exist for them and they die pretty fast, don't leave them unattended, always have temperature visible, there is imprint every 8 hours and give you 20%, at 100% imprint you are at 83-84% tame time, and about 5hours left of your tame. Blisard don't hurt them. they eat also raw food. Check my other post for a picture, it's on eu pve official server, warning you are up for a period with no sleep, and its stressful at times, coming a patch or server crash you are in a hurry to get back,. Imprint gives 30% mele and resistance buff for the imprinter.
  2. Belit


    I'm at 90% on 2 bears official eu pve. we use a boat to travel out of server if heat wave comes, we are placed in n11, temp is different inland, further out from land the colder, we traveled back and forth from our island based on time of day. and now done, proud owner of a 100 imprinted lvl42 bear custom colored green with yellow stripes. questions on how to up your chances to breed without deaths?
  3. Belit


    im at 90% on 2 bears official eu pve. we use boat to travel out of server if heat wave comes, we are placed in n11, temp is diferent inland, furhter out from land the colder, we traveel back and forth from our island based on time of day
  4. hehe, no extra lvl i supose and no extra statss, just glow? or private server and extra high lvls on animals, then it could be lvl capped for the title and glow
  5. Belit

    Game crash

    Game crashed, I accidentally pressed equip all on a folder in the tannery
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