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Everything posted by shoestatus@gmail.com

  1. I don't think they were this bad pre-wipe and I think they were good pre-wipe. that's the main thing I'm saying. I played that a lot and never really had an issue cause I'm solo and don't farm gold I'm taming and breeding. I think the distance on SOTD sloops needs to be turned down a bit those are the ones that are chasing me and outrunning me in no wind. Here is the Sotd two hours later I arrived in time to see it sink my ship. It destroyed my bed so i couldn't spawn on it this was the sloop I built just to get my bear back. then I decided if I'm gonna lose something mine as well try a raft.
  2. I did have good wind actually I was in water sprouts and ships of the damned spawned in with them that's how I lost the first sloop and the bear to begin with. I usually don't sail in the rain but at the time it started raining I was in the middle of the ocean.
  3. I'm trying to recover a bear and ships are congregated near my wreck im in a tundra map so swimming will not work. They are pursuing me way to far in a Sloop and they are far too aggressive and clustered together. Just lost my second sloop trying to recover just my bear. I don't have anything on the ship worth going back for except the bear floating above it. I also notice in "next to no wind" they are faster than a ship which seems unfair them to be propelled faster than a ship that's using full wind and a giant speed sail.
  4. After this hot patch, you all did this evening. I bolaed a bear to tame it and he keeps clocking position left or right at random while bolaed and laying on the ground making it impossible to tame. EU PVE.
  5. The system they have now is damage per tick to the baby animal gets worse the older it gets. I forgot the exact numbers but it starts at .05 or .5 then .10 then .15 or something the older it gets. so you could lose one at 95% maturation in 5 minutes cause damage model is that bad due to hot or cold islands.
  6. well, mine died to heat yesterday so id say it's not working I was in L4. If I go one up its Tundra then I need to manage 25 fires depending on cold which is what I did with the one I raised successfully.
  7. Need to remove weather effects from baby animals after the first 8 hours this would be more realistic. The fact that as they get older damage to them is multiplied is stupid it should be reversed. I only raised one baby bear and that was bad enough almost died 11 times.
  8. Unloading four Rhinos 6 snakes showed up no problem rhinos got it but then one of them attacked a snake near a nonfriendly raft now I guess its stuck forever there has to be a better solution. i was worried this would happen sooner or later. Well it happened I was never riding them as there was 4 I was just having them follow me on neutral.
  9. Can't do the half wall trick on any boat other than the sloop cause the ships that are larger place a full deck with no option for roof tiles on the very bottom level.
  10. I was repairing the bottom planks of my schooner at sea. I glitched into the bottom of the ship and could not get out of the schooner being trapped beneath the very bottom deck while repairing and to make it worse a SOTD comes by and sinks my ship While I'm stuck and can't get out.
  11. This is a lot different than the overweight exploit this is pure hacking.
  12. My ship was sunk last night on I7 turtle Reef NA PVE Krakens Maw. My ship had full Health I was only there for 4 hours max. I was near my ship when I received the message my ship was sunk. I was within view of my ship when I went to it as it was sinking no one was near it. I then logged out built a sloop to return to try to get the salvage of my ship. I had returned and the people with a claim and base there had two of their Brigatines sank after mine last night. People are using hacks to sink a ship that is on the same server and harvesting the ship resources. When the ships sink no one is near them this is a serious issue that needs to be fixed.
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