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Everything posted by Jordiii

  1. I have a 2x3 Grid and my Mainserver use 4 till 5 GB RAM and the other Grids use round about 3 GB RAM . So i use 21GB RAM at the moment
  2. @mrma you can set your steamcmd in an extra folder , called for example : "CMD" in CMD you install the steamcmd and in setting.json you write "SteamCMDPath": "D:\\Atlas\\CMD\\", so you have clearer folder structure Hope you understand me @HelixU4 thats why im asking My other Grids are round about 400mb but no player travelled to the other grids yet.
  3. @JetFox At first, Thank you I have a question. I have a 2x3 Grid and now i play on my spawn area A1. it is normal that the SAVE-Game in my folger SAVE is more than 280 GB? sometimes your Programm needs more than 50%cpu usage . CPU: Intel® Xeon® Gold 6140 for my Server i use 10 Cores RAM: 32 GB RAM Thank you
  4. Same by me ... i use a programm and now it works. Use this programm and it will work
  5. Danke für deine Mühe. Die habe ich da rein geschrieben weil jemand anderes meinte, dass damit der Fehler behoben werden kann aber das hat nichts gebracht und scheinbar hab ich vergessen die IP wieder zurück zu setzen Dann probier ich mal das was du geschickt hast . Vielen Dank
  6. Hi Firedragon, vielleicht kannst und möchtest du mir helfen ? Ich habe einen Server auf dem ich Atlas installiert habe. Das 1x1 Grid funktioniert super nur wenn ich z.b. ein 2x2 Grid mache, kann ich nicht in die Grenze zum nächsten Grid überqueren. Ich bekomme einen Server Time Out, fliege aus dem Spiel und kann erst wieder joinen wenn ich die Redis DB gelöscht habe. Hast du vielleicht eine Ahnung wie ich das Problem lösen könnte ? Ich hab dir meine Bat dateien angehängt sowie die ServerGrid.json... Hoffe du kannst mir helfen bzw. einen Tip geben wie ich mein Problem lösen kann.
  7. If u want to host it by yourself , go to netcup ! you got dedicated CPU and much RAM for low budget. Take a look https://www.netcup.de/vserver/ i choose the RS4000G8 with 32 GB RAM and 10 Core. I host a 2x3 Grid . 25 GB RAM is in use and 60% of CPU-usage. Best wishes
  8. Hi, it did not help by my problem. I try to cross the boarder but i get a connection time out by the server. at first I try to change the IP in on my homeserver but it did not work than i try it on my homeserver and my grid but it did not work also. But when i try it without a ship it will work ... only with a ship it did not work. Do u have any idea? Thank u
  9. I try to cross the border and then i have a connection lost to the server for 10 second. I join automatically on the Server. I die and my ship is betwenn the boarder . Can someone help me ?
  10. Same porblem here. Every time i change the cell : 1. the Player die 2. the player life but he spawn in the water and the ship is far far away on the boarder 3. the player cant cross the boarder and u have to restart or reinstall the DB.
  11. Hi , every time i sail to another server session on my dedicated Server my Charakter will die and he is lvl 1 when i respawn. But its only when i sail. When i use cheat fly and go to the other Server session it works. Can someone help me ? Thank you
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