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Everything posted by ninja970y

  1. Tbh is a good idea, upon all speed sail BP wich now dosent even work.....this can be a solution even after devs may patch the speed sails
  2. tbh our tribe alredy passed the milion gold that is not the point, the point is the playershop is useless
  3. what all this concern with my topic?
  4. Tbh Player store its useless, in pvp servers, we was thinking is gonna be a virtual market wich player can access different tribe stores from hes land, like any other MMO RPG , a virtual market, right now no point to build a player shop and put stuff inside, if the buyer come to my land he will not spend money to buy my resource, he will just farmed it him self, or else he is stupid, he travel for hours to spend coins??! My suggestion is to revert how was before like in freeport you can buy resource or else do a proper virtual market and have an economy system
  5. well so somebody should play PVE in a pvp server untill they grow? like wait months?? LOL
  6. server transfer ruined ark? ok after u wipe the enemy in ur own server in ark, and u grow big, how can new bobs join and try make war with you??
  7. Please make like a freeport wich you can transfer ur character and ur shit, ( maybe limited amount of it ) from EU to NA and vice versa. So we can have massive pvp , limitless. Soon or maybe not so much soon EU and NA wont have enemy , but with transfers would be like in ARK . The never ending fight !!
  8. Ok at the moment 6 fire arrow open a wooden door in the ship, and you can make an hole in the boat with just an hatchet or a sickle.... Dosent even need to craft expensive cannon, so you spend hours and hours to build a ship even small, and 1 man with sickle ( wich u can craft in seconds ) can sunk your ship. This is totally unbalanced atm and the game play now is just to go around and sunk other people ship with hatchet insted of plan something with ur tribe or using explosive... DEVS please fix this issue, and try balance the game. Thanks
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