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Everything posted by BadRando

  1. It also appears to hinder my ability to use treasure maps. I have the map in my hot bar, got to the X location and never get the pink spire of light or the skeleton guys . So as of right now I can get any gold from the maps.
  2. I've been to multiple islands and have never received the discovery bonus. I still have the blue haze even on my home island. When i look at the "discoveries" tab in my menu all of them still show as locked. I've been to every island in my home grid and have zero unlocked discoveries and have never received a discovery bonus.
  3. same issue for me. I've got plenty of CPU/GPU/memory. Not a rig related issue. Sail into an area and have to wait to pull into shore so everything can get rendered in so I can find a place to park !
  4. I agree the SOTD population is way too high and too inconsistent. I too have been just trying to go from island to island within a grid and end up with 5 of them in render view distance. How am I supposed to avoid drawing agro with nominal wind ? It's ridiculous. Then other times I can travel 2 full grids and see none. I'm not looking for a fight man !!
  5. There just needs to be a clock on the forums with a countdown timer on it's current location and showing what the next one will be.
  6. Love pulling into the freeports seeing new players or restarting players running around half nekked with stone tools. I'll drop them a metal pick and axe...lol
  7. I was traveling just a short distance between 2 islands in the same grid only to be killed once, respawn and then have my ramshackle sloop sunk by a storm yesterday. I'm near ocd level with keeping my ships repaired and was amazed at how fast the storm wrecked both my character and my ship. Very unsettling how this game mechanic has increased so much.
  8. I had to get to bed and didn't have time to travel to another zone. Lesson learned.
  9. Me too. I logged off with a fully repaired and operational ship, anchored at a freeport last night. logged in this morning to a sunk ship showing no damage other than the debris floating. no panels below 1500hp. my 2 npc crew were just treading water. I could still climb the ladders for my sails.
  10. Wish I had known this before uninstalling from one HD to install on another.... lvl 40 character is now gone along with my schooner.... starting over now... this is dumb.
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