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Everything posted by wakko151

  1. You know I say this in about 30 threads a week.... Join a group that has already put in the work and has territory.... Join them. 30 Threads a week and no one has ever asked to join my group. Not one single person. Because they think this is ark when its eve.
  2. Fire arrows are currently very expensive and were the only thing that took down alphas consistently. After the latest nerf to both alpha damage and the nerf to fire arrows they are currently very expensive and suck horribly for anything but lag fest zerg island raiding, where they shine because if you set everything on fire you hope more of them die then you. Thats it. No QQ. Just a heads up.
  3. NA PvP Happening since the start of the game Boats that have sunk are not removed from the in game map. They still appear on the map but you can not select them as targets. Thats it. Didn't come here to QQ. Just wanted to give you a heads up.
  4. I'm not leaving. I want to deal with all this Garrrbage and keep going. Official is the only server for me. You still have to deal with crap like this on private servers. For those leaving.... we won't miss you. Of course I don't think this type of crap is acceptable. It needs to be fixed and the people who were responsible need to be dev wiped. End of discussion.
  5. Maybe you should stop being racist?
  6. blah blah blah. Thats what I read because thats what you wrote.
  7. There are actually several groups I know of that live out of freeports. I think someone logs in every few and just repairs the ship. But its a hard life.
  8. I am specced into ship building and then i ended up sailing the ships I built all the time so i specced into captaining skill tree. I don't really see how this needs to be addressed. Great Pic. We actually capture people and put them in cages in our base. Occasionally one logs in and places a claim flag or flips out in local vocal. Sometimes we have given tours of our base, answered questions, made friends. Plus if you remove them, then you can claim. Biggest complaint so far is that they have to hang themselves. You can not hang them. Its not game breaking but it is definely immersion breaking.
  9. Here comes the big blue donut....
  10. i don't even have to argue my point here, i just have to point out that you are wrong.
  11. so you think the game is going to fail because people are going to group up and cooperate? you mean like real life? You think the game is going to die because its supporting a bunch of large groups? How is it going to support large groups and have no one playing at the same time? Its not ark 2.0. You just don't want to learn. Everything that is different is not broken. You just don't feel like learning.
  12. They have nations. They do trade. Alot of people come ot our island for treasure maps. You are required to announce yourselves in global first. I would refrain from talking about things unless you actually know something about it. Just because you made a raft and went out and saw a claim flag and someone blew up your ramshackle sloop doesn't mean you understand the game and know whats going on. It means you have played the game. The politics in this game are pretty intense. You can't just think something and state is as fact. It might convince the people who read the forums and don't play, but its not going to convince the people who are in the thick of it. Considering how easy it is to join a nation and start getting into the game its kinda detrimental to come to the forums and pretend like you got it all figured out.
  13. Personally I don't like to attack peoples anchored ship, Attacking there harbor, killing tames for no reason, or blowing people up unprovoked. However, I do like to raid peoples bases, kidnap them, force them to stop there ship and rob them, or blowing up wartargets and salvaging there wrecks. I think these are integral parts of the game that you can not simply disallow. This game is about nation building. Join, ally, merge. If you aren't willing to work together you are going to have to find some place no one wants to live in order to build up and go griefing. You are going to have to do all the work yourself and its going to take so much longer. But, if you simply agree not to be an jerk and follow some basic rules of engagement then any nation would be happy to have another strong soldier, farmer, tamer, ship builder, sniper, etc.... in there nation. Lines are being drawn and battles are fought all the time over real things. Things that matter in game. And I just feel like alot of people are simply unwilling to change or conform to this new meta and mechanics that we aren't used to and, honestly, we used to gripe about in ark. Its not ark. If you play like ark your gonna have a bad time. Its like EvE. The war fronts are forming. Disputes breaking out. Traders with cargo holds full of stuff you have never even heard of, and you guys are crying on the forums. Love you though. xD
  14. These are all great ideas. See, there are actual people on the forums. With real opinions. That aren't just vain attempts to tempt you into raging into a really slow chat room.
  15. I am not here to argue with you specificly. Attacks on me will just get your ignored. Either talk to me like you respect me or i just won't respect you enough to read your posts. Hope we are clear. As far as just being a PvE problem. That could actually be fixed by making it impossible to weight sink ships if they are anchored.
  16. Well if you can not move while over encumbered then you can not move to ship or anywhere. If you are talking about body bagging then that can also be patched out. That would fix it. No hang gliding when you are over encumbered. Those are all the things you would have to do to ensure that someone can not simply get on your ship with alot of weight unless they actually move it load by load. If you fix the bug where you can drop items and then fill your inventory and then pick up al the items you already dropped then you would actually have to have more then one person on the ship to get the weight over limit. Of course all these Fixes would destroy the current farming meta. No opinion either way to be honest.
  17. so the real problem is that you can move while severly over encumbered. NOT the weight limit on ships. Thanks for giving me a clue. Please convince me you are right cause thats gonna change the game...
  18. Not at all. Tweaking settings is one thing. But to suggest that they spent time coding in a weight limit that sinks a ship, and that is an exploit is different. Maybe they will tweak how much weight sinks a ship but they won't take it out. But thanks for coming out.
  19. Its called a weight limit and if they didn't want to add it in then they wouldn't have coded it.
  20. Aren't they going to do that no matter what?? Exploiting? Ship weight mechanics are not a bug people are taking advantage of. Its a Gameplay mechanic. It was intentionally put into the game.
  21. I was actually apart of something like that this week. It was alot of fun. I would hate to be the guy coordinating it all but my little tiny part of the effort was a lot of fun. Great content. Alot of learning.
  22. I like the crew for the sails. But I would much rather have human crew members on guns and in the crows nest shooting at the enemies ship. If they have NPCs we kill those first with sniper fire. Most people I fight just turn there ship with the wind and head straight. Its sad. Not the games fault. You have to learn. We all do.
  23. Why would they agree to remove half there paying customer? Why would they IP ban china? What do they have to gain from it? China gives us a common enemy so stop screwing over the guys living next to you. MERGE. Fight the fight. And if they cheat? Get Video. Post it to bugs.
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