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Everything posted by ReaperKnight777

  1. I am a firm believer in addressing problems but not without solutions. First I would like to point out that the game has major performance issues. I have a Decent Pc and can play ARK on Epic at 60 FPS this game is giving me 16 to 23 FPS regardless of setting if I put the settings on Epic it gives me 16-23 if I put everything as low as it can go I get 16-23FPS. solution to this do whatever Ark did to fix this as they had the same issue at launch Second The Spawning Mechanics need to be improved. Some creatures over spawn or spawn out of thin air. Eg. (While harvesting Jute aka (fiber) (the naming conventions are silly really just make fiber fiber and stone stone.) in a relatively safe area after I got rid of all the wolves Tigers and snakes. As I look up 4 Wolves spawn in front of my eyes and Instantly Delete me. There should really be a Dead zone around the player in which creatures don’t spawn. Carnivores also don’t agro on each other. This is stupid as Tigers and Wolves (dogs) are territorial. (Reason this is silly) I got chased by an army of wolves, tigers and Crocks all chasing after me at the same time. This is ridiculous. There should be a proper food chain in place. Third is the Claims. Players are spamming the crap out of Claims and you can’t find any piece of Coast unclaimed to build a Shipyard and/or base. Claims are pointless on PVE and Claims in general are way too large. It is impossible to find space in PVE servers At least in PVP you can contest and steal land but Claims in PVE it’s impossible. Sure saying the Map is Huge is an understatement. Its past massive. However landmass is limited especially coastal areas that are always claimed. Imagine the Supposed 40K players are all playing on the servers at least 35K players won’t be able to claim land apart from finding a space to claim sometimes having to sail the seas for 3 to 4 days to find an island that has claimable space. Solutions to this 1. Decrease claim flag size as it is way to lager anyway. 2. In PVE disable claim flags as its really not needed and making everyone's life difficult to find space this can also be fixed by 1. 3. for Companies only the leader of the company is allowed to place a claim flag and the radius of this will increase slightly by the amount of players in that company. 4. limit the amount of claim flags per player/company to 2 or 3. 5.The only point in claiming is to stop the decay so increase the decay in Free areas (not freeport of lawless) to 5-6 days. Fourth is the decay time. The decay time is supposed to be 3 Days but all my stuff Decayed in a lawless zone within a day. This is ridiculous not everybody is a no life playing the game 24/7 at least give working people a chance to play the game as well. The Raft Decay is too fast I finished playing last night and this morning my Raft was gone along with all my hard work and resources this really needs to be addressed as I can't play the game for hours on end, to find a place to claim that might not even happen as the space is next to none and it takes Hours to find an unclaimed area to claim as players are spamming the crap out of claims in PVE and its not even necessary. This happened twice now in a Lawless region and in a freeport zone. at least make the decay 3 Days and make the raft take damage over 3 days not just lose 5000 HP in 5 hours Solutions to this. 1. make all structures in freeport and lawless zones decay in 2-3 days. 2. make rafts/boats/ships decay slower when anchored. the standard 2-3 or 5-6 days depending on zone. and not take damage while anchored 3. Rafts and boats take damage from the environment. make this stop while anchored. And lastly. Please add something entertaining to do while waiting Hours to get somewhere on a boat/raft its very boring sailing for hours to see land just for the wind to turn as you see it.
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