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About Kackalack

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  1. What do you mean connect your own grid to another community?
  2. +1 Stone and puckle change will ruin this game for none zerg groups.
  3. Stone did not need a change this much, but you went ahead and made it nearly impossible for small groups or solos to even have anything now. Making it cost that much more and take that much more damage is nonsense in the least. 20 organic paste and 30-35 metal for a stone piece is going to make it to where only zergs can have any form of protective structure from explosions. Especially with how you increased the stone structures to take over double the damage now. Please revert this god awful change.
  4. I am unable to log back in, I was at the fountain island, I crashed, got back in game, had no hud and a green map, relogged and now I am stuck at primal game data, and sometimes my rejoin button is gone. HELP!
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