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Everything posted by Fathom

  1. How long should one expect for a response to an open ticket? I merged all of my buildings and tames into a company who's owner hasn't logged in since the first week. They have been messaged for months to login and transfer ownership to someone else, but they have been reluctant to do so. I'm an Admin in the company, and I'm the only one left playing since mid-December. All I'm asking is for an GM to transfer the ownership to myself so I can at least do Owner functions within the company. I know I have an option of declaiming/reclaiming everything, but being a solo player, that's impossible with all of my buildings structures, mythical shipyard that I spent weeks gathering resources for, and all of my tames (I'm a breeder).
  2. Good luck getting a response. I've been waiting 12 days with an open ticket regarding Ownership Transfer and have messaged Jat and Dollie in discord without any luck.
  3. Usually the first time you spawn on a bed in another grid/zone, you end up stuck in the floor. It doesn't matter if the floor is stone, thatch, or wood. Sometimes you can still click the bed to spawn to another one, but most of the time you have to punch until you kill yourself. The 2nd time you spawn on a bed, you spawn just fine. It usually only happens the first time you spawn when crossing a server border or after a server restart.
  4. About 80% of the bottles I pick up are empty and do not contain any sort of map at all. I have ran along beaches on multiple servers picking up bottles only to find out I get about 1 map for every 4 to 5 bottles that are there. Is ever bottle supposed to contain a map? I even wait until it tells me what quality bottle it is, and then open it, still no map.
  5. Just put a FOY in all of the Golden Age ruins. Done. Next topic. There are so many other game mechanics that are broken that need fixed. The FOY is awesome for the stat buff, but other areas need more focus.
  6. Fathom


    I thought meshing was resolved...
  7. When gaining a level, the respec option is no longer available. Was this an intended change?
  8. We had a storage unit hacked or brute forced multiple times last night by a group of players. We were on our raft, they were standing there for a short amount of time and then started taking items out of the code protected container. Changed the pin code multiple times and they kept getting in. The PIN codes need changed to just being "Locked" without any PIN code at all. 4 digits is too easy to run a script to figure out in a short amount of time. A suggestion: Storage units and buildings should have two-three permission levels, "Owner", "Company Only" and "Alliance". If you are not in a company, then it defaults to Owner, if you are in a company, then you would only have two options, "Company Only" and "Alliance." And it would default to "Company Only". For anyone else, it should just be "Locked". Removal of the PIN code should take place and they should be required to destroy it or take ownership of the area to gain access to it's contents.
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